Arek the Absolute Posted August 1, 2006 Author Posted August 1, 2006 Delaying?So you WANT to release a project that looks half assed? Hell no, I am about quality. I want a project on a schedule. We're no Rareware. OJKJELKJFLKJELKJDLKJELKJDLKJELKJDLKJEJD We are working the best we can with what little staff we got. It isn't like this will be done in a day. The songs aren't all done. There are some that aren't because the artists are having technical difficulties. This isn't like the other projects. Everyone fucking chill. I will fucking do all the work if you guys want, but I want this to be of quality.
KWarp Posted August 1, 2006 Posted August 1, 2006 Fair enough. We'll carry on this conversation in private. BUT PAY ATTENTION We are understaffed. Some critical art is incomplete. Some critical music is incomplete. Arek can tell you where the writing is at. More staff means an earlier release date. For now I feel like we're getting nowhere.
Rexy Posted August 5, 2006 Posted August 5, 2006 Thanks again I've come to understand that the release is a little slow. (and yes, Arek's use of "Rareware" DOES make me think of that of Dinosaur Planet/Starfox Adventures O.o) Given that I've not much else to do before I go back to campus (other than a cold recovery) I would like to take up the Fighter image too. Whichever happens, I'm all on to see how far this will go [EDIT: Nevermind, I thought that was still up for grabs until I saw that Bean sent in an image on that O.o Oh well, nevermind. I could try one of the cover sketches instead but I need to know the standards on that before trying one of those.]
KWarp Posted August 7, 2006 Posted August 7, 2006 Glad to see you're still up for stuff. Aside from the covers and Time to Learn art, everything seems taken. I was hoping for one of our strongest artists to take on Time to Learn, but everyone seems kinda burnt out and Neo's working really hard on finishing Marx. If you can get started on that, that would be great. Follow the art sketches in the book for guidelines. Email me if you have any questions. AND CAN SOME PLEASE FIND BEAN!?
Rexy Posted August 8, 2006 Posted August 8, 2006 It may seem tough, but I should be able to give it a go. I can see the basic idea in the poses and whatnot, but what's Kirby meant to be doing on the second page? Crying?
KWarp Posted August 9, 2006 Posted August 9, 2006 Well the idea is the book is teaching the player how to use it. The art should show Kirby learning how to use the storybook. Hence there should be the following pictures: Kirby discovering the book Kirby trying to open/figure out the book Kirby happily celebrating his understanding of the book Something like that anyway. I highly encourage any artist interested in drawing Time to Learn to take a crack at it. It's very important that these pictures are done well.
KWarp Posted August 9, 2006 Posted August 9, 2006 Good progress for art. I have recieved Mirror from Oltri, and 5 works are on the way from Bean. Neoforte is half-done with Marx, and Gman is half done with his Stone and Wheel.
MagiNinjA Posted August 9, 2006 Posted August 9, 2006 so like... wow. and yes, that first page still hasnt been updated... i AM a writer you know! Also, I don't suggest you press the leader for speed. Projects are about quality. Really. Only causing conflict will cause conflict. Dur. Arek, my new email is magininja (at) gmail . com
The G-Man Posted August 9, 2006 Posted August 9, 2006 Hey all! I'm not dead yet. And I've been working enough to give this AMAZING sample.
POCKETMAN Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Just so everyone here knows, I can't wait for this! Good luck on the releaser!
KWarp Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Glad to know the fanbase is still behind this. Let's get to work people! The thread isn't titled "Where is Carefree Captain?" for decoration! Let's find him and finish off this project! Also Bean's disappeared again. >.>
RedleMas Posted August 24, 2006 Posted August 24, 2006 Hey, im still here... and come on, you gotta give me credit here. Ive been in this project since it begun, and i havent done ANYTHING yet. Save for telliing everyone how much there kicking ass! And as for how late we are, better late than never. Its going to be worth it in the end. Hang in there, kupo!
KWarp Posted August 26, 2006 Posted August 26, 2006 I'm getting really sick of chasing after the art staff daily. AND I STILL HAVENT HEARD FROM CAREFREE CAPTIAN SOMEONE FIND HIM NOW!!!!
Hum4n After All Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 Some of you may remember me. I've been around here since like the beginning. I'm so stoked for this project. I just can't wait for it to be released. I can't take it anymore! release it already! before I burn this mutha fuuuer down! haha I'm kidding thats just how excited I am well good luck guys
Arek the Absolute Posted August 27, 2006 Author Posted August 27, 2006 Ok, so here is the deal. I pretty much got writing wrapped up, but I would like bongo bill and reddle to IM me ASAP so we can do t3h peer editing. On the art side, things are going as they always are, if you know what I mean. KWarp, mini conference time? I know you have school coming up and I need to think of a way to make it so that this won't burdon your work. Where is Usa?
MagiNinjA Posted August 27, 2006 Posted August 27, 2006 omg you bastard you forgot your other writer for god's sake wtf
Arek the Absolute Posted August 28, 2006 Author Posted August 28, 2006 KEEP IN CONTACT AND MAYBE ILL REMEMBER K? Ya im on the staff guys but i dont check n hey guys why dont you include me in stuff GEE I WONDER afk
KWarp Posted August 29, 2006 Posted August 29, 2006 Google desktop archives all my aim convos. Here's what I've been up to lately: August 9th to present for Bean KWarp11: cool you're on KWarp11: have you checked your email lately? KWarp11: Bean? Binjovist: Huh? Binjovist: Email? Binjovist: Um... Binjovist: No. KWarp11: >.> Binjovist: That's bad, right? ------------------------- me: found you! Binjovist: EEP! Binjovist: *Runs away* Binjovist: =P me: *grabs shirt collar* me: you are a week late sir Binjovist: *chokes* Binjovist: Oh, I know. me: when can you get them done? Binjovist: They're getting close... -------------------------- me: coloring is fun Binjovist: Indeed. Binjovist: But not by numbers. Binjovist: 'Cause then it's like someone's tellin' ya what to do. Binjovist: Can't be creative that way. -------------------------- me: *poke* Binjovist: Gack. Binjovist: Heheh. This weekend. I swear. me: ;[ Binjovist: I'm trying to get a FAC entry done tonight so I'll have all weekend to dedicate to Milkyway Wishes stuffs. me: FAC? Binjovist: Fan Art Competition. me: ahh Binjovist: It's held every month on OCR. Binjovist: Ermm... in the Gen Disc forums. Binjovist: This month's theme is Zelda! -------------------------- KWarp11: art art art Binjovist: Yeah. Binjovist: Not yet. Binjovist: I had a flat this morning and had to take care of it. Binjovist: Among other things. Binjovist: And I'm goin' over to my grandparents a little later to help move something. KWarp11: -_o Binjovist: Once there, it's difficult to leave. KWarp11: well at least you're not being lazy.... Binjovist: So, like last night, I'll be up till 7 in the morning. Binjovist: Yeah. Binjovist: That Darunia got finished. Binjovist: I'm relieved. ----------------------------- KWarp11: Ivyna wins on so many levels KWarp11: Binjovist: Hahahaha! KWarp11: I need to find a way to sig that KWarp11: need a kirby Kyon first methinks Binjovist: Oh, Beam's done by the way. KWarp11: cool Binjovist: I decided to just go with what I had. Binjovist: The one you sent that I traced. Binjovist: I'll probably end up doing the same with Plasma, though I could probably come up with something really cool-looking. KWarp11: fair enough ----------------------------- me: art ;[ Binjovist: No art. me: *sad* Binjovist: I'm sorry. I've decided to give them all to you at once though. me: Ooo Binjovist: What was the size requirements again? me: 300x400 or bigger Binjovist: Okay, I resized them wrong then. =P me: ; ----------------------------- August 5th to present for Neoftorte me: How's Marx coming? Javi 6363: haven't colored them and only drawn half of them me: nice you're making progress =D Javi 6363: lol me: do you think you can get them all drawn by tomorrow? Javi 6363: drawn out yea probably ---------------------------- Javi 6363: Hey, I don't have the current pics scanned but they are the same as the pics I showed before, just with Marx looking more correct me: ah ok Javi 6363: I'll show you those again so you can see, Javi 6363: (link) I redrew the button part of this Javi 6363: (link) the top part of this one Javi 6363: (link) me: impressive Javi 6363: (link) Javi 6363: (link) ------------------------------------- KWarp11: hey neo Javi 6363: hey KWarp11: I've been so busy today I just got on my computer ;_; Javi 6363: i got to my PC 2 hours ago heh KWarp11: nice Javi 6363: i actually was heading to bed right now Javi 6363: tomorrow is 8am tired >< KWarp11: heheh, good luck Javi 6363: see ya KWarp11: later KWarp11: (work on marx rawr) ------------------------------------- KWarp11: Hey neo, can you get Marx finished by tommorow? Javi 6363: sorry but not possible KWarp11: big project looming? Javi 6363: I've had little time to work on it Javi 6363: yea 3 midterms next week are due KWarp11: beginnng or end? KWarp11: *of the week Javi 6363: all week KWarp11: crap --------------------------------- KWarp11: How are midterms working out? Javi 6363: not as good as I expected but I'm getting thru KWarp11: allright, being not dead is good Javi 6363: kinda wishing i was KWarp11: no no shame! you will do game work and like it! Javi 6363: lol -------------------------------- me: how did midterms go? Javi 6363: not bad I guess me: will you be able to get marx done by tomorrow? Javi 6363: all of it no, but I can have something done tomorrow me: cool ------------------------------- KWarp11: I like coloring things =3 KWarp11: how has coloring Marx gone? Javi 6363: coloring is fun Javi 6363: not as much as I had hoped Javi 6363: i'd probably would have had 1 or 2 done by now if I wasn't with my dad all day (his birthday heh) KWarp11: nice KWarp11: I have a flying toy KWarp11: it's like a spinny wheel thingy with a fan on the bottom Javi 6363: cool KWarp11: it amuses me greatly Javi 6363: nice KWarp11: only 10 minutes of battery though =( Javi 6363: ---------------------------- me: so what are you studing in class now that mideterms are over? Javi 6363: studing? Javi 6363: oh Javi 6363: no Javi 6363: my midterms were project turn in Javi 6363: and still working on these projects Javi 6363: making models Javi 6363: fixing things my teacher hated with the midterm ones Javi 6363: animations Javi 6363: more modeling me: it never ends o_O Javi 6363: i wish it did timmy....I wish it did.... me: movie quote? Javi 6363: i dunno Javi 6363: i call everyone timmy me: heheh me: well I'm off to cross country practice, work on Marx ya'hear? -------------------------------- KWarp11: marx marx marx Javi 6363: i kniw i know i know I not going to have time to babysit you guys when school starts next week. I have not done any work on the storybook code in the past 2 months because I'm too busy chasing after you guys. I still have not seen Carefree Captain. We don't have artists working on Inside Nova or Time to Learn (both VERY important), and those artists who are working are doing so at a snail's pace. My patience is wearing thin. Anyone watching this thread, please be a help and find me some fresh art talent. I need artists who can draw technology environments, fantasy-nature environents, and/or cute crayony stuff like what Bean draws.
The Mutericator Posted August 30, 2006 Posted August 30, 2006 I just let my friend know, he should be here in a day or so.
Binjovi Posted September 1, 2006 Posted September 1, 2006 Kracko, Beam, Fighter, and Parasol (umbrella) are all finished. Plasma's all I have left to do. I know I haven't been that diligent, but I'm almost done. Thanks for being patient with me. [EDIT]: When I get finished with my list of pics, and if you're still lacking artists at that time, I can take a stab at one or two of the covers as long as I have some good screenshots to use as reference. The two I'd be most interested in are Skyhigh and Hotbeat.
NeoForte Posted September 1, 2006 Posted September 1, 2006 Uh...ok? wha?... Anyway I'm getting on it. I'm doing it little by little as my projects give me time to. And also Plasma and Bomb are done coloring just have to figure out what to do for a background (Beam, Jet and Ice are getting there...I messed up on Beam and Ice coloring). I wish i could do so many things right now...Unfortunately I have to put my priorities on my projects or risk failing my classes. Anyway expect some finished work in some time.
Binjovi Posted September 2, 2006 Posted September 2, 2006 Heheh. Neoforte, KWarp gave me your beam pic and I colored it already. So, that's one off your back at least (unless you don't want to share the credit). This also means I'm free since Plasma was the only other one of yours left I had to color and you got it finished. If you want to send me one of the other ones I can help you get 'em done. Just upload it somewhere and send it in a PM to me. I don't want others to see what the images look like (so they'll be a surprise when they actually get to read it), but I can send you the beam pic since I feel it's only fair for you to see what I've done with your work. I love your sig by the way. SAM and DRG FTW!
KWarp Posted September 2, 2006 Posted September 2, 2006 School's starting soon and I'm busy doing last-minute summer homework. I'm out of time again. ;_;
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