arnquist Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Nobuo Uematsu is my favorite composer. All the Final Fantasy music is amazing.
Platonist Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Nobuo has been my greatest inspiration for over 10 years now. Not entering this competition would be plain stupid!
aj_hix36 Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 This would be awesome!!!! I actually had not realized that Nobuo's page on facebook wasnt the right one! Someone needs to fix that.
Scomber Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Been chillin studying to his and the tracks on OC for years, im in, and im gonna buy him that burger he looks to enjoy, in fact, ill buy 2!
cfx Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Liked! I love the idea behind this campaign -- credit where credit is due. I can't stand posers that manage to steal the limelight from the real deal by copying, twisting, and misleading. There should be more campaigns like this! The contest isn't important. It's righting a wrong I support. For most people, the incentive of competition is a pretty awesome way to get motion, though! It's been utterly awesome to see the number of followers explode over the last 24 hours. Wouldn't you agree?
psycosulu Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 I would have followed him on facebook regardless of this contest if I knew he had a page. I would like to be a part of the contest though.
dwotm Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 yeah, srsly, Uematsu got me playing the piano and composing music in general. His music will always stay with me
Yogarine Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 One of the best composers of all time, and my favorite artist. My profile says it all: The only composer that with a few simple tunes can make me long back to 20 year old games and want to relive those moments all over.
Robin0001 Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Hours and hours of FF music and i sitll can't get enough. Sadly i missed my chance to se Nobuo during the Distant World concert in Sweden. Since i got sick. ( hopefully i won't be sick the next time! ) Nobuo is still my favoirte composer of all times. And after that we have a few additional japanese guys that can create music! Im still curious about one thing though! Who inspired Nobuo to create such wonderful masterpieces?
TJF588 Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Done and doner. Maybe THIS would be enough to convince my musically inclined friend to keep his Fasebohk.
evory Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 This has got to be the quickest growing thread ever. I'm counting hundreds of new fans already (and deservedly so)
kartz Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Seen a couple of his Black Mages Gigs and would love to see them live.
PsionTR Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Nobuo Uematsu's music MADE Final Fantasy the legendary franchise it's become. He is truly a master and I hope to win and see him in person.
Samildanach Emrys Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Consider Uematsu liked. The man deserves all the respect we can give him, and to win either prize in this contest would be unutterably awesome. Final Fantasy (and Lost Odyssey, for that matter) wouldn't be the same without him.
Dvorak_User Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Long-time fan of the series, and I know that the music is part of what made it so good. Even back in the 8-bit days when all we had were barely better than blips, bleeps, and bloops, he knew how to make it all come together in an epic manner. I just wish that I had the money and the means to see him in Chicago next week, but it's not looking likely
CutterKirbyFan Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 I've been a fan of OCRemix since its early days, and a huge fan of Nobuo Uematsu forever! I own the official soundtracks to Final Fantasy VII, X, X-2, XI (Limited Edition OST), Potions 1, and Chrono Trigger. I've never heard of the Distant Worlds concert till now, but it would be absolutely amazing to get a chance to see one of Uematsu-san's performances live. And to meet him in person? I wouldn't even be able to put my excitement into words! Thank you so much for directing all of us to his real Facebook page.
Kerodohi Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 I admit that my all-time favorite FF music is still Hitoshi Sakimoto's score for XII >_< But major props to Uematsu for creating some of the most memorable musical themes ever heard. Count me in for the contest!
Waxius Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 For me I was introduced to Noubo Uematsu from the very first game FF1. I didn't even own the game! My friend did... I played the game at my friend's house every day after school until I beat it.. Come to think of it.... I wasn't a very good friend!! I've been a fan of the series and the music ever since.
Dennyaaa Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 Really nice initiative, this man is a legende and should absolutely have more fans. I ofcourse have already liked everything and just the mere thought that one lucky person is going to meet him, is just, wauw.
Jered Cain Denton Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 I'm in this one to win. Damned shame that the man himself doesn't get the love, after all.
Fishy Posted June 21, 2011 Posted June 21, 2011 I already posted in the FB but I am post here also! Pick me plz.
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