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The PCReMix Initiative ~ Let's put the PC in OC ReMix!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here to ask for mixes from:

Space Quest

Leisure Suit Larry (one mix isn't enough for a 7-game series!)

Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness (imho, Aubrey Hodges made some incredibly immersive, spooky, and compelling music for this Lovecraftian point n' click adventure)

The Legend of Kyrandia series (the tracks from the first two games are pretty memorable imho, I still listen to Ryan8bit's mix)

Baldur's Gate (seriously, why is there ONLY @$#!?! mix from this game :( :()

Planescape: Torment (see previous parenthetical comment times 1,000,000)

Summoner (This underrated game from THQ released 12 years ago:


Simcity 3000 or Simcity 4 (The stuff Jerry Martin and The Humble Brothers created is just perfect for traveling around NYC at night imho)


I've submitted my UNATCO mix to the panel. Fingers crossed! I suppose should continue my Death Track and Traffic Department 2192 mixes - it's been a while since I touched either. I guess I should aim to get them to a state where I can post wip threads on the forum.

Thanks for the comment on the UNATCO mix WesternZypher! And for the requests/suggestions too. I did play Larry 2 a bit with a friend way back when. Can't say I remember it even having music, probably did have some monophonic beepy stuff to it. Now I'm stuck watching a let's play.. it seems to have the Larry theme at least.



Speaking of the UNATCO theme - has anyone seen this? Amazing.

Anyway, I was just checking out the forums for the first time. Long time OCRemix listener, but this issue has always bothered me; I love the console game remixes, but the diversity is seriously compromised when people keep making the umpteenth Castlevania remix and yet most of the classic PC soundtracks don't have a single mix.

Currently a musical incompentent, but if I ever teach myself how to mix you know I'll be the first one on here.

Also: there seriously needs to be an Interstate '76 remix. Any song will do, though the title theme strikes me as the strongest one for remixing.

  • 1 month later...

I just came upon this thread. I want to contribute, but probably not until I'm done with a bunch of albums. I am a huge point and click adventure fan and QFG/KQ were the staples of my computerized youth.

The first track I will do will have something to do with QFG 2 and it will be called "Where the F&@# is the Money Changer?"

  • 2 weeks later...
Here to ask for mixes from:

Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness (imho, Aubrey Hodges made some incredibly immersive, spooky, and compelling music for this Lovecraftian point n' click adventure)

i thought those were just rearrangements of classical pieces ? i know the tavern theme is actually an arrangement of Anitras dance. I only found that out because it was playing in the background of some tv show i watched and it blew my little 15 year old mind at the time. " WHY WOULD THERE BE GAME MUSIC ON TV?!?!?" so i looked it up.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

is the track list predecided, or do we just mix up a pc game track and submit it to the list? if so, i might be tempted to take on some might and magic xeen. That game is ripe for remixing and i dont think anyones really done it.

Edited by Esperado
poor usage of wording, fixed

Last I checked, you just state what game - and track(s) from it - that you're intending to remix, and Archangel'll add it onto the list whenever he sees it. He's definitely not trying to mandate what games get remixed (beyond being pre-2000 PC games), if that's what you're asking.


Here's something I scraped together, it's a list of claims/expressions of interest & links to wip threads (come on, post more of those - it's kind of the point isn't it) since Archangel last updated the first post:

  1. Dj Mokram - Deus Ex medley
  2. Amphibious - ??? (Warcraft 2)
  3. Lasmush - (Unreal Tournament) mix: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/358119 original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOH7PhF16f4
  4. Groboclown - The Village (Little Big Adventure/Relentless) wip: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=861732 original:

  5. Groboclown + evktalo (eventually) - Ur-Quan theme *2 (Star Control 2) wips: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38825 original:

  6. IsolinearMoogle - SuvwI' van bom (Star Trek: Klingon)
  7. evktalo - UNATCO theme (Deus Ex) Finished [submitted: 12th October 2012] mix: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=872011 original:

  8. Mykah - ??? (Ultima Online)
  9. XPRTNovice - ??? (Quest For Glory 2)
  10. Flexstyle - ??? (Starcraft)
  11. Esperado - ??? (Might and Magic: World/Dark Side of Xeen)
  12. Argle - Main Menu theme (Hocus Pocus) original:

  13. Magellanic - Tyrian Level Theme (Tyrian) [submitted, but WIP thread still ongoing?] wip: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37013 original:

LET'S GO! I'll take a look at the couple WIP threads I've not checked properly. It's been a while since they were updated, but hopefully it'll inspire the remixers to continue their work. Let's see some more wip threads, shall we?


Posted (edited)

ill probably do the blacksmiths theme from might and magic -darkside of xeen, sketched out a quick idea for it. so unless it crashes and burns miserably. i will eventually get it done. not sure when though.

Edited by Esperado
added link

oh i wanted to mention, if anyone who played xeen wants any of the voice files from the game i have all of them. theyre pretty goofy and would probably fit nicely inside of a song. likewise if you own the cd version of it, you can just pop the disc into itunes and all the voice tracks show up as songs.

  • 4 weeks later...

Got to this finally. Really really nice work combining the sources. I enjoyed the slowdown/changeup/source change thing 1/3 in. The atmosphere in the slowed down bit is deliciously desolate. The energetic parts are pretty powerful and driving, and work really well, and the sound is good there.

Some of the parts felt a bit underdeveloped/-detailed: the very beginning up to 0:11 and 01:20-01:42 of the slower section I just complimented. With both of these parts I was thinking that the bass instrument sounded kind of simplistic, especially when it goes up. I think the problem is that I perceive that the bass is carrying these sections, but the sound in itself doesn't seem interesting enough. There's also a note in the bass line in the slow section - 01:41 and 02:03 - that sounds really off-key to me.

The change-up at 02:35 was a bit surprising, it could have been set up or foreshadowed. In itself as a part it's very good, and the part that begins at 02:58 follows very logically from the 02:35-> part and the writing that precedes it. I feel a bit like if the part before 02:35 had been longer, it would've followed more naturally.

Anyway, apart from the off-key bass note those are pretty minor nitpicks for me. Good stuff!


  • 2 weeks later...

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