Aurora Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I leaved a message on the box and ... well... I screwed real bad. I totally forgot that I'm not used to talk in english at all. I totally froze up, searching for words, making errors and stuff. So, Aurora and/or Rayza, when you will hear this, please don't judge this poor frenchie fellow. I was really surprised by this bad english skillz of mine... I will do another one maybe but I will write it in advance and practice. Sorry for that! Heh that's okay! We're just happy you called! If you don't want us to use it, let us know... but otherwise I thought it was cute
Joyzilla Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I leaved a message on the box and ... well... I screwed real bad. I totally forgot that I'm not used to talk in english at all. I totally froze up, searching for words, making errors and stuff. So, Aurora and/or Rayza, when you will hear this, please don't judge this poor frenchie fellow. I was really surprised by this bad english skillz of mine... I will do another one maybe but I will write it in advance and practice. Sorry for that! Heh that's okay! We're just happy you called! If you don't want us to use it, let us know... but otherwise I thought it was cute Yeah... But then again, I'll write my next try and call in a few minutes.
Navi Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 My name is Prince Azuzu. I am the manager of the international commercial bank Ghana, first light branch. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of us$3,500.000.00.
Joyzilla Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 There.. Joyzilla's Voice Message: Take Two recorded. I know it sounds less spontaneous than the miserable first one so, if you feel forced to use the first one as an example, feel free to do so. This could be a good sample of "Things to avoid with 1 min.30 provided in a voice message." Well, do as you must!
The DEWK Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 My name is Prince Azuzu. I am the manager of the international commercial bank Ghana, firstlight branch. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of us$3,500.000.00. IMPOSTER! You look nothing like him!
Navi Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 My name is Prince Azuzu. I am the manager of the international commercial bank Ghana, firstlight branch. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of us$3,500.000.00. IMPOSTER! You look nothing like him! This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved end of the year report for the year 2004 to my head office here in Accra and they will never know of this excess. I have since then, placed this amount of us$3,500.000.00 on a suspense account without a beneficiary.
Aurora Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 My name is Prince Azuzu. I am the manager of the international commercial bank Ghana, firstlight branch. I am a Ghanaian married with two kids. I am writing to solicit your assistance in the transfer of us$3,500.000.00. IMPOSTER! You look nothing like him! This fund is the excess of what my branch in which I am the manager made as profit during the last year. I have already submitted an approved end of the year report for the year 2004 to my head office here in Accra and they will never know of this excess. I have since then, placed this amount of us$3,500.000.00 on a suspense account without a beneficiary. you probably cut and pasted that... oh wait the spelling is too perfect.
Aurora Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 There.. Joyzilla's Voice Message: Take Two recorded.I know it sounds less spontaneous than the miserable first one so, if you feel forced to use the first one as an example, feel free to do so. This could be a good sample of "Things to avoid with 1 min.30 provided in a voice message." Well, do as you must! awwwwwwwwww it was so nice!!!!!!!! thanks so much, Joyzilla... super super sweet... and the message en français? HAWT. Très bon!!
Joyzilla Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 There.. Joyzilla's Voice Message: Take Two recorded.I know it sounds less spontaneous than the miserable first one so, if you feel forced to use the first one as an example, feel free to do so. This could be a good sample of "Things to avoid with 1 min.30 provided in a voice message." Well, do as you must! awwwwwwwwww it was so nice!!!!!!!! thanks so much, Joyzilla... super super sweet... and the message en français? HAWT. Très bon!! Thanx *scratches back of head*
Gaea Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Damn you both!!! Don't you think I have laughed enough last month? Rayza loved the whole Freudian slip there... What the hell are you saying I am gay for?? Yes we do have a pool and I already explained the 3 bedroom thing to Rayza but apparently he has selective memory, we both have our own havens aside from our bedroom. I wouldn't say next meet up should be here considering we would all be freezing our asses off with it being the middle of winter. Personally I don't think there would be a problem hosting the next summer edishun at our house. I am still holding you to coming over here Rayza to watch can come over at any point you know (bring some movies). As for TheDewk... Couldn't help but laugh at the night terror thing, it really did scare the shit out of me. Yes he did swim in our pool and used our BBQ. As for the show, you guys rock and keep the good stuff coming. BTW I didn't think that was offensive Rayza and loved the point of "free radio" where you have to watch what you say... Keep it up guys and can't wait for the next one.
sgx Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I want more Rama reports with him sipping on a drink in the middle. :sip....AAAHH: oh and suggestion for the show: You spend like a whole minute reading out all six of the RRR songs. Don't care. Just care about the one that was picked. Skip to the chase.
Navi Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I want more Rama reports with him sipping on a drink in the middle.:sip....AAAHH: 9 out of 10 IRC listeners agree. It was a very classy report. Statistics source: rama
Aurora Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I want more Rama reports with him sipping on a drink in the middle.:sip....AAAHH: oh and suggestion for the show: You spend like a whole minute reading out all six of the RRR songs. Don't care. Just care about the one that was picked. Skip to the chase. Ya we've heard support for both sides...people want us to read them so they know we're not completely lying and just picking songs we wanna play, other people don't care. I guess if you read them out, someone might pick up on a game or something and then go to the site and try to look for it, but probably more often then not, people just tune out for that part. We'll ahve to discuss it more.
Rayza Posted August 15, 2005 Author Posted August 15, 2005 Yeh I think thats why we decided to do it. People might be interested in hearing a song that we mentioned or something.. Personally I don't care if we read them off or not, it's just the way we've been doing it. At least I got the dates dropped off the titles, that was a bit wacky.
Jillian Aversa Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Eeeeehehehe! My favorite moments on this week's show: "Helllo...My name is...Injected...and I did a remix called...purgatory. It's good." Sounds like Rama was having trouble saying "Final Fantasy Tactics." It kept coming out more like, "Fahl Fancy Tactics." And ew....what's with all the ahh's and groans? I swear I pay more attention to the comedic value of The Rama Report than what he's actually saying... Best. Freudian. Slip. Ever. Rayza trying to tell us something? Stinger. ROFL But like anybody cares... ^_~
Aurora Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Eeeeehehehe! My favorite moments on this week's show: "Helllo...My name is...Injected...and I did a remix called...purgatory. It's good." Sounds like Rama was having trouble saying "Final Fantasy Tactics." It kept coming out more like, "Fahl Fancy Tactics." And ew....what's with all the ahh's and groans? I swear I pay more attention to the comedic value of The Rama Report than what he's actually saying... Best. Freudian. Slip. Ever. Rayza trying to tell us something? Stinger. ROFL But like anybody cares... ^_~ i care...
Jillian Aversa Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 Eeeeehehehe! My favorite moments on this week's show: "Helllo...My name is...Injected...and I did a remix called...purgatory. It's good." Sounds like Rama was having trouble saying "Final Fantasy Tactics." It kept coming out more like, "Fahl Fancy Tactics." And ew....what's with all the ahh's and groans? I swear I pay more attention to the comedic value of The Rama Report than what he's actually saying... Best. Freudian. Slip. Ever. Rayza trying to tell us something? Stinger. ROFL But like anybody cares... ^_~ i care... Yayyyy!
DarkeSword Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I think having a separate forum for VGDJ is a bad idea. This is OCR's official podcast, right? It should be based on OCR. If you create a separate forum for, the show's focus will invariably shift away from OCR to VGDJ's own community; we'll start hearing more inside jokes and, eventually, music unrelated to OCR.
Aurora Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I think having a separate forum for VGDJ is a bad idea. This is OCR's official podcast, right? It should be based on OCR. If you create a separate forum for, the show's focus will invariably shift away from OCR to VGDJ's own community; we'll start hearing more inside jokes and, eventually, music unrelated to OCR. I agree with this... we need a VGDJ section int he Forum list.
Mono Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I want more Rama reports with him sipping on a drink in the middle.:sip....AAAHH: You can even hear the ice in the glass. In my mind's eye, I see Rama sitting in some swanky bar (called Granma's), a cocktail in one hand and a mic in the other... maybe it's just me. Anyway, it's a vast improvement on the sound quality of previous reports, which seemed to be recorded in a garage. So, yeah, I've been listening since Ep.001. I wasn't sure at first if I'd stick with it, but here I am 3 months later, still listening religiously. Aurora and Rayza have some really good chemistry/banter going on, and the interviews and ReMixers' soundbites are pretty fascinating. Thanks for making Mondays less crappy, VGDJ!
jmr Posted August 15, 2005 Posted August 15, 2005 I just discovered that I can put include the VGDJ feed on my Google home page. *gmail account required* Go to and sign in Click the 'Add Content' button in the upper left corner. Click 'Create A Section', and enter: Voila! VGDJ on your google page. click thumbnail to enlarge. This might be handy for those of us who don't use feed aggrigators. Plus, you can add nearly ANY RSS feed, such as OCR, Tha Sauce, and VGMix. I also have been around since #001, and have been listening ever since. Keep up the good work guys, and I'll keep on voting!
Rayza Posted August 16, 2005 Author Posted August 16, 2005 Sweet, thats a good tip jmr. Thanks for the support you've been giving us too, we always appreciate it..
Aurora Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 I want more Rama reports with him sipping on a drink in the middle.:sip....AAAHH: You can even hear the ice in the glass. In my mind's eye, I see Rama sitting in some swanky bar (called Granma's), a cocktail in one hand and a mic in the other... maybe it's just me. Anyway, it's a vast improvement on the sound quality of previous reports, which seemed to be recorded in a garage. So, yeah, I've been listening since Ep.001. I wasn't sure at first if I'd stick with it, but here I am 3 months later, still listening religiously. Aurora and Rayza have some really good chemistry/banter going on, and the interviews and ReMixers' soundbites are pretty fascinating. Thanks for making Mondays less crappy, VGDJ! hehe sweet! Its so awesome to hear that... I see you joined not too long ago... did VGDJ have any influence on you joining the community at OCR? (just curious!)
Arcana Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 Maybe I'll send a clip... some time... get myself heard... what can I rant about... I laugh a lot at work listening to VGDJ. I don't even remember what I laugh at, but I'm sure my officemates have learned to ignore me by now.
Nicole Adams Posted August 16, 2005 Posted August 16, 2005 I laugh a lot at work listening to VGDJ. You lucky, lucky man. I wish I could listen to it at my work. It gets really boring workin' at the Staples service desk.
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