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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, valid points for sure Zircon. But I think I'm speaking more from my experience at my own skill level (S1 ATM, knocking on the Golden gates I hope =p) while you look at the game from a very theoretical standpoint. Not that there's anything wrong with that, far from it- but in low level play there is a huge discrepancy between what should happen and what actually happens in games, which is where I think Nasus' strength comes from. Nasus should be losing CS and lose lane and get ganked etc but players in my skill bracket kinda suck and can't do that. Countless time's I've had Rivens and Renektons play aggressive randomly and lose trades badly due to minions, or I'm sitting at tower with 30% HP getting poisoned to hell by Teemo, but I'm double his CS.

In a 5v5 ranked there can be a lot more organization, so needless to say it is a different scenario altogether.

Edit - Just wanted to mention that Summoner CD reduction in utility and Distortion boots gives you a 136s cooldown on ghost, which can help mitigate his lack of innate ability.

Edited by Seven

I want to say something about how picking a champion based on a hope that the enemy team can't deal with it is ehhhh but there's always that element in match-ups. (this is probably a misunderstanding of your point)

What I think I want to say is that you should put more emphasis on a balance between positive/negative match ups (like your example: Nasus vs. Teemo) and YOUR ability to play the champion in an aggressive or defensive role (your example of farming under tower). I think that's the point you're trying to make with your post. Theory is the basis for the former while experience is the basis for the latter.


Kitty: Your second point hits the nail on the head and more accurately describes what I was trying to get at: I'm comfortable enough on the champ to the point where I haven't been punished by matchup(6-3 so far on Nas this season), and have won or stayed even in every laning phase. I just don't feel like I can be punished for the pick in and of itself. Two of those losses were largely from me tunneling on my Q-stacks in the mid game instead of TPing or grouping to join teamfights.

I guess the whole original question of whether or not he would be a good pick for OCR's ranked team kinda got derailed by my own bias and opinions towards the champ. After all that rambling, what I wanted to say was: He scales extremely well, and is not necessarily as punishable by matchup or early jungle pressure as people may think.

Sorry for hijacking the thread with my doge-bias. Xd


Hey OCR Heroes, practice tomorrow (Saturday) night? Even just a game or two would be good.

BTW, some thoughts team communication -

* Since bot lane needs to communicate closely, I'd ask that we try to pull back our non-essential chatter a bit. Some of us are more prone to this than others, myself included, i.e. raging about dying or gloating over an awesome kill. I know it's fun BUT I just don't want it to override the important stuff. Something to keep in mind.

* We should probably have two people designated as shot callers, i.e. deciding if we should do baron or push a tower. I nominate Jeff for one since he is very experienced. If the shotcallers disagree, other people can chime in. The idea is just to make sure we're on the same page with clear plans/strats throughout.

* If we ARE all on the same page, then this should cut down some extraneous voice chatter as well and leave the lines open for important calls etc. Sometimes a split second makes a big difference and being able to hear/say that stuff is crucial.

That sound good to you guys? I'm not saying we have to be super serious, just taking precautions to make sure the essential stuff can be heard.

* If we ARE all on the same page, then this should cut down some extraneous voice chatter as well and leave the lines open for important calls etc. Sometimes a split second makes a big difference and being able to hear/say that stuff is crucial.

This is one of the biggest problems I see with the team when I play, Everyone seems like a solid player, but people disagree a lot on objectives/what-to-do next sorta stuff. There's also a lot of 'I expected you to do X, but you did Z' things as well, but that will go away with time and as players learn each others skillsets and attitudes towards the game.

I think my favorite thing that I see out of everyone is how in-depth the analysis is on each matchup. There's definitely an insane amount of strategy-talk that goes on before each match, even the casual ones.


We need a replay of Jeff's amazing Yasuo play from last night. Basically at the beginning of the game, he walked up to top lane and said, "There's only one way to find out if top lane is here!" Then he walked under a turret and stood there until it executed him, but RIGHT before it did, the enemy Vladimir burned his flash trying to take the kill. Absolutely beautiful.


I'm not quite sold on new Xerath

the passive is kinda weird and VERY exploitable for the enemy midlaner

His ultimate is going to have the same problems his old ultimate did, in that anyone with decent ms and the ability to react will NEVER get hit by it

he'll probably dominate soloq for a while though, so I might buy him for dat freelo

I'm taking him into bot as a support. I'm going to redefine passive laning xD

I'm just glad that if people are dumb enough to sit out of XP range (at bottom) that his range will hurt him more than it will help.

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