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I call the Wheel and Stone abilities, and Heavy Lobster for artwork.

And just to be sure, the Cover does not have to be in the same style as the rest of the pictures, correct?

Ichitootah: I hate to scream, but that WIP is ONE HELL OF A DRAMATISER!

Though the trailing reverb/sustained releases are a little too muddy. For the final piece, try to even out the sounds with a bit of equalization of the render. (If possible, but other than that, it sounds fine right now!)

Spaced Ambience is a beautiful thing.

I think I agree here, I also think the melody of the piano right before :02, then again at :05 and so on, sounds a little fake. (at that point, no other really...the piano overall is pretty nice) It's the progression of those notes or something. This may be a bit too early in the mix to say this, but lowering the volume on one or more of those three notes (preferably the 1st and 3rd) might solve the problem quick. I am thinking of what it would feel like to play those notes on a piano, and I wouldn't put the same amount of pressure on those keys...it doesn't sound or feel natural to me. So anyway...That's just nitpicking. It sounds pretty nice so far...makes me wonder what you plan on doing next with this.

Yeh... I made the first WIP in probably 5 minutes, spent about 10 seconds on the individual velocities and stuff. It was just to see if I was getting the mood right. Thanks for your feedback anyway though.

RedleMas: It's Milkyway Overworld, I've only included about the first 15 seconds of the source so far though.


Hello everybody, I just signed onto this project a few days ago.

I talked it over with Arek, and I am going to be taking on the role of Webpage Designer. I am excited to join the project!

Arek and I went over some basic designs, and I think we found something that could be effective for this project. I can do the designing with little to no problem, but if we want the webpage to have artwork at all (menu interface, etc) I will need some help with that. (I'm no good at graphic design)

I believe Arek told me the site's banner has already been taken care off, but I really think the menu system could use some work. Here is what i have now for the menu buttons:


That's about as fancy as I can get with pictures. If we want a very sleek site, we could integrate some kirby backgrounds. Nothing too flashy that stands out. Something simple, almost faded into the background.

As for the actual layout, I'm still working on that. I'll need to talk with a few project coordinators about the color schemes (I was hoping for black, but since this is a 'lighthearted' project, we may need something lighter).

I'm glad to be aboard. I would love ANY and ALL suggestions regarding the web site! I love your opinions and ideas so I can make this as best as can be. I can be reached by:

AIM: Jace3210

MSN: Jace321@hotmail.com

E-mail: vespere@gmail.com

Yahoo: Weatherstormer

Hope to have a blast, while working on this kickass project!


Web Site Designer

Hello everybody, I just signed onto this project a few days ago.

I talked it over with Arek, and I am going to be taking on the role of Webpage Designer. I am excited to join the project!

Arek and I went over some basic designs, and I think we found something that could be effective for this project. I can do the designing with little to no problem, but if we want the webpage to have artwork at all (menu interface, etc) I will need some help with that. (I'm no good at graphic design)

I believe Arek told me the site's banner has already been taken care off, but I really think the menu system could use some work. Here is what i have now for the menu buttons:


That's about as fancy as I can get with pictures. If we want a very sleek site, we could integrate some kirby backgrounds. Nothing too flashy that stands out. Something simple, almost faded into the background.

As for the actual layout, I'm still working on that. I'll need to talk with a few project coordinators about the color schemes (I was hoping for black, but since this is a 'lighthearted' project, we may need something lighter).

I'm glad to be aboard. I would love ANY and ALL suggestions regarding the web site! I love your opinions and ideas so I can make this as best as can be. I can be reached by:

AIM: Jace3210

MSN: Jace321@hotmail.com

E-mail: vespere@gmail.com

Yahoo: Weatherstormer

Hope to have a blast, while working on this kickass project!


Web Site Designer

Ha! Interesting. I think this will work out perfectly. You seem to have a great grip around html and creating webpages but lack much practice in graphic design while I've had a lot of practace in graphic design but barely knew enough html to get my website off the ground.

This is the kind of situation I was hoping for. Now there can be 2 websites: an interactive Flash interface designed by me, and an HTML alternate designed by Weatherstorm. *party*


I don't know entirely about a flash page, but a flash introduction would certainly be cool. Off the top of my head I imagine something summing up the project into a minute-long video. Perhaps footage of Kirby, a quick explanation of the project "20 men, 4 months, 1 dream ... Milkyway Wishes, an OCRemix Collaboration" (I don't know the details of the project, those were guesses, haha) or something like that.

And as soon as I can get some color scheme ideas for the page I can start creating bits and pieces within Photoshop. I've been brushing up on my skills, and it is easier than I thought it would be. I might be able to do a simple background, though it wouldn't be anything too "geocities" (what I call pages that look like they were made by a basic point-and-click design program with annoying, repetative backgrounds, loud and annoying midis, and animated GIFs up the wazoo). It is 1am, but I think I'll spend some more time working on it. I already have spent about 4 hours today on web/graphics designing alone ... devotion!


That could work. I've had a lot of practice with lipsyncing. :wink: BTW, how much do you know about php? While I'm on that, will the webhost the site will be on have support for php? I think it'd be a great idea if mirrors were randomly selected to download from juxtaposed to viewers just constantly straining "Mirror 1"'s bandwidth.

EDIT: Oh yeah, color scheme. Black and spacey like a galaxy would be sweet. Flash could take that kind of thing much farther though. I'm well-versed in actionscript and can make most any kind of interface imaginable. Imagine a huge galaxy background, and as the user moves the mouse over it, it magnifies where the mouse is and planets come into view.


I love the galaxy idea. Spacey would fit very well with the site, especially because most of the little icons will be stars. I'll see what I can do about getting a spacy background and attempting to spice it up a bit.

And no I don't have any experience with PHP. In fact I don't even know its use. I always found HTML to satisfy my needs. But if I get time today I'll look up some information about it.


Okay, WIP time:


I want this to be done and I've sort of hit a wall. It sort of sounds like it could be done already depening on how it's used.

Yes that's live accoustic accordian samples.

This wasn't recorded to tempo. A hi-fi stereo version is available for anyone interested in taking over...

Let me know what the general consensus is. I kind of never want to see it again... aside from within the project. :)


I made drastic changes to the Menu system today. Earlier today I molded the Menu Text in with a Starry Backround to produce a very snazzy looking menu (Menu Version 2). The first version (Menu Version 1) didn't fit in with the background with its black background.

The problem with Version 2 was that it was one big image. Impossible to make one image into several links without Image Mapping (takes forever!). I finally found a way to split up each image into smaller image, and I even added onMouseOver color changes to boot! Instead of the plain yellow text change, I coordinated with the 7 colors of the rainbow (hover over the Menu Version 3's links from top to bottom to see the links change color).

Now that I have a successful menu, it is time to create the very top of the page. I am thinking of molding a picture of Kirby flying a star in with the starry background so it matches.

After that I'll create a "Milkyway Wishes: an OCRemix Collaboration" logo, and top it off with a place to post new updates. It's hard for me to get sleep ... I'm obsessed with this!



Until next time, I enjoy hearing all thoughts, ideas, and opinions!


Usa: Those are great backgrounds, but I was looking for something that can be repeated easy and not leave any easily visible lines. Ones with large jumbles of activity in the center leave a sort of pattern when they are used across a background. Thanks though! =)


Map screen? Well I would have to go in the game and see what it looks like. I'm not sure exactly how capable I am about ripping graphics from the Rom I have, but certainly could give it a try I guess. I've already done many things on this project that I didn't know I was capable of doing, how about one more?

Would anyone have any luck funding a graphic (fairly large) of Kirby 'surfing' on a star? Or anything involving kirby and a star so I could incorporate it into a sort of background for the project's banner.

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