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Alright, so it's a rumor. But there's many things giving the rumor some weight. It starts off with Feargus stating last year that they would like to work on the franchise. Then, last month Obsidian had a job posting for a "highly stylized, high profile RPG". It's unlikely this is an original franchise, given Obsidian's history, the "high profile" description and how their only own IP Alpha Protocol was a commercial failure. Yesterday there was also an interview with Chris Avellone where he's hinting at something with "One thing I'll say - being an independent developer gives you access to franchises I never thought possible a few years back."

So why would Square-Enix ever farm out one of their franchises to Obsidian? For one, they already have a relationship with eachother now through Dungeon Siege 3. Second, we know there are precedents for this. There's Front Mission Evolved, but more importantly they gave their flagship IP Final Fantasy to Grin. That game never got released though, as Grin shut down after Bionic Commando flopping hard sales-wise and the company expanding too fast to keep itself going after that. Still, it showed that SE were very much open to the idea of licensing out their stuff.

I can't find the specific article, but I recall SE being queried on why they're not doing anything with the Chrono series, and their response that the sales had just been too low to warrant anything new. Now, we know that Obsidian is making an XBLA game, and it would probably make sense that the aformentioned RPG they need a 2D character animator for is that game. It doesn't seem too outlandish that Square-Enix would task Obsidian with making a low-risk, downloadable Chrono title instead of going the AAA budget route.


It seems possible, but I don't know if Chrono Trigger would be the right game to tackle. This is probably the most universally beloved RPG ever made, and one of the most common contenders for almost every top 5 "favourite" games. If they mess up a single thing, they will have so much backlash it won't even be funny.


Heck even when they make a fantastic game like Chrono Cross, people STILL give them a lot of backlash because it's not Chrono Trigger!

No-win scenario, as we say.


This would honestly be the best direction for the franchise and I'd be really stoked for the game if it turned out to be true. Obsidian is currently one of my favorite dev studios (together with Valve).

I'm also really interested in seeing how a Western company attempting a JRPG would turn out. Going by games like New Vegas and Alpha Protocol, Obsidian generally has amazing character/plot writing, but can be a bit sloppy with technical/gameplay aspects (i.e. their games tend to be buggy). I think if they did a 2D game this wouldn't be too much of a problem.

So yeah, at the moment, they might just be the best company for the job.

No-win scenario, as we say.

This. Trying to release another Chrono game would just be a disaster on all fronts; Cross didn't fair well, despite being a very solid title and one of the best-looking games on the PSX. But, because it wasn't Chrono Trigger 2: Electric Boogaloo, it was lambasted by die-hards.

Assuming this is even a possibility, I'm extremely wary of its execution. The current retro-rehash/sequel/revival craze from developers has been a mixed bag at best, so if this isn't absolutely amazing they better expect people to hate on it. Hard.


I liked Cross, just never bothered to finish it. One of the things I disliked about CC was you had to have multiple playthroughs to get all the characters. I'm the type of person that when given too much choice, it actually cripples me and makes me put down the controller. Like if you choose to get X character, then you can't get Y character until your new game+, I hate stuff like that.

Anyways, A new Chrono game would be welcomed. They should just put it on the 3DS, or Vita at this point. All the good classic style rpgs are handheld these days. I would almost go as far as saying all the good Jrpgs are on handhelds now. Not trying to troll anybody or spark some debate about wrpgs and jrpgs or anything. There have been a lot less on consoles that I have cared about this generation (Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata being two that I really enjoyed).

This. Trying to release another Chrono game would just be a disaster on all fronts; Cross didn't fair well, despite being a very solid title and one of the best-looking games on the PSX. But, because it wasn't Chrono Trigger 2: Electric Boogaloo, it was lambasted by die-hards.

Assuming this is even a possibility, I'm extremely wary of its execution. The current retro-rehash/sequel/revival craze from developers has been a mixed bag at best, so if this isn't absolutely amazing they better expect people to hate on it. Hard.

Not to rag on you or anything but I really don't get this mentality. Yes, it is one of the most celebrated JRPGs ever, but people have been complaining for years now that Squeenix is basically just sitting on the franchise and not doing anything with it other than the DS port, while C&Ding any fan projects.

Now that rumors start seeping through that we might get some kind of follow-up at last, people are suddenly very sceptical. I'd rather have a game with a slight possibility that it might not be as amazing as the original than no game at all, y'know. And again, IF it really is being done by Obsidian, it really couldn't be in much better hands than that nowadays.


My 2 cents on the thing:

I'd definitely love to see another Chrono game. Let's be honest, Trigger has every right to be on all "Top 10 games" lists. The game was simply awesome, with a great story, gameplay, sound and graphics (for that time). Comparing it to some other RPGs, like Final Fantasy series, it had a much more cheerful nature, probably because it didn't take itself too seriously.

And now, we move onto Cross. Cross was a great game on it's own, and I feel it preserved the "Chrono spirit". But the problem was that the developers tried to make a game that doesn't require playing Trigger to know what the heck is going on, and that's what caused the rift between it's haters and lovers.

If there's a next Chrono game, 2 things can happen: It could be a direct sequel to Trigger, or a new shiny game with the "Chrono" attribute where again the only things that links it to Trigger are a few characters and Lavos as the final boss. Now in both ways, someone is gonna get really disappointed. Trigger fans could be getting their Duke Nukem Forever, and other gamers could be getting another generic RPG with nothing new, because let's be honest, it's hard to follow up one of the best games of all time. We all know that Cross had almost half the sales of Trigger.

My conclusion - chances of a new Chrono game are very low, if not zero.

Not to rag on you or anything but I really don't get this mentality. Yes, it is one of the most celebrated JRPGs ever, but people have been complaining for years now that Squeenix is basically just sitting on the franchise and not doing anything with it other than the DS port, while C&Ding any fan projects.

Now that rumors start seeping through that we might get some kind of follow-up at last, people are suddenly very sceptical. I'd rather have a game with a slight possibility that it might not be as amazing as the original than no game at all, y'know. And again, IF it really is being done by Obsidian, it really couldn't be in much better hands than that nowadays.

I'd rather they sit and do nothing with it beyond porting it to various consoles than them managing to muck it up. As a perfect example, look at the Mana series and Crystal Chronicles; two series they've managed to completely lose the point of after a certain point.

Obsidian's credentials are good, I will give you that. Perhaps SE's best choice right now is to outsource some of their titles to companies like Obsidian, ones who can do it justice. Most of the people who worked on the previous Chrono games aren't even in the company anymore, and well...SE lost their spark a while ago.

The only thing I would require from a new title is Mitsuda on music. In fact, I'd DEMAND it, as he practically made the games for me.

look at the Mana series and Crystal Chronicles; two series they've managed to completely lose the point of after a certain point.

Yeah that's what scares me about it. I'm curious though, is if any of the story had been written for "Chrono Brake" and if Square would give that to Obsidian to work with.

And as one of the seemingly few people who loved Cross just as much if not more than Trigger, if they didn't make a direct sequel but somehow loosely tied it together like CC/CT and it was a well done game, I'd be more than happy.

As said before, Mitsuda is a MUST for composing and I'd like to see more dual and triple techs, Cross kinda blew it on that one (probably because making dual and triple techs for the ridiculously large cast would be a nightmare).

And again, IF it really is being done by Obsidian, it really couldn't be in much better hands than that nowadays.

Now I really need to hear why that is so because I just played Dungeon Siege III through and it is bad. Not only that it failed to bring a satisfactory action rpg experience in its own, it hardly has anything to do with earlier Dungeon Sieges gameplay-wise, and the story isn't glimmering either. The camera is horrifyingly bad and the whole game felt rushed.

And that is the main thing with Obsidian Games (Fallout New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, check their list for the rest of 'em) - every game they've ever made has been rushed, resulting in either a buggy game or one with lackluster content. Usually both.

Thus, I wouldn't expect much. Which is a sad thing, considering a new Chrono Trigger game could be quite a blast.

And that is the main thing with Obsidian Games (Fallout New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, check their list for the rest of 'em) - every game they've ever made has been rushed, resulting in either a buggy game or one with lackluster content. Usually both.

yeah, this has been my experience with their games so far. kotor 2 was also a big letdown for me. and it's a shame, too, because it seems like if they were given more time with their projects, they'd be able to iron out a lot of the issues they have with them. i imagine their release schedules are pretty much out of their hands and have more to do with their publishers.

but if this is the case, i think we'd be better off without a third chrono game, as ridiculous as that might sound.


I am confused

It was mentioned in this thread by different people:

Chrono is most peoples' most beloved RPG of all time

The sales weren't very good

So what does this mean?

I'd love to see a remake or proper sequel. They DID shut down that one 3d remake, remember folks?

EDIT: Just to add this in, it's sad but Square has become something like a producer of merchandise instead of a game company, so it's good that they're outsourcing stuff... Really retarded what they did to GRIN though.

this this this this this this this fuckin this ^

Mmmm, yeah, gonna have to second this. This is reason #1 my NES and SNES are the only consoles hooked up at the moment.

And to be relevant: I absolutely hope a new CT is released. I LOVED JRPGs as a kid, played em all, and pretty much despise them now. That said, I'll always have a soft spot for CT, and I'd definitely play any new iteration without a second though, despite the mindless pressing of the A button til the credits finally roll.

this this this this this this this fuckin this ^

...Except Chrono Cross was really a good game in terms of choice; generally, you're not crippled by character choice. And it didn't change much at all in terms of story impact -- unlike, say, a Bioware game. Though there is a bit of frustration, for sure.

Can't say I've played any games from Obsidian, though. Sounds like I'm not necessarily missing out on much, but I'm with the 'let 'em try' crowd. If they can be pressured to take their time, they'll reap the benefits in the end. Somehow, though, this sounds rather far-fetched to me. I don't see that piece of IP being handed over that carelessly.

Now I really need to hear why that is so because I just played Dungeon Siege III through and it is bad. Not only that it failed to bring a satisfactory action rpg experience in its own, it hardly has anything to do with earlier Dungeon Sieges gameplay-wise, and the story isn't glimmering either. The camera is horrifyingly bad and the whole game felt rushed.

And that is the main thing with Obsidian Games (Fallout New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, check their list for the rest of 'em) - every game they've ever made has been rushed, resulting in either a buggy game or one with lackluster content. Usually both.

Thus, I wouldn't expect much. Which is a sad thing, considering a new Chrono Trigger game could be quite a blast.

I can't speak for Dungeon Siege 3 because I've only played through the demo. However, I'd like to contest you on those other 2 games.

Alpha Protocol was one of the best RPG experiences in a long time for me. The reason for this wasn't a spectacular combat system or outstanding graphics or anything like that (as you mentioned, it was lackluster in those aspects), but because it used an interesting and original setting for an RPG, it had great character writing (Steven Heck), and a plot that was interesting to follow through with a good amount of twists thrown in.

More importantly though, it had so many branching plotlines that it could be an entirely different game based on your dialogue choices. Games like Mass Effect and The Witcher have touched upon this kind of stuff but Alpha Protocol really takes it to the extreme, with characters commenting on your demeanor and referencing stuff you might have said way earlier, possibly using it against you.

Fallout 3 was kind of buggy as well but luckily my experiences with New Vegas were pretty good aside from the occasional enemy clipping through the ground. And again, I MUCH preferred the setting, plot and characters to Fallout 3. I wouldn't say it was lackluster contentwise because the world actually felt quite fleshed out to me.

So yeah, that's why I'd like Obsidian to do it; because they'd have a good story, setting and characters. I also think the fact that it would be a 2D game would mitigate some of the sloppiness Obsidian is known for.


Chrono Cross had way too many characters IMO. I loved the small character choices in Chrono Trigger because basically the game had a buttload to do anyway.

I don't even remember half the characters (or care about) in Chrono Cross.

Now onto Obsidian. KOTOR 2 was a great game, except all the unfinished stuff. (and the horrible load time) It really did feel that they were rushed. I actually had an e-mail conversation with the dude that runs the company about that game a long time ago, because everyone was trolling his inbox at that time over the game, and he basically told me just that. Seemed like he knew all the game's flaws and felt very frustrated at their rushed development. He also listened to a lot of my suggestions for the next KOTOR (that never happened).

So yeah, if Obsidian does their BEST and has lots of time... Yes.


Although I did love Chrono Cross, I can see where it wasn't really the sequel we were looking for.

You know, I would agree with the concept that just about any type of follow up to chrono trigger would be a let down, except that I watched the entire play through of Crimson Echoes (was not originally planning too, but just couldn't stop) and they absolutely nailed it!

Granted a big part of what made it incredible was the way it tied Trigger and Cross together, but the Time Travel consequence theme was played out very well! That was all done with the complex process of rom editing and a very small group, and no money!

So kudo's to those guys, and in your face to SE.


He wasn't talking about New Game+ but about games where you're forced to make choices that 'lock off' some of the other content in the game; for example Act 2 in Witcher 2 is completely different depending on the choices you make in Act 1 (Not just dialogue but actually a completely different base town with different quests)

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