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2 possibilities: Either Anonymous' video was a drill, or it only passed in 1 sector of Congress.

No idea why they say it has passed, but it hasn't in either chamber.

Markup in Committee has been postponed until next year on SOPA, but unfortunately, cloture (end to debate) was filed on PIPA for Jan 24th in the Senate.

It's gotta be a drill.

In any case, there's still time to kill both of these bills.

There are MUCH more pressing matters so much more closer to home that I believe people should be worried about.

I think we'll be okay. To my knowledge, none of the current judges have a predisposition to poetry. Sure, there's been a few instances of lyric-writing, but if you can write lyrics at all, there's no way you can aspire to the level of 3rd-worst poetry in the universe.


But bad poetry is only 1 aspect of the Vogons.

1. Limited intelligence.

2. Dislike technically demanding jobs.

3. Hate technology (Those nasty computers).

4. Hate computer programs even more than computers (Evil).

5. Like menial clerical jobs.

6. Like writing letters and sending emails.

7. Like writing non-technical reports.

8. Like designing forms to fill in, however they are appalling designers, what a mess.

9. Like checking forms that have been filled in.

10. Love attending meetings.

11. Bureaucratic jobs, clerical and administrative jobs appeal to them.

12. Find work in government, judicial positions also state run enterprises such as health and education.

13. Dislike manual labour though menial manual jobs is all most of them are fit for.

14. Like telling other people what to do.

15. Petty minded disciplinarians.

16. Fond of rules and regulations.

17. Narrow minded workaholics.

18. Boring creatures who suffer from verbal diarrhea.


All those other things are bureaucratic traits, though. Difficult to weaponize.

I don't know about you, but given the choice of "Vogons take over OCR, absurd regulations stifle new music" and "Vogons take over OCR, destroy large swaths of internet with streaming poetry", the lesser of two evils seems fairly obvious.

And I'm going to leave this right here.

Hypocrisy much?

Yup! And the RIAA's honest-to-god/science excuse was "Someone else was pirating through our IP". They expect us to accept that and be OK with it. But when the RIAA comes down on you and you tell them "Someone else was pirating through my IP" they will laugh at you, throw you in prison, have you shot in the face and they will take a DNA sample of you so that they can clone you and repeatedly kill you again and again.

Everyone is up in arms about this SOPA thing while they haven't even been voting on it. There are MUCH more pressing matters so much more closer to home that I believe people should be worried about. See my sig for more details, add it to your sig, and spread the word.

I was quite dissapointed when I found out that there was no www.ocrjudgesarevogons.org. Seriously, with a matter as serious as that you would think someone would take the time to make sure their website was up. Sheesh.


Some names from that list that Sinewav posted (and will be prosecuted for once SOPA goes through. Sorry Sine, but that's a lot of copyrighted names you just posted ILLEGALLY):


ABC - OK, networks make shows. I understand them taking this up

Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP) - What?

American Federation of Musicians (AFM)

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) There goes every single video that uses non-public domain music for any reason

Americans for Tax Reform - What?

Building and Construction Trades Department - STOP STEALING OUT GYPROCK, DAMN IT!

Christian Music Trade Association - because people download christian music? Isn't stealing one of those rules they have?

Church Music Publishers’ Association - I don't get this one... they're against people playing church music?

Coalition Against Online Video Piracy (CAOVP) - More like branch of MPAA, amirite?

Concerned Women for America (CWA) - STOP DOWNLOADING THE WOMEN!

Congressional Fire Services Institute - Fire fighters hate having to wade through your downloaded movie collection during a fire rescue

Creative America - The same Creative that made some of the first MP3 players, and was called a leader in letting people pirate music by the record companies back in the 90s? Nah...

Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - Because... they like serving warrants and having to sit there watching some legal department guys from a company go through someone else' stuff?

International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE)

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) - These people get paid during the filming of movies and TV shows, not after. They aren't affected by it anymore than the guy that hands the DVD to you at the register at the store. They might see loss of work if production of movies and TV shows stops because of piracy, but that hasn't stopped it in the last 40 years, so why would now be any different?


Penguin Group (USA), Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING OUR PENG... OK, that joke is getting tired.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) - Guys, that medicine is PIRATED! Stop getting your prescription from torrents!

Pfizer, Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING DICK PILLS, GOD DAMN IT! (OK, it's not tired anymore!

Revlon - Did we tell you to stop downloading out eyeliner yet?

The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) - careful, they may call in an airstrike on your compou.. oh, not that NATO?

The United States Conference of Mayors - STOP DOWNLOADING THE VOTES! That's OUR job!

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) - I fear that people may actually download this shit...

Man, there are some weird names on that list. I can't believe some of these are on there. Some have no products that can be pirated, and the rest have products that are pirated, just not digitally (ie: make-up and purses, clothes, etc).

Some of this list looks like they just handed a petition around at a meeting and some of the signers didn't even read it.

Looks like there was some band-wagon hopping-on.

Some names from that list that Sinewav posted (and will be prosecuted for once SOPA goes through. Sorry Sine, but that's a lot of copyrighted names you just posted ILLEGALLY):


ABC - OK, networks make shows. I understand them taking this up

Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP) - What?

American Federation of Musicians (AFM)

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA)

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) There goes every single video that uses non-public domain music for any reason

Americans for Tax Reform - What?

Building and Construction Trades Department - STOP STEALING OUT GYPROCK, DAMN IT!

Christian Music Trade Association - because people download christian music? Isn't stealing one of those rules they have?

Church Music Publishers’ Association - I don't get this one... they're against people playing church music?

Coalition Against Online Video Piracy (CAOVP) - More like branch of MPAA, amirite?

Concerned Women for America (CWA) - STOP DOWNLOADING THE WOMEN!

Congressional Fire Services Institute - Fire fighters hate having to wade through your downloaded movie collection during a fire rescue

Creative America - The same Creative that made some of the first MP3 players, and was called a leader in letting people pirate music by the record companies back in the 90s? Nah...

Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - Because... they like serving warrants and having to sit there watching some legal department guys from a company go through someone else' stuff?

International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees (IATSE)

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) - These people get paid during the filming of movies and TV shows, not after. They aren't affected by it anymore than the guy that hands the DVD to you at the register at the store. They might see loss of work if production of movies and TV shows stops because of piracy, but that hasn't stopped it in the last 40 years, so why would now be any different?


Penguin Group (USA), Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING OUR PENG... OK, that joke is getting tired.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) - Guys, that medicine is PIRATED! Stop getting your prescription from torrents!

Pfizer, Inc. - STOP DOWNLOADING DICK PILLS, GOD DAMN IT! (OK, it's not tired anymore!

Revlon - Did we tell you to stop downloading out eyeliner yet?

The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) - careful, they may call in an airstrike on your compou.. oh, not that NATO?

The United States Conference of Mayors - STOP DOWNLOADING THE VOTES! That's OUR job!

Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) - I fear that people may actually download this shit...

Man, there are some weird names on that list. I can't believe some of these are on there. Some have no products that can be pirated, and the rest have products that are pirated, just not digitally (ie: make-up and purses, clothes, etc).

Some of this list looks like they just handed a petition around at a meeting and some of the signers didn't even read it.

Looks like there was some band-wagon hopping-on.

Here, we want you to sign this. Go ahead, it's safe. just don't read it.

Hey, look. We'll even pay you. How's- HEY! DON'T READ IT!

Yeah, right here. Just right down th- DON'T READ IT DAMNIT!

alright. Thanks for signing this. Here's the- OK, STOP TRYING TO READ IT! YOU'VE ALREADY SIGNED IT, SO GET THE F**K OUT!!

Thank you for signing this petition. Have a nice day.


I hope all of you people complaining about SOPA realize that this is the creation you have wrought. This is what happens when copyright holders are treated like kings of their own private fiefdoms, as if they have unlimited power because they though of a sequence of sounds. This is what happens when copyright is allowed to run amok.

What's worse is that even if SOPA is stopped, 1-2 years later, the MPAA or RIAA are just going to write another bill just like it, say it's for "national security" or some shit, and start this mess again. Without comprehensive copyright reform, this is going to continue until the people with money eventually get lucky and win.

Oh, but you know what? It's a small price to pay so that someone can have exclusive rights to whatever he claims first until the end of time, even after death, amiright? Fuck it, as long as people are making money forever, that's all that matters. I hope you people are learning.

I hope all of you people complaining about SOPA realize that this is the creation you have wrought. This is what happens when copyright holders are treated like kings of their own private fiefdoms, as if they have unlimited power because they though of a sequence of sounds. This is what happens when copyright is allowed to run amok.

What's worse is that even if SOPA is stopped, 1-2 years later, the MPAA or RIAA are just going to write another bill just like it, say it's for "national security" or some shit, and start this mess again. Without comprehensive copyright reform, this is going to continue until the people with money eventually get lucky and win.

Oh, but you know what? It's a small price to pay so that someone can have exclusive rights to whatever he claims first until the end of time, even after death, amiright? Fuck it, as long as people are making money forever, that's all that matters. I hope you people are learning.

STFU Jack. Please. Copyright isn't the issue here, its how it is enforced.

Edit: let me clarify. I dislike your "I hope you people are learning" attitude, because frankly, its condescending and rude and adds absolutely nothing to this discussion. Please do not derail this into another copyright reform thread, because this is about current potential litigation for copyright infringement enforcement.

To my knowledge, Nintendo and Apple aren't supporters. Sony is, but not their gaming wing.

This may have been posted already, but here is the Comprehensive List of SOPA Supporters.

Nintendo does indeed support SOPA. This abridged list is the one everyone keeps posting and I'm not sure why. I wrote Nintendo about it and I was sent a form letter back and they clearly do support it.

Here is the more comprehensive, full list.

I hope all of you people complaining about SOPA realize that this is the creation you have wrought.

Should we apologize to you since obviously you had nothing to do with it?

I hope you people are learning.

What do you mean, "you people"?


No, Level 99, this is a problem with copyright itself. I honestly don't blame the RIAA or MPAA a bit for trying this, because it's the logical conclusion of "the IP owner has all legal rights until the end of time"; if I own IP, and I have the legal right under the DMCA to tell anyone anywhere how to use my IP, logic dictates that eventually, someone is going to make money that I don't want making money, and I'll try to use every branch of the law possible to stop it. It logically follows, which is what SOPA is about: people on YouTube and other sites are using copyrighted materials (even just a second of it), and SOMEONE other than the holder is making money. SO SHUT IT ALL DOWN, that's the response.

If people have unlimited control forever and always, without a public domain and without reasonable exception, this will happen, every time. SOPA isn't the end, it's the beginning. And, interestingly enough, it's pretty much exactly what I said would happen, too. It's not hard to predict things like the when your head isn't stuck in the sand.


I've been calling congressmen, signing petitions, talking online, doing everything I can to prevent this from even happening by trying to get copyright law reformed since... well, look it up. It's common knowledge. So, yeah, I've been doing my part. And, don't apologize to me; apologize to countries like Switzerland, who have been working their asses off to move onto the 21st century, only to have the USA, headed by IP kings, do everything they can to drag the world back into the 1600s.

Oh, and when I say "you people", I mean everyone on this site who "poo poo"ed me when I said that things would come to this eventually, the people who are content with rules that let whoever happens to register anything with the government have complete iron-clad totalitarian control over anything for all time, forever, even after death.

No, Level 99, this is a problem with copyright itself. I honestly don't blame the RIAA or MPAA a bit for trying this, because it's the logical conclusion of "the IP owner has all legal rights until the end of time"; if I own IP, and I have the legal right under the DMCA to tell anyone anywhere how to use my IP, logic dictates that eventually, someone is going to make money that I don't want making money, and I'll try to use every branch of the law possible to stop it. It logically follows, which is what SOPA is about: people on YouTube and other sites are using copyrighted materials (even just a second of it), and SOMEONE other than the holder is making money. SO SHUT IT ALL DOWN, that's the response.

If people have unlimited control forever and always, without a public domain and without reasonable exception, this will happen, every time. SOPA isn't the end, it's the beginning. And, interestingly enough, it's pretty much exactly what I said would happen, too. It's not hard to predict things like the when your head isn't stuck in the sand.

Well thanks, me and my sand-filled head will continue to talk about the real problems here, which is the unjust takedown of a site based in-potentia of a legit-or-not flagging of copyright infringement. You can keep talking to the wall, the thread will move on without you :nicework:


I just want to add that it doesn't help that the largest lobbying presence in DC is the US Chamber of Commerce, which is the largest supporter of the bill. We need a LOT of activism to turn this issue on the USCC's head. Continue to bug your Congressmen on the issue.

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