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Anyway, their rules only apply to a very small percentage of what goes on in the world, a fraction of the internet, and how important they are doesn't matter, if they are the flavor of the month or the year... Because it's for something incredibly stupid. If they hacked something of mine today, I'd deal with it and get over it. Honestly, Anonymous has more power over people because when they get rowdy, they prank call their houses and light a burning bag of doo on your porch, now those guys can ruin lives... But again, they only can ruin your life as much as you really let them. The reaction is what a troll wants, in whatever shape/form they come in.

Well no, they can ruin your life by sending you dildos at your work place and get you fired or shit like that... which I would guess they find extremely funny.

Anyways if I ever do another remix, I'm a call it 'Wall of Cool' :)

Well no, they can ruin your life by sending you dildos at your work place and get you fired or shit like that...
Your workplace is allowed to open your parcels? I doubt.

You just inform your bank that you've been compromised and, hey, free dildos; hilarious novelty gifts to give to inappropriate members of your family.


They are not allowed to, but then again if I received something at work I would probably open it right away.

Anyways it was just an example, but there are ways in which you can seriously harm someone while doing some 'harmless' pranks.

That's their point I reckon. It doesn't mean anything' date=' It's all for the lulz.[/quote']

Which is exactly the result of the skeptical, cynical, nihilistic, pleasure-seeking culture that has been indoctrinated into us. Which is anything but funny- it's actually a symptom of a great disease that these fuckwits are unaware they have.

the "I don't care I do it for LAUGHS" is nothing new, but it is the sign of a seriously unhealthy mind especially when on such a destructive scale.

Their whole manifesto reveals what i knew already- these are whiny deadbeat antisocial teenagers who are shunned in life and have no other means to vent their awkward nerd rage.

The problem is that before, there was something called living in the real world that would dispel this bullshit. Now, they are having a huge hard-erection at all the fame they're getting, and think they are important, when in fact, they are not.


Looks like Lulzsec was exposed. The hacker "the jester" seems to have discovered their identities, or at the very least got the ball rolling.





They have also been stated as outright trying to extort Unveillance.


Looks like shit has hit the fan, folks. Grab the popcorn, this should be amusing.


Five bucks says one or more of the LulSec guys ends up being beaten quite badly by someone with the means to find them, hurt them,and maybe get rid of them.

Of course, since the party(s) that would do so would never admit it due to it still being a crime to beat up other criminals, and the LulzSec guys never admitting to being found and roughed up, we'd never know about it.

I'd like to think it would still happen, though.


I was actually thinking either today or yesterday "You know, sooner or later a REAL hacker (or a hacker much better than these amateurs) is going to expose these fucks and shit on their parade"

I was also thinking that sooner or later, that the internet would get bored of them, thus losing their base of support, or the more likely thing is, being bored teenagers, they'd get bored of this themselves, slip up, and expose themselves.

Either way, I'm hopeful to see that their actions get the consequences they deserve.


It's a good thing I don't give a single flying-fuck what /b/ thinks or does. They can post pictures of dicks to make themselves feel better once it's all over. The way that abortion of a community works is, as I said, they just move on from one thing to another, thus, any "shitstorm" they have usually passes as they once again look for a new kick to fill the void in their lives.


lmao at The Damned's pic.

Oh noes! My Sega Genesis has finally been hacked!!!! I hope the headphone jack and volume slider still work!

In all seriousness though, I really hope all these hacks end at some point. Bad times. Does anyone know if the Sega Hack include information from Hunter's licenses from Phantasy Star Online back in the day?


I'm surprised no one has posted this yet: CNNMoney article

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Hacking groups Lulz Security and Anonymous have teamed up to target governments around the globe in what they're calling "Operation Anti-Security."

LulzSec unveiled its new partnership in a blog post declaring "immediate and unremitting war." The revolution will be tweeted: #AntiSec lit up Monday with comments about the campaign.

"Top priority is to steal and leak any classified government information, including e-mail spools and documentation," LulzSec declared in its post. "Prime targets are banks and other high-ranking establishments."

Pop some popcorn, guys. Things are about to get more interesting.


According to CNN, they're attempting to obtain basically anything that is classified, not necessarily just e-mails (although e-mails will probably be the most plentiful source of secret info).

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