WesPip Posted October 6, 2005 Author Posted October 6, 2005 Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh.And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs* And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place. And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together? My GOD. Time flies. *Tear* We need to get together again, Wes. Oh god, Cyanide... *cries* The memories! Quote
etherealprince Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 I still havent played with many of you. I would love to soon though, just hit me up on AIM or send me a party invite, im on alot really Quote
Yellow 13 Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 I would f**cking play more if Wespip would get off his butt and play more as well . I'll have plenty of time to play tonight when I get home tonight and tomorrow night. If there're more than one person on tonight, then I shall play. Quote
KonohaNinja Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh.And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs* And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place. And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together? My GOD. Time flies. *Tear* We need to get together again, Wes. Oh god, Cyanide... *cries* The memories! *burts out crying* *sniff* ;_; Bumper hogs all night long..god..I miss those days...but hey we still play..just not as often. I've been really busy at school..and this weekend is teh big JOhn Mayer trio concert! booya. I'll try to get on tonight if I finish this paper in time..so yeah get online every one! I'll record toO! On another note! I nominate that this song be our Team Ocremix clan theme song! > http://halo.bungie.org/news.html?item=14186 Quote
metrion Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh.And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs* And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place. And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together? My GOD. Time flies. *Tear* We need to get together again, Wes. Oh god, Cyanide... *cries* The memories! *burts out crying* *sniff* ;_; Bumper hogs all night long..god..I miss those days...but hey we still play..just not as often. I've been really busy at school..and this weekend is teh big JOhn Mayer trio concert! booya. I'll try to get on tonight if I finish this paper in time..so yeah get online every one! I'll record toO! On another note! I nominate that this song be our Team Ocremix clan theme song! > http://halo.bungie.org/news.html?item=14186 w00t! i'll be there! and i dunno about that song, it's hilarious, but you and ratirna are (as far as my knowledge goes) the only girls in the clan... but then again, it is kick ass... with a random meow at the end! hmm, i say we have someone do a remix of that song or the original as our clan theme song ^^ also, can anyone with a decent knowledge of bbcode help me with my sig? i tried adding another thing too it but it said it was too long so i went to tinyurl.com to shorten the urls in it but they don't work too well with the bbcode... Quote
53phy Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 I'm going to do my very best to be on tonight. We're working on the room my Xbox is in, so it might be a while before I get a chance to play again. Quote
WesPip Posted October 6, 2005 Author Posted October 6, 2005 I won't be on for awhile though, I'm afraid. I'm house-sitting at my mom's, and her internet connection is not suitable for XBL. I'm here 'til Monday night. Plus, I broke the little clip thinger on my second headset. Rather than buying yet another one, this one gets taped. Taped a lot. Quote
metrion Posted October 6, 2005 Posted October 6, 2005 wespip: just do what i did after breaking the clip on my first and buying a first party replacement and breaking the clip on that one too, i just got a cheap little $5 headset piece (only the headset) which i kinda like more since it only goes on my ear so i can lean against the back of my chair and not have the band going into my head did a quick search and found one similar to what i had: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/245795.asp also, while searching for that, i found this: http://www.gamestop.com/gs/360/360_dell.asp any takers? Quote
Deej Valen Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Funny song Lazy... But can we please make something thats for both guys and girls? o.o That song makes me feel bad... *ahem* The new Castlevania game for DS (DS OWNAGE!) is GREAT. If you've played the first (Aria of Sorrow) it picks up at the end, a year later. It is MUCH better now that you have to do things such as seal bosses away using the touchscreen and also breaking crystals to form paths to climb upwards, sliding puzzles to change a few variable rooms, and also for telling your little bat familar to harass this one particular enemy for you while you kick everything else's ass. Luffly I say, LUFFLY! Also, Advance Wars is sweet so pick that up as well. I will destroy you with Sasha and Colin! -insert long maniacal laughter here- So yeah, once it dries a little later I'll cut the grass outside and then be on pretty much all day... w00ph. Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Yeah, hopefully I'll be on a bit today as well. I've been busy the past week with Star Wars: Republic Commando. Decent bit of gaming (for about a week on single player), but I'm done with it now, so hopefully I'll see you guys on today. (And tomorrow; national holiday, bitches!) Quote
Yellow 13 Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 Well, I was off and on today. Vaguely dissappointed that no one I knew was on. All I really did today was Team Sniper games (which I did okay in) and that was all. I probably won't play again tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Quote
metrion Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 ya deej, that's kinda what i said about the song lazy posted... also, my OMG A LAN PARTY was a big hit ^^ go to my dA page: http://m3trion.deviantart.com/ to read a little about it and to see a few pics from it (which i should submit soon...) i'm probably not gonna get on tonight, my xbox is still downstairs from the LAN, and i'm too lazy to hook it up... Quote
Deej Valen Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 Yeah, hopefully I'll be on a bit today as well. I've been busy the past week with Star Wars: Republic Commando. Decent bit of gaming (for about a week on single player), but I'm done with it now, so hopefully I'll see you guys on today. (And tomorrow; national holiday, bitches!)Not for me. I sure as fuck didnt get the day off... Lousy bastards running my city... Quote
noTuX Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 I know this post is REALLY out-of-place, but I didn't exactly feel it was necessary to start a new thread about this just yet.I was just wondering, will there be a OC ReMix clan for SOCOM 3 when it comes out? Ummm...hello? Quote
Yellow 13 Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 I know this post is REALLY out-of-place, but I didn't exactly feel it was necessary to start a new thread about this just yet.I was just wondering, will there be a OC ReMix clan for SOCOM 3 when it comes out? Ummm...hello? You could... you know, start your own Quote
metrion Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 I know this post is REALLY out-of-place, but I didn't exactly feel it was necessary to start a new thread about this just yet.I was just wondering, will there be a OC ReMix clan for SOCOM 3 when it comes out? Ummm...hello? You could... you know, start your own ya, this is a halo 2 clan Quote
supremespleen Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right? right? Quote
Deej Valen Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? Who are you again? o.O Quote
Cyan_Ide Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? I do, supremespleen. Quote
supremespleen Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? I do, supremespleen. Yesssssss. And Deej... I'm supremespleen. Duhhh. Quote
metrion Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? omg tis YOU! *slaps* where have you been ;_; Quote
supremespleen Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? omg tis YOU! *slaps* where have you been ;_; I messed up my headset, and haven't really felt like putting it back together. And now I'm wayyyyyy out of practice, so I suck more than usual. Quote
metrion Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? omg tis YOU! *slaps* where have you been ;_; I messed up my headset, and haven't really felt like putting it back together. And now I'm wayyyyyy out of practice, so I suck more than usual. a messed up headset is no reason to leave me in the dark like that ;_; (it's fun to bicker like a married couple ^^) Quote
supremespleen Posted October 11, 2005 Posted October 11, 2005 Wow. I forgot about Halo. I bet you guys miss me. Right?right? omg tis YOU! *slaps* where have you been ;_; I messed up my headset, and haven't really felt like putting it back together. And now I'm wayyyyyy out of practice, so I suck more than usual. a messed up headset is no reason to leave me in the dark like that ;_; (it's fun to bicker like a married couple ^^) AND I'M PREGNANT WITH SOMEONE ELSES CHILD Quote
WesPip Posted October 12, 2005 Author Posted October 12, 2005 Alrighty chil'uns, enough of that. I'm going to be on later, as is Deimos. I warn you now, I'll do HORRIBLE. I haven't played since that drunken night at Mr B's. Expect me on around 10:30 or so CST. This is going to hurt. Quote
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