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Since I was missing most of the day, and the turnout of WIPs was pretty dismal, I'm extending the WIP deadline to Tuesday, November 15th. PLEASE have a WIP to me by then. Show me that at least some of you are interested in getting this project completed.


Since I was missing most of the day, and the turnout of WIPs was pretty dismal, I'm extending the WIP deadline to Tuesday, November 15th. PLEASE have a WIP to me by then. Show me that at least some of you are interested in getting this project completed.

Don't give up faith you fool. You told me that millions of times not to and look how my project is.

Just keep being awesome and all's good dude.

we've been busy hating the Toronto Maple Leafs :P

Oooh, a little French Canadian Vs. Those other Canadians animosity there, eh? :P

oh no no. When we're talking hockey, it's not about the French Canadians. The most brutal rivality we had was against the Quebec Nordiques (RIP); so it's the Canadiens vs the World. And there's no such thing as animosity, it outright hatred :lol:

btw, I just submitted a pre-WIP of Law, and Christian and I are currently working on it, I'll have a more complete shit by tomorrow.


Since I was missing most of the day, and the turnout of WIPs was pretty dismal, I'm extending the WIP deadline to Tuesday, November 15th. PLEASE have a WIP to me by then. Show me that at least some of you are interested in getting this project completed.

I now have a good number of the refills, so I should be pretty good to complete the song well before the completion due date. I've made some changes, right now it sounds worse than the original, but that's because I'm changing parts of the piece to make it sound more consistant (And it's not done yet). I'd gladly give a wip, but I don't think you'll like what you'll hear. I could give a 'presentable' by this weekend. =P

Also, the baby is coming this week, so I'll be taking off of work for a week after the baby is delivered. I'll have a lot of down time, hopefully a time where I can get a good chunk of work done.

Don't lose hope, we're all behind you.




We are quickly approaching what will hopefully be the final WIP due date for the Summoning of Spirits project. This is the all-or-nothing, folks. It pretty much goes like this: Show some interest, some progress, or something of the sort, or face a potential (read: most likely) project removal. Some folks that have been sitting on their songs but not showming me any progress for the last six months need to step it up and show that they're interested. Unfortunately, my abilities to discuss the project in a personal matter with most of you has been rather limited for the last several due dates, mostly because I've had many personal changes in the last several months. Please bear with me, and PLEASE, PLEASE keep me updated on your progress if you're not doing so already.The January 2nd final due date, right now, looks like it probably won't hold. Prove me wrong! ;)

The next WIP due date is:


If there is a lack of progress from anyone who hasn't already made good progress on this due date, it is very likely they will be removed from the project. That is all.


New wip from me, coming soon to private WIP forums near you. I'm starting to worry that my song doesn't stick together as a cohesive whole, and that the samples are teh sux. Hopefully with live guitar it will sound a whole helluvalot better.

Anyone got any ideas on where to upload? Soundclick sucks now, and tindeck isn't working... :(

Show some interest, some progress, or something of the sort, or face a potential (read: most likely) project removal.

*showing some interest* plz dont cancel this


Recording is almost underway!

Show some interest, some progress, or something of the sort, or face a potential (read: most likely) project removal.

*showing some interest* plz dont cancel this


Recording is almost underway!


Kyle, any contact with DCT?

I am redoing the song I picked. The ENTIRE song. From scratch. I'm so sick of it now. I'll have a wip shortly. I think. I hope.

Whoa. That should be interesting. I really liked the original you had going, but if you want to redo it, go for it man! :)

The project is looking good right now, folks. I haven't been around too much due to other commitments at the moment, but all should be back to normal by next week. I have been reading all emails and PMs sent to me, so if I haven't gotten back to you yet, don't worry; I've read your messages. ;) Keep it up!

I am redoing the song I picked. The ENTIRE song. From scratch. I'm so sick of it now. I'll have a wip shortly. I think. I hope.

At least spare the solo. ;p


That solo sounds hideous to me now and I'm not sure why I recorded it that way. :( No substance, just pointless shredding. I need something a bit more melodic. My fingers are doing a little better, but I want to wait until I get my Mesa/Boogie Stilleto head before I record anything.


Naah. I don't like pointless shredding either. Whenever I hear a solo with little melody and it's just a big series of sweeps or runs, I call it a "tech demo solo".

Yours had a bunch of that, but I still enjoyed it. :wink:

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