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I find it funny that having sex isn't really worth anything.

Blatantly stole that idea from the Bullet Witch Achievements for 360. 1 point for beating it on the hardest difficulty. I love it. Makes you wonder how many people get 999 and can't get that last point.


I'd like to see more realistic achievements next time.. maybe not so much stuff that involves spending outrageous amounts of money or having sex. You'll probably add an achievement for spending outrageous amounts of money TO have sex for next year just to spite me.

Though technically if you're having sex at MAG you've already spent an outrageous amount of money to get there.

I'd like to see more realistic achievements next time.. maybe not so much stuff that involves spending outrageous amounts of money or having sex. You'll probably add an achievement for spending outrageous amounts of money TO have sex for next year just to spite me.

Though technically if you're having sex at MAG you've already spent an outrageous amount of money to get there.

THANK GOD! - 100 Points - Don't be Brandon Strader

And they start dancing with Animal Style while met with loud cheers from the crowd. He immediately grabs the closest microphone and says, "I don’t know where you girls came from, but you can stay up here as long as you want."

Whoa, I know I had had a few beers by the time Animal Style went up on stage, but I have no recollection of this happening.


I didn't actually get that drunk until one of the guys hanging around the visualists' table offered me one of those plastic water cups... with vodka. :o

Your story took place during

(which I only saw part of, due to me drunkenly tripping over a chair near the soundboard and bruising / cutting my leg pretty bad.) Sadly there was a much smaller crowd in the room for Animal Style, he's a really talented dude and he played an great, albeit short set.\


Your story took place during
(which I only saw part of, due to me drunkenly tripping over a chair near the soundboard and bruising / cutting my leg pretty bad.)

I know for a fact it wasn't Luke's set (A_Rival), because he was hanging out right outside the concert room when this was going on. Dude just had a Gameboy, no laptop. I think he was black.

But this makes the story that much cooler; the chicks came back to the concert room to dance with Luke?? I didn't know this. Holy shit. They stayed up there MUCH longer than they did for Dauragon.

I was sadly asleep by this point, probably.

I know for a fact it wasn't Luke's set (A_Rival), because he was hanging out right outside the concert room when this was going on. Dude just had a Gameboy, no laptop. I think he was black.
Ahh, then that was Dauragon. I stepped out for part of his set. (by this point, vodka had been consumed and boy was I feeling it. I kinda wish I could have retried DrunkenNES then, just to get an official record of how drunk I was...)



Facebook picture album (temporarily public so you all can peruse if you're not yet friends with me there) - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150565713178255.434344.677693254&type=1&l=37dfbb30ef

Video of Rare Candy singing the ending theme from Plants vs. Zombies - https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150567421848255

Video of the OneUps performing Mario Circuit from the SMK album, and the first two tracks from Intergalactic Redux - https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10150567865508255

His set was BANANAS. The energy was fantastic and that loco drink he gave me had me hyper as hell even though it was only a little bit. So I think he had the same energy as me x 10 which means he should drink it before shows lol.

Dancing on stage with you and Lukas was great fun. I was so shocked to see someone as reserved as yourself dancing up there with us, too. It put a smile on my face.


D-Lux, I think those were the girls that virt and I scared off. Someone was trying to explain what magfest was so I look at Jake and go, "This is what MAGFest is all about!" as I sit on his lap and we start cuddling.

They probably ran into you shortly thereafter.


On a more serious note, I am working my way through video uploads. I took a couple of photos and a video on my phone, but somehow they got deleted. Which was disappointing since the video was a panel room greeting a friend who couldn't make it to this MAGFest.


Sadly there was a much smaller crowd in the room for Animal Style, he's a really talented dude and he played an great, albeit short set.\


His latest stuff is sick. Amazing game boy production and catchy as hell. I love his new upbeat-ish one. I have no idea what it's called, I call it 'the reggae one'. It rules.

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