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I don't think anyone's asked this yet, but is there a rough date for art to start coming in? It'll be after or about the time the writer's start submitting stuff, right?



Allrighty, after 20 hours of (mostly) enjoyable work for the past 3 days, I present the complete outline of the Kirby Storybook Project. This version outlines the entire plot from start to finish (minus the writing, some music and most of the art =P). What this means for the project is that everybody better get to work! We’re going to become a Site Project!

Artists! I think it’s about time I start giving you some guidance in this crazy project. Here’s a quote from the book, Animators Survival Kit, "I always sketch everything out small first. The little drawings, because they're 'thinking' drawings, always seem to show if the idea is working clearly or not." Simply put, I want you guys to do the same with the Kirby copy ability and environment art, aka, more WIPs. We really need more ‘thinking’ drawings to clutter*kicked* decorate the project with.

EDIT: No WIP due date for the thinking drawings. Post them up as you make them.

Writers! It’s prime time we start writing this damn story. :razz: Tuesday night, 9:00 PM Eastern. Be on AIM and be prepared for ANYTHING!! <(O_O)>

Musicians! C’mon guys! Look how hard I’ve worked. In 3 days I built half of the project. Get off this message board, onto Reason, and prove to me that I have no idea what hard work is. While this project has great artistic talent, a fantastic project concept, and a sweet Flash interface, this project is at its core, about the music, and it always will be.


Other stuff!!

Arek’s getting better! We’ve discovered the cause of his heart condition, high blood pressure, and now he has immediately changed his eating habits to lower it. Armed with knowledge and hope, Arek is more than ready to combat the disease.[/corny]

I’m dropping Yoyo and Cutter from my art. That would be all of them technically. You guys draw circles around me. :roll:

I learned something interesting in Africa. It seems that all dial-up users will under no circumstance download a file over 10MB. This interests me because I’m certain that I can get the filesize of this entire project at or under that with acceptable quality. Heck, the project outline already has ½ of the entire project in it and it’s only 4.1 MB. <(-‘v^)>

EDIT: Allrighty, Arek and I have agreed that the Metaknight incorporation will take place between the time when Marx makes his wish to Nova, and when the stars create the starship Kirby attacks Nova in (Kirby's unconsious at that time, good moment for a flashback). Nova will be divided into 2 chapters. MaliceX's remix will also be divided accordingly (thanks for the funky Nova sounds at the beginning bud!)

Quote:"The director is a 2 faced creature with a foot in 2 camps. The situation demands it." *talking to the executives* "It's going to be great! We hope." *talking to the workers* "Do good work and draw faster"

Anywhoo, I hope everyone’s excited now. I only have 1 week before school starts and I want us to get as much done as freaking possible. :D

ONE MORE THING!!: Artists! I haven't been able to keep up with all the work you guys have claimed. Help me out by posting names of all the art you're working on so I can organize it on page 1. Thankee =)

  KWarp said:

Allrighty, after 20 hours of (mostly) enjoyable work for the past 3 days, I present the complete outline of the Kirby Storybook Project. This version outlines the entire plot from start to finish (minus the writing, some music and most of the art =P). What this means for the project is that everybody better get to work! We’re going to become a Site Project!

Artists! I think it’s about time I start giving you some guidance in this crazy project. Here’s a quote from the book, Animators Survival Kit, "I always sketch everything out small first. The little drawings, because they're 'thinking' drawings, always seem to show if the idea is working clearly or not." Simply put, I want you guys to do the same with the Kirby copy ability and environment art, aka, more WIPs. We really need more ‘thinking’ drawings to clutter*kicked* decorate the project with.

Writers! It’s prime time we start writing this damn story. :razz: Tuesday night, 9:00 PM Eastern. Be on AIM and be prepared for ANYTHING!! <(O_O)>

Musicians! C’mon guys! Look how hard I’ve worked. In 3 days I built half of the project. Get off this message board, onto Reason, and prove to me that I have no idea what hard work is. While this project has great artistic talent, a fantastic project concept, and a sweet Flash interface, this project is at its core, about the music, and it always will be.


Other stuff!!

Arek’s getting better! We’ve discovered the cause of his heart condition, high blood pressure, and now he has immediately changed his eating habits to lower it. Armed with knowledge and hope, Arek is more than ready to combat the disease.[/corny]

I’m dropping Yoyo and Cutter from my art. That would be all of them technically. You guys draw circles around me. :roll:

I learned something interesting in Africa. It seems that all dial-up users will under no circumstance download a file over 10MB. This interests me because I’m certain that I can get the filesize of this entire project at or under that with acceptable quality. Heck, the project outline already has ½ of the entire project in it and it’s only 4.1 MB. <(-‘v^)>

Quote:"The director is a 2 faced creature with a foot in 2 camps. The situation demands it." *talking to the executives* "It's going to be great! We hope." *talking to the workers* "Do good work and draw faster"

Anywhoo, I hope everyone’s excited now. I only have 1 week before school starts and I want us to get a much done as freaking possible. :D

1) PROBABLE CAUSE! We don't know for sure if that is what is going on inside me

2)"""C’mon guys! Look how hard I’ve worked. In 3 days I built half of the project. """"

Last time I checked, YOU CHOSE to do that :wink:

Dont worry, I got music under control.

EDIT: As I said before, KWarp is taking control of this project for a while. I am going to take a break from worrying too much about it for all of September. As gray recommended, my heart shouldn't handle/worry about such stress. Listen to what KWarp has to say and don't dispute it. If there is something you don't like, bring it up to me.

Here is to a great project that is about to truly begin!


Alright, well with Sir Arek's approval, I am doing the flashback fight of Meta-Knight. Just to recap what I have so far:

Jet, Plasma, Bomb, Ice, their buddies, Meta-Knight, and I'd like to get Kracko and Fatty Whale as my bosses.

I'm also working on a separate project on the side, hopefully I can work on it enough so it is added to this project ^^

  KWarp said:
Musicians! C’mon guys! Look how hard I’ve worked. In 3 days I built half of the project. Get off this message board, onto Reason, and prove to me that I have no idea what hard work is. While this project has great artistic talent, a fantastic project concept, and a sweet Flash interface, this project is at its core, about the music, and it always will be.

Reason? o.O

Anyway, I think having whipped up a piece in 2 days is not slow at all :D

Oh, and great to hear that Arek is getting better. I wish the best for him! Oh yeah, and my personal tip for you, Arek: Use crystalline salt (It's got an orange-tanned colour) instead of refined one. Refined one is absolutely not good, especially with your problems.

  Usa said:
  KWarp said:
Musicians! C’mon guys! Look how hard I’ve worked. In 3 days I built half of the project. Get off this message board, onto Reason, and prove to me that I have no idea what hard work is. While this project has great artistic talent, a fantastic project concept, and a sweet Flash interface, this project is at its core, about the music, and it always will be.

Reason? o.O

Anyway, I think having whipped up a piece in 2 days is not slow at all :D

Oh, and great to hear that Arek is getting better. I wish the best for him! Oh yeah, and my personal tip for you, Arek: Use crystalline salt (It's got an orange-tanned colour) instead of refined one. Refined one is absolutely not good, especially with your problems.

YEAH! Reason?!

Anyways, I should be finished (compositionally anyways) with my song rather quickly, just need some inspiration.

/check in



The format is shaping up well, though I wish to suggest a couple of things:

---1. It's notable that the page changing corners are a little weird. Double-click will change, but single click would confuse some since the flap slips off the pointer. Also, you CANNOT see it on a black page theme.

---2. Contents page. Music does not work when selecting. (Only when turning pages does it work)

---3. I'm beginning to think the pages in the book could use a bit of texture of some sort. (Yes I know it's just an outline.) But I dunno, a gradient-coloured page per section seems a little too plain for a children's book. (In my experience anyway.)

More suggestions will come...considering the fact this is still a preliminary outline. I just realised: the thingo has no title page. (I thought every book did? ;P)

  LordMaestro said:
  Usa said:
  KWarp said:
Musicians! C’mon guys! Look how hard I’ve worked. In 3 days I built half of the project. Get off this message board, onto Reason, and prove to me that I have no idea what hard work is. While this project has great artistic talent, a fantastic project concept, and a sweet Flash interface, this project is at its core, about the music, and it always will be.

Reason? o.O

Anyway, I think having whipped up a piece in 2 days is not slow at all :D

Oh, and great to hear that Arek is getting better. I wish the best for him! Oh yeah, and my personal tip for you, Arek: Use crystalline salt (It's got an orange-tanned colour) instead of refined one. Refined one is absolutely not good, especially with your problems.

YEAH! Reason?!

Anyways, I should be finished (compositionally anyways) with my song rather quickly, just need some inspiration.

/check in

Heh, I was kinda hoping my paragraph would be inspiring. <(^_^; )> I promise you I wasn't trying alienate anyone.

Anyway, I've gotten a bit of feedback from some people and so far they think it looks real nice, but it doesn't feel like the big, thick, ancient storybook it should be. Thus, that's what I'll be working on achieving for a while. (EDIT: It seems I can't make the cover page bigger than the other pages. The page itself disappears after 2 flips forward in the book. I'm certain that happens to keep the book from slowing down the computer. Don't wanna mess with that. <(>_>)>)

Could one of the artists please make an ancient-looking page for me? Nothing elaborate is necessary (it could be any color), I just need an ancient-looking page to experiment with. You can even give the page a rough edge to the outside of it if you want (I'd like that anyway :wink:). If you do decide to do that, please export it as a 300x400 PNG (24-bit with alpha) as that will simplify a few things.

Does anyone on the project have anything to say about the Book outline?



F&*# I'm stupid. Why did I set the writers chat date to when I have Cross Country practice? I guess I really meant it when I said be prepared for anything. 8O Anywhoo it seems none of the writers have even browsed this topic this week anyway. No writers date shall be set until the writers confirm that they are here and watching the topic for updates (Arek's taking the month off). Also...uhh.. I've never set up a chatroom on AIM before. <(^_^; )>

ONE MORE THING!!: Artists! I haven't been able to keep up with all the work you guys have claimed. Help me out by posting names of all the art you're working on so I can organize it on page 1. Thankee =)

  Sir Arek the Absolute said:
EDIT: As I said before, KWarp is taking control of this project for a while. I am going to take a break from worrying too much about it for all of September. As gray recommended, my heart shouldn't handle/worry about such stress. Listen to what KWarp has to say and don't dispute it. If there is something you don't like, bring it up to me.

If you're worrying about this project enough for it to be causing your heart to explode, you're definitely worrying way too much. :P Just relax for a bit, and don't worry yourself to death! These things take time, and killing yourself wouldn't be good for the project. Take it easy, and don't try to rush through it; the project will finish itself if you just keep nudging it along, little by little. It may take a long time, but who said the greatest things in the world happened overnight? ;)

  KWarp said:
Could one of the artists please make an ancient-looking page for me? Nothing elaborate is necessary (it could be any color), I just need an ancient-looking page to experiment with. You can even give the page a rough edge to the outside of it if you want (I'd like that anyway :wink:). If you do decide to do that, please export it as a 300x400 PNG (24-bit with alpha) as that will simplify a few things.

OK here you have it :)


Ha! Thanks Usa. The page is really adding some much-need realism to the project. I'll probably have a new version up later today. :wink:

  Usa said:
  KWarp said:
Could one of the artists please make an ancient-looking page for me? Nothing elaborate is necessary (it could be any color), I just need an ancient-looking page to experiment with. You can even give the page a rough edge to the outside of it if you want (I'd like that anyway :wink:). If you do decide to do that, please export it as a 300x400 PNG (24-bit with alpha) as that will simplify a few things.

OK here you have it :)

Man....what CAN'T you do?

  KyleJCrb said:
  Sir Arek the Absolute said:
EDIT: As I said before, KWarp is taking control of this project for a while. I am going to take a break from worrying too much about it for all of September. As gray recommended, my heart shouldn't handle/worry about such stress. Listen to what KWarp has to say and don't dispute it. If there is something you don't like, bring it up to me.

If you're worrying about this project enough for it to be causing your heart to explode, you're definitely worrying way too much. :P Just relax for a bit, and don't worry yourself to death! These things take time, and killing yourself wouldn't be good for the project. Take it easy, and don't try to rush through it; the project will finish itself if you just keep nudging it along, little by little. It may take a long time, but who said the greatest things in the world happened overnight? ;)

MY heart is gonna explode worrying about meeting deadlines in both "IRL" and OCR. XD


Whoo!! New version is up! (click the bottom link durr) The page texture is working very well. :D The next thing we need to do is make the page look like it has pages under it. I've tried doing that in Flash but the flipping code screws me over. Usa, if it isn't too much trouble, could you make another PNG kinda like this: (make the black part transparent, still keep the edges uneven if possible). That way we can make a better effect of pseudo-3D.

Yeah yeah you all want the password eh? I've PMed everyone on the project (who has posted in the last 2 pages) it so ask me or them for it. That'd be...

Sir Arek the Absolute








Silens | WingsOfTime


Nicely done. I really like the pages on Floria, nice texture, shading and over all look. I like how in that and Aqualiss the page's shading goes from normal to dark in the middle. On the others I can see how one page has it but the other doesn't. I would say use the same pages you used for Floria for all of them, just change the color.

  KWarp said:

Yeah yeah you all want the password eh? I've PMed everyone on the project (who has posted in the last 2 pages) it so ask me or them for it. That'd be...

Sir Arek the Absolute








Silens | WingsOfTime

Dude... I have no PM from you.

  LordMaestro said:
  KWarp said:

Yeah yeah you all want the password eh? I've PMed everyone on the project (who has posted in the last 2 pages) it so ask me or them for it. That'd be...

Sir Arek the Absolute








Silens | WingsOfTime

Dude... I have no PM from you.

*bashes head*

ARTISTS POST WHAT ART YOU CLIAMED TO DRAW SO WE CAN ORGANIZE IT!!!!! EDIT: Just what you claimed, not the art itself.


The password doesn't work very well.. (try right clicking and... yeah) can you password protect the downloads instead?



EEK!! 8O


Usa, can you check that out and see if you can create an illusion of page layering (under the Floria pages) where the black part is? PNG is best. Don't forget to draw a thick, red book spine in the middle, and, if possible, make more layered pages than necessary (so I can tuck it under the top ones). For now don't make the pages poke out of the sides of either side of the book. Too complicated. 8O


Floria's pages seem to look a bit better, though a little weird with a bit of text around the black bottom edge.. which I should mention is oddly seen on the back of the book. (The red back cover that says pFlip)

I'm not sure, but maybe some advice here: DO NOT USE THE FLASH PLAYER'S REWIND/LOOP/PLAY/FORWARD FEATURES AS IT MAY SCREW UP A COUPLE OF THINGS. (In other words, somehow that should be disabled those menus that appear on right-click.)

It's beginning to shape up. No crits at the moment besides the above.

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