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oops looks like it's neblix be a dick time again

sharing is caring bro

Glad I'm not the only person who has realized how mean Neblix can be ;_;

I need ter find some good drum samples too. If you have any chth I'd love to get my hands on 'em. I'm using Battery 3 so I need the individual wavs, I don't think I can slice a loop. x_x

p.S. Good luck in Round 2 le Rexay

You do NOT have my kit.

You have my old kit I made like more than heif year ago.

Public statement tiiiime:

The Beat Busters LLC. will not share its pool of resources with wannabe champions such as yourselves.

Have you any friends, sir?

I really hope you don't act like this in real life, and there's no justification for doing this online, either.


He's just messing with you guys. Also you realize that you're all competing right? This is a competition, it's perfectly fine to say, "No, I'm not gonna share my resources with you guys."

That said, I'm not the biggest fan of trash talk, so let's everyone tone it down please.

I also want to clear something up because Emunator asked me just now on AIM: you should not be bringing in outside artists to help you work on your pieces. You need to either do your mix by yourself or get help from your team members, no one else.

You do NOT have my kit.

You have my old kit I made like more than heif year ago.

Public statement tiiiime:

The Beat Busters LLC. will not share its pool of resources with wannabe champions such as yourselves.

My unintentional boner joke was way more offensive than this.

(intentional boner joke)


To clarify, I'm not a pussyass sensitive-type. BRING ON THE TRASH TALK.

His first message set the tone for how I read the second, and reasonably so since the internet is kind of a toneless place. Through that lens, I read it as being unnecessarily dickish rather than just simple trash talk. My fault. It was trash talk, apparently. I WAS WRONG, ARGUMENT AVERTED. Moving on!


Unless you want your team to throw away free points, get your team members who haven't voted yet to do so.

Here are the teams and team members who haven't yet voted:

Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man


The Concrete Men

Jason Covenant

Blue Bomber Brotherhood



The Beat Busters

neblix (I know you're aware of the rules, but you're on this list for completeness's sake)


Dr. Light's Luminosity Legion

Cyril the Wolf

Cold Steel


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