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Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Blood on the Asphalt - History

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What are the requirements to be a mixer? I'm working on a Ken Stage mix right now, maybe it will fit in your project. :)

Made in USA

The requirements are musical arrangement and production ability, an ability to meet deadlines and a sense of theme, mood and tone, which you seem to have.

I dig your WIP muchly. If you can produce a completed version by November 16th, you've got the spot. We needed some hard rock to compliment our rave, trance, break-beat, R&B and hip-hop.

We needed some hard rock to compliment our rave, trance, break-beat, R&B and hip-hop.

I'm ordering some nylon guitar strings for a flamenco-ish track :)


PS: $30 for 6 fucking strings?! AAAAH! But the good news is, I can get by with the $7 set too. It was a bitch to find a cheaper set without silver wrapped around the lower strings.

If you can produce a completed version by November 16th, you've got the spot.

Okay, I'll get on it. Should be finished pretty soon.

Big hug to Sixto!!!

Hey Shael, since I can't be giving you any more advcaned WIP on Cammys (since all is left to do is final recordings) i will try and work on a new song for the project and WIP you (hahahaha "WIP" you, get it? :wink: ) by the deadline. Cheers!


Hey Shael. I'm going to try to get some work done on my mix. But, I'm not sure if I can. So, I may or may not make the deadline. I just can't get any ideas. If anyone has FL & wants to collab & try to expand upon what I already have, that'd be great. Just let me know.


Personally I find some of the music on the original SNES Street Fighter II game better than the ones on SSF2 or SF2Turbo. (Balrog's theme is different between both games. Not sure of any other differences besides absent characters..)

I wish to book on Chun-Li's Stage as a planned submission for this project..if that's okay. ^^

Personally I find some of the music on the original SNES Street Fighter II game better than the ones on SSF2 or SF2Turbo. (Balrog's theme is different between both games. Not sure of any other differences besides absent characters..)

I wish to book on Chun-Li's Stage as a planned submission for this project..if that's okay. ^^

Sure thing. You got 15 days to give me a one-minute WIP.

Balrog's stage, unless I'm very wrong, is only arranged slightly betweeen SF2, SSF2 and SSF2:T. I've played both SNES carts and the arcade game for, like, a bazillion hours. The major difference between the three versions is the quality of the midi instruments; the arrangement itself is changed only marginally between itterations.

Despite my mixing mediocrity, I'll check out the soundtrack and see what I can do. I'd love to help this project in whatever way possible.

There are some short and simple tracks if you're looking for lighter faire. Check out the bulk of the ending themes, or even some little pseudo-sound effect ditties like "Here Comes a New Challenger."


Man, I'd so be all up ons Vega's Theme if I weren't swamped with like 3 other projects already...sorry, man. You've already got some serious talent lined up, though. Definitely gonna be something I'll be looking forward to.

isn't blood on the ashphalt the name of...some song or album already?

It's originally the name of a series of governmentally subsidized films with an anti-drunk-driving message, probobly part of Reagan's "war on drugs."

That was back when didn't have any war proper going on.

Anyway, the title's subsequently been used a few times by different facets of the music industry, usually in an ironically anti-establishment capacity.

I think it suits our purpouses.


I am going to have to drop out of this one too unfortunately. I haven't really been able to make anything jaw-dropping, and the fact that school is just around the corner has dawned on me. Sorry Shael. Actually, this should be good news to you because you can have get somebody to actually do the Ryu theme justice. :D

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