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Sorry guys, I bought Xenosaga the other day. I'm an RPG whore, so that's taking priority over Halo2 ATM.

Eh, i'll be back eventually. And easier to kill than ever before.


[maybe by then I'll have my nice little pogo ninja? hmm?]

Well, the comp is fixed so maybe... And if it's ep 2, I will kill you since it SUCKS. =(

@Red: So it seems I can go up to 6 SOLID colors... No gradients though. Thats the limit for t-shirt screening colors.


6 colors...

Now I just need some of my creativity inducing chili-cheese slop.

[3 hours later...]


Assuming black is the color of the shirt, of course.

Or...wait a minute...

*digs up old badge pics*

This ocbadge.jpg [reduced colors of course] on the front and some banner related to the clan on the back?


Input needed!


@Leafy: You knew damn well I was leaving, don't try to act like you didn't. :-P

Well, I'm back as some of you have noticed, and multi team kicks ass! ESPECIALLY when you go into with a party of four, it splits you up and puts one on each team. That makes for good times. I'd like to thank everyone who was on and let my apartmate into the clan, very nice of you all, I wasn't even going to ask since she has no computer.

I'm finally moved into my apartment, and have cable and internet, and recently got me a 2500 dollar electric piano. YES!!!! It is soooo crystal clear, I can't remember not having a piano since I was 6, so this is nice. And it will eventually pay for itself, what with not needing to keep the upkeep you need on a 'real' piano. Plus, it has a headphone jack, so you can practice without being heard. Anyway, enough about that, I'm really looking forward to playing with the clan again, I've missed the jolly days of 'pass the party leadership around'.


meep wespip, i sent an invite dayss ago...

and redchlorine, can't wait to see the final design ^^ i hope i can get me parents to let me get one...

how will this be distributed and payment taken care of?

i messaged you WesPip, gamertag: "Zero Infiniti"


I guess I should pop on for a bit later to take care of some administrative matters.

If i play any games with anyone, EXPECT ME TO BE [paticularly] HORRIBLE. So..no ranked games. :P

meep wespip, i sent an invite dayss ago...

and redchlorine, can't wait to see the final design ^^ i hope i can get me parents to let me get one...

how will this be distributed and payment taken care of?

Prolly I'll open a paypal... or something =P Dunno yet. And red, could you just post a pic of the outline of the design and let me work my cel-shading magic upon it? It would help me out and give me something to do during my vocational class (graphic arts) and, since it sorta is a commission of sorts, I can get a grade on it and use it in my portfolio if I ever get into an art school or something...
@Leafy: You knew damn well I was leaving, don't try to act like you didn't. :-P

Well, I'm back as some of you have noticed, and multi team kicks ass! ESPECIALLY when you go into with a party of four, it splits you up and puts one on each team. That makes for good times. I'd like to thank everyone who was on and let my apartmate into the clan, very nice of you all, I wasn't even going to ask since she has no computer.

I'm finally moved into my apartment, and have cable and internet, and recently got me a 2500 dollar electric piano. YES!!!! It is soooo crystal clear, I can't remember not having a piano since I was 6, so this is nice. And it will eventually pay for itself, what with not needing to keep the upkeep you need on a 'real' piano. Plus, it has a headphone jack, so you can practice without being heard. Anyway, enough about that, I'm really looking forward to playing with the clan again, I've missed the jolly days of 'pass the party leadership around'.

Yes! That was some great halo fun! It was nice to have Marius and Cyanide back. w00t. We also have a really cool new member Ratirna! Metrion came and played a while too, so yeah...good times! Here's an awesome video of a match we played together that night It's a slayer match on gemini! Great stuff.



I'll see about getting some of my classmates together for a game with ya all later... Maybe this weekend if I'm up to it after work, Ren. Festival if Emily can get enough people from work to go, and other nonsense...

Also, the origins of the "Sniper Kitty" picture are from neko the kitty, on this comic: http://www.nekothekitty.net/cusp/daily.php?date=050831

"FUCK! No thumbs..."

Quote from a friend who is NORMAL, unlike what some will think: "The only furry weirdos are the suit wearing plushie raping bastards giving us all a bad name..."


i'll probably be on sometime soon i hope, our connection was working great for the past two weeks, then last night it stops allowing us to connect to xbox live...it'll connect then boot us or it won't find it...its really really annoying...but as soon as we get it fixed i'll be around in the evenings



I have been at an absence from playing Halo for a while now (almost 3 weeks) and my brain is craving violence. Now... the reason I haven't been on recenty is because my dad has discovered the wonders of XBox Live and Moto GP3 (Which is why you may have seen my gamertag saying that). This has prevented a few opportunities to play but if I can convince him not to play tomorrow, I might be on. Can't guarantee anything though.


Okay it works, my roommates put in wrong numbers in the network settings...now i'm at lvl 13 in rumble pit...working my way through there...i guess i'll have to go into the team slayer as well since my roommates are lvl 22 and 26 in there.


I have been at an absence from playing Halo for a while now (almost 3 weeks) and my brain is craving violence. Now... the reason I haven't been on recenty is because my dad has discovered the wonders of XBox Live and Moto GP3 (Which is why you may have seen my gamertag saying that).

I was wondering about that myself.

Racing above senseless violence? It just didn't make sense.

Tonight me and a friend may get on, if anyone else is on, cause I don't want to go into a dumbass training

match with dumbass noobs.

EDIT: This topic has seen 777 posts... ominous?

Wow! Lazy FINALLY got staff! YAY!

Yeah, well..she deserved it, what with the uploads and all. I sent her a verbal warning not to go mad with power though :P

Can someone send Shmop an invite back into the Clan? I left to help a freind rank back up.

And, besides that, I miss you guys.

Who WOULDN'T miss us? Even Icy still plays with us, just not as a member of the clan. I'll try to send you an invite sometime soon, but if anyone's on before me and notices that Shmop isn't back in the clan yet, send him an invite.


Speaking of which, where the hell were you tonight? I make a (somewhat) triumphant return and you aren't even there :evil:

Anyway, it was a good evening playing with some random guys, Metrion, Redchlorine, and others. Won't be able to make it tomorrow, but I might squeeze in some time on Sunday to play a few games.


Invite me into clan kthx

gamertag is "boys gone wild"

haha and b4 u say anything it's a joke :mrgreen:

and since im posting whats clan rank?

(too lazy/ not sure where to look it up)

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