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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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It's not an official project, but that doesn't matter since we're still not 100% completed. The SFII was a major milestone for OCR but it has in no way interfered with our project. Just to get that out of the way.

Don't worry, when we're done it won't be long before we're going to be released. For the official progress though, you'll have to ask Kyle. He's the one that's got all the up-to-date info and the contact with OCR.

As far as I know, we´re still on track for 2011 ;)


LOL. I think about half of this thread contains insane date estimates on this project's release.

I'm really surprised on how hyped I am for this project. I'm not a huge Tales fan and the only one I've completed through the end is Symphonia. Lots of guitar bias here as well. LuIzA was kind enough to give me a sneak preview for her collab with CarboHydroM a year back...loving that track.

Can't wait.

LOL. I think about half of this thread contains insane date estimates on this project's release.

"Insane"? You really haven't been following this project that long, have you? We're not kidding!

Also, I'd like to think this project is the quintessential definition of "guitar bias". But then I have a huge personal guitar bias, and really, should Tales battle themes be anything other than ROCKED THE FUCK OUT?!

My theory is they are actually waiting until this thread gets 10000 posts. Also in the stipulations are that more than 75% of them must be about when the project is going to release.
over 9000 actually
My theory is they are actually waiting until this thread gets 10000 posts. Also in the stipulations are that more than 75% of them must be about when the project is going to release.

Aren't you the expert in getting as much posts as possible? :P

get done already asswipes

Seriously, what is your problem? They'll get done when they get done. Period, end. No need to be a jerk. There's plenty of other people for that. Go back to lurking would you? Please??


Well folks, seeing as we now have to start remixing our tracks, I have to bow out. I just don't feel like doing any songs for this anymore. It was fun just hanging out over at the forums, but now that we have to start "working", I hate that word... I'm not doing this "work" is what I'm trying to say. Screw that mess. Though, if this projects still going strong in a few months, I might do something, maybe.

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