Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 So I've neglected to create a Final Fantasy XIII-2 thread being that A) I didn't want to allow the chance for spoiling the game to exist and Given the general response to the previous entry in the series(which I thought was great), I didn't think anyone would particularly mind its absence. That being said, I've just recently completed the game with about half of the content fully explored and 2 of the 9 possible endings. I can safely say that this game fixes many of the "problems" with the original, and feels pretty great. The basic premise of the game is the ability to travel through time and alternate dimensions not unlike the Chrono series, although you're pretty much free to explore this mechanic from nearly the beginning of the game. You'll spend time trying to find all the alternate time gates, bouncing through time, reversing time, and expanding the story as you see fit. It's a much more free-form experience than the first, which is a bit disorienting ironically. They've kept the general battle system, but added a few features like being able to fine tune the targeting of certain paradigms, the ability to save paradigm decks and the ability to change party members mid-battle. This of course not mentioning the monster-taming mechanic, which lets you add monsters of different types, demeanor, abilities, etc. to your strategy. The Crystarium has also undergone a few changes, such as one path which you'll share with all available combat roles, which adds a level of strategy to your choice in leveling. The story itself does a lot of character and world building, and I hear that SE has a prequel novel out and a sequel in the works in addition to a video series recapping the first game from the perspective of several side characters(Rygdea and Vosch) from the first game. It seems like SE is trying to take the Fabula Nova Crysalis and Lightning even farther, and I for one look forward to incoming story DLC and hopefully a sequel. The story of the game centers around Serah, Lightning's younger sister, and Noel Kreiss, the last human alive from 700 years in the future, trying to basically prevent said future from occuring. They really did well with the characterization I thought, as Serah went from a "damsel in distress" side character to a developed and resolute character I could care about. I'd also have to say that the main villain is probably one of the better FF villains I've seen thus far(think Sephiroth, but more focused and less stupid). This series(FFXIII) has really helped me see what I look for in games and how I see them. People were originally wailing on FFXIII and now Skyward Sword as games being too linear. I however felt that while the games were pretty much directed, it allowed for a tighter gameplay experience and cohesive story telling(I won't deny FFXIII had problems though). While I can't make a claim on gameplay in Skyrim, I can say from my experience in WRPGs that whenever a dev says "non-linear playground", I hear "we don't have the slightest idea on how to create an interesting and cohesive experience, so here are a bunch of fetch quests", and that to me is vexing in addition to a slightly drab aesthetic, so hurry Final Fantasy. Also Relevant: Quote
Bleck Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 I will never play this game because I will never play the first one Quote
linkspast Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 Ive only played for maybe the first 1-2 hours. But I still want to be able to control each character directly in battle. Quote
Melbu Frahma Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 Ive only played for maybe the first 1-2 hours. But I still want to be able to control each character directly in battle. I played for a couple of hours, and that's the only real complaint I had as well - I miss the days when I got to control every detail of combat. Even so, the combat system wasn't all that bad and definitely accomplished what it set out to do(creating a more fluid, real-time battle system), perhaps to a better degree than the previous game. Actually, just thought of another complaint: Mog. Every time that moogle said "Kupo" or a form of that "word" I wanted to shoot myself - or more accurately, shoot it. The voice acting for it honestly bothered me more than Vanille ever did (again, only played XIII for a few hours as well, so time might have an effect). From what little I played, though, I found the actual gameplay superior. Still don't intend on buying it though. Quote
prophetik music Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 i've really been enjoying what little i played of this game. i beat the first one, and i enjoyed the combat, although the storyline was a bit lacking and it took a while to get off the ground. one of the big issues with the game is that people keep saying "i want to control everything"...but you ARE controlling everything, just not in the way that you think. people see three characters on-screen, and expect to be able to control those three characters. instead, they're controlling the aggregate of them, a single fighting unit. you can still do specific strategies, but the game streamlines the fighting experience so you don't have to sit there and menu it up forever. it makes the fights a lot more exhilerating, in my opinion, and the change to be more fast-paced is a definite positive. Quote
Darangen Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 Even though I've lost my fervor for the Final Fantasy series, I'm still planning on buying and playing this. Even if just for the hope that it might redeem itself from past flubs. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 7, 2012 Author Posted February 7, 2012 i've really been enjoying what little i played of this game. i beat the first one, and i enjoyed the combat, although the storyline was a bit lacking and it took a while to get off the of the big issues with the game is that people keep saying "i want to control everything"...but you ARE controlling everything, just not in the way that you think. people see three characters on-screen, and expect to be able to control those three characters. instead, they're controlling the aggregate of them, a single fighting unit. you can still do specific strategies, but the game streamlines the fighting experience so you don't have to sit there and menu it up forever. it makes the fights a lot more exhilerating, in my opinion, and the change to be more fast-paced is a definite positive. While you're definitely controlling the aggregate and that's a huge part of it, even then you aren't going to be using auto-battle that much if you want to maintain high combat efficiency. If you leave your synergists and sabateurs on auto for example, they're just going to cycle through different debuffs, when for the sake of speed(the system is ALL about speed), you're gonna want to prioritize certain buffs on certain characters, and while attacking, the AI is going to alternate between physical and magical attacks, which is pretty slow. Hell in addition to hidden evasion stats, there are bloody hitboxes in this game! When enemies jump around, you can outright miss them with your physical attacks if they move out of the way far enough, while magic will never have that problem. With FFXIII-2 however, now you can switch characters mid-battle whenever you want, so if you want to load up a string of abilities on Serah, switch to Noel and do the same for him, you have that level of micromanagement. In addition to knowing how to "buffer" roles and perform accurate ATB refreshes, there is plenty of stuff keeping combat fresh, fast, and very deliberate. Auto-battle is really just there to let people breath a little and enjoy shit going crazy on the screen. Quote
Yami Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 I'm still thinking about buying XIII as a Classic for Xbox360. I didn't buy it when it was released, because I didn't fall for the hype, but after everything I've heard about XIII-2 I'm reconsidering. It's not that I don't like linear games, e.g. I really liked Grandia 2 which is linear as hell. Can anybody tell me how good or bad the dubbing is, I'm so tired of listening to bad english voice dubs especially when I've no chance of switching to the original japanese voices? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 7, 2012 Author Posted February 7, 2012 As a person who prefers original audio whenever possible, I agree that the lack of Japanese audio is vexing. Not sure if you're up and up on voice actors, but Troy Baker, Liam O'Brian, and Laura Bailey are some of the names in the cast. I think they get the job done, and SE usually does an above average job on dubs relatively speaking(my opinion naturally). Of course it all depends on how well you tolerate the dialogue, which doesn't bug me too much, but well, there's that. Quote
Yami Posted February 7, 2012 Posted February 7, 2012 Then I think I'll rent it first to try it out. But if I like the story, I don't care that much for the dub anymore, at least as long as it's not unbearable (Grandia 2 again, even if the dub had some high points, but the original japanese version of course is much better) Quote
Theory of N Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Ok, I literally just beat the game minutes ago. I loved the entire game up until the ending. I really hope the other endings are drastically different because that was the most depressing and disappointing ending to any game I've ever played. Quote
Fishy Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Yeah I won't be buying this. It shouldn't exist, and they're just trying to squeeze money out of us with those extra assets they created last time around. It could be the best Final Fantasy game ever made and I still wouldn't buy it. I don't think any games company should be rewarded for that kind of attitude, especially with a franchise with such a positive history. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 It could be the best Final Fantasy game ever made and I still wouldn't buy it. I don't think any games company should be rewarded for that kind of attitude, especially with a franchise with such a positive history. I thought the reason we didn't want game companies to "sell out" was because it leads to crappy games. If selling out leads to a totally badass awesome fucking game, I would want all game companies to immediately sell out. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 8, 2012 Author Posted February 8, 2012 Art assets aren't the only thing they had left over, and they've created several new areas to complement them in addition to completely redoing map layouts and area designs. Archytle Steppe for example is very much a different place, and some areas are reminiscent of stuff out of Mass Effect. I also do not understand your statement Fishy, but by all means continue your misguided boycott. As for the endings, well if you thought the actual ending wasn't satisfying and or fitting(which I did given several presented story elements), then I don't think you'll particularly enjoy any of the side endings, as they're just alternate timeline dead ends. I've loved the ones I've seen, but they aren't going to push the story forward like the true ending. Quote
PriZm Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Boycotting games to make a statement (?) is pretty in vogue now. Quote
Theory of N Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 I mean yeah, it made sense with the story and all but jeez, no one wants a story to end like that. I guess all I can really do is get all the fragments and hope the secret ending makes up for it. Quote
Fishy Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Sorry but I just have to laugh at anyone who thinks I'm not buying it to be cool. I make prog rock video game remixes, since when do I care about being cool. All I'm sayin' is I spent £65 on the collectors edition of the first game and I have never been so disappointed in a video game. This sequel was not the reaction I wanted to that disappointment, and it definitely wasn't what I wanted that money put into. I just want to see Squeenix treating their fans (and their franchise) with a bit more respect. I can see this will go nowhere helpful already so I won't be posting here again. If you bought it and loved it then that's awesome and I have no intention of trying to convince you otherwise. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted February 8, 2012 Author Posted February 8, 2012 And I'm not trying to convince you to grab it either. A lot of people were annoyed with FFXIII and that's totally cool, but saying SE isn't treating the "fans" with respect is flat out wrong. If they weren't, then like Avatar of Justice said they'd churn out an even shittier game, when all SE has done lately is apologize about their recent string of goofs, and worked towards making better games again. Quote
Fishy Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 I'm breaking my no replying to agree with you partially. And I'm not trying to convince you to grab it either. A lot of people were annoyed with FFXIII and that's totally cool, but saying SE isn't treating the "fans" with respect is flat out wrong. If they weren't, then like Avatar of Justice said they'd churn out an even shittier game, when all SE has done lately is apologize about their recent string of goofs, and worked towards making better games again. You're right. They did apologise for FFXIII and state they were going to do the next thing properly. However I feel like they didn't move on properly. The correct response to making something badly received is to move on properly, not to append it. It should have been time to carefully consider FFXV. I agree that disrespectful maybe isn't the word, we'll see what they do next :3. Ok srsly this time. Laters. Quote
linkspast Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 After a bit more playing Still not more than 5 hours or so in, It feels like its going to be a lot less linear, and The battle system is much, much improved. Also this game looks awesome. Story and game play aside I would not mind just exploring the world. Quote
Arcana Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 So far (3 hours in, which isn't much) I am liking this one too. Here are a few changes: 1) You actually get to explore a town in the game and talk to people 2) You get most of what you need to know about the game in the first 3 hours 3) There are fewer major characters 4) You can jump 5) You an make dialog decisions I still think that they should make it illegal for FF games to start with an epic action sequence movie because they almost always make no sense, but at the same time after the first two hours I could totally see WHY they had design rationale to do that - it introduces how the two main characters in the game (Noel and Serah) end up meeting. I found that there were a few things that continue to make this game more immersive than games in the past. Notwithstanding are the graphics, which are immensely beautiful and are incredibly detailed (you can see goosebumps on Serah's arm!!!). In addition, people often talk at you as well as you talking to them, so it feels more like a conversation. They've also avoided the BioWare-esque conversation view (one-camera talking head view which does get old after a while) and extremely long conversation trees (you can generally ask only one question). I have only "time warped" out of the first area so far so I really have no idea what the rest of the game is like but so far I like what I've experienced. I read in reviews that you only get two main characters in your party (a little disappointing) and that the ending sucks (booooooo) so I'm not not looking forward to that at all but I do want to continue playing this game. Also, the voice acting in the game is fine. Some of the dialog is really strange, but in general I found that they've done well (I thought they did well in FF XIII as well). Finally I didn't get a sense that you needed to know the first game to know this one. They explain the first game in under 15 minutes (through a narrated option on the title screen) if you want to know about it and some of the emotional impact is muted if you're not really sure what things like Cocoon are or who Lightning was, but I haven't seen anything so far that would make a person totally new to FF XIII-2 be like "this makes no sense and would only be cool to people who played the first game". Quote
GSO Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 I played the demo. I think it's kinda tedious. I for one hate the battle system because of the fact that I could probably blindfold myself and kick ass. I saw the trailer tho. 24 year old Hope Esthiem(did i spell that right) is F-I-N-E;-) Quote
Moomba Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 I have no intention of playing this anytime soon because the story and characters are downright terrible. Heck, I happened to have spoiled the ending for myself just because I'd heard so many complaints about it around the Japanese release. Incoming FFXIII-3 or additional storyline DLC for an extra ending? No thanks. I played Final Fantasy games for the story and characters... if they sell out on those just for high-tier graphics (with terrible fps at times) and to fulfill the criteria of an internet checklist, I'm not interested. Quote
PriZm Posted February 8, 2012 Posted February 8, 2012 Sorry but I just have to laugh at anyone who thinks I'm not buying it to be cool. I make prog rock video game remixes, since when do I care about being cool. I didn't mean it as a personal attack against you. It's just that more and more often I see people on the net talking about boycotting games from certain company to make a point and this seems to be a recent trend. Quote
Arcana Posted February 9, 2012 Posted February 9, 2012 While it's interesting to see people with differing and negative opinions, it's also nice to have a thread that's not filled with posts along the likes of, "I'll never play this!" or, worse, "FF XIII was a bad game" (because we didn't hear it enough already a couple of years ago). Quote
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