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Mass Effect 3: Every Dialog Choice Can Be Answered with "Charge"

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If anyone can. They might. I cant see this as a setup for anything BUT this kind of move.

They said 3 was the end of shepard's story. You cant pull a halo with how you ended this. I get the rage from people on this but there were hints about this throughout the game.

However to answer a question on Joker being in warp. That's very simple actually. The bigger plothole is how everyone else got BACK to the normandy.

Mel that's been a thought for a while. Yes. A clean story break however would be required to make the transition. The ending lay's that ground work. If TOR is proven viable by Bioware. (IE profitable) Then that kind of undertaking could be applied again to an ME universe which basically requires that kind of undertaking.

Yes. A clean story break however would be required to make the transition.

I wouldn't necessarily say a clean story break would be required, so much as I'd say it would be optimal if they really wanted to pursue a quality MMO.

They could always do something similar to what they did with the co-op in 3 - have it set up to where you're just a soldier/biotic/Geth/whathaveyou whose story takes place against the background of the events of the series as we know, but in other places; it'd probably have to be a smaller MMO though, and probably could only reuse a handful of the locales from the series, if that. A clean break - i.e. set 100, 200, however many years after the "canonical" ending to 3 (because they'd pretty much have to decide upon one as canon, if they wanted to pursue this idea) would allow for a much more open-ended structure.

Then again, they might make a MMO set in the last time when the Reapers came, where you could play as a Promethean or one of another set of races that were alive at that time. That might be a fascinating story, especially given the specter of ultimate, eventual failure hanging over things.

I dunno. I'm not really a fan of MMOs in the first place anyway.

I wouldn't necessarily say a clean story break would be required, so much as I'd say it would be optimal if they really wanted to pursue a quality MMO.

They could always do something similar to what they did with the co-op in 3 - have it set up to where you're just a soldier/biotic/Geth/whathaveyou whose story takes place against the background of the events of the series as we know, but in other places; it'd probably have to be a smaller MMO though, and probably could only reuse a handful of the locales from the series, if that. A clean break - i.e. set 100, 200, however many years after the "canonical" ending to 3 (because they'd pretty much have to decide upon one as canon, if they wanted to pursue this idea) would allow for a much more open-ended structure.

Then again, they might make a MMO set in the last time when the Reapers came, where you could play as a Promethean or one of another set of races that were alive at that time. That might be a fascinating story, especially given the specter of ultimate, eventual failure hanging over things.

I dunno. I'm not really a fan of MMOs in the first place anyway.

From my experience. If a player knows they can not win it does not help an MMO. PVP in a number of games and its participation proves that much

Honestly, at this point i'm hoping for a patch with an ending fix. All of this. All of this boils down to the fact that the decisions you made dont matter at all. Virmire means nothing, Morninth/Samara means nothing, saving the krogan research meant nothing. Risking the salarians coming after you meant nothing. Uniting the quarrians and the geth meant NOTHING.

I know the original ending got leaked and that played a role in this piece of shit but while there are good points about it from an external perspective. As a player, as David Shepard. (first name of mine) I'm pretty damned pissed. All that work uniting the galaxy all the effort. None of it meant a thing in the end.

I believe he was referring to this, although that's a long way from being "pushed for."

even if that is the case, it doesn't matter

all three endings of me3 involve the destruction of the mass relays as well as the deaths of an extremely large amount of people from all of the alien races

regardless of what ending you pick, the reapers still basically win - this cycle ends with the destruction of all sentient races and of galactic society at large

an mmo that takes place afterwards would have to take place hundreds of thousands of years later, in a galaxy that is so unrecognizable it can hardly be considered the same as the previous games

If anyone can. They might. I cant see this as a setup for anything BUT this kind of move.

What makes you say that, honestly? Their track record with MMORPGs is not very long. They have one that launched a few months ago. TOR is doing alright but the real measure of any MMO game's success is its longevity. It's not a breakout smash hit. Bioware hasn't actually proven anything on the MMO front yet.

an mmo that takes place afterwards would have to take place hundreds of thousands of years later, in a galaxy that is so unrecognizable it can hardly be considered the same as the previous games

right here is why an mmo wouldn't work. also, with the enormous, ENORMOUS investment that was TOR (which released to mediocre sales and lowering subscriptions after the first month or two), there's no way in hell a mass effect mmo is coming out anytime soon.


You know, as much as people are harping on about the "Three choices" part of the ending, I have to say I was a bit disappointed by the lead-up as well. Going around and having one last conversation with your teammates was good, but that was about it. I spent the whole game building up this massive army and I was expecting to see them kick some ass, but there's no real payoff.

I was hoping for something more like ME2, where you get to see how well the mission goes based on the decisions you made. Show me those intelligent geth primes wrecking some shit. Show me the Migrant Fleet bombing a reaper to oblivion. I got the STG on my side, so how about having them scout ahead and disable that anti-air gun for me? SHOW ME THE RACHNI. YOU'VE BEEN BUILDING UP MY DECISION TO SPARE THE QUEEN FOR FIVE YEARS, ONLY TO REDUCE THEM TO YET ANOTHER UNSEEN WAR ASSET. WHY AM I NOT SITTING IN AWE AS THEY SLAUGHTER A MILLION HUSKS.

I don't expect to see every single little thing, but Christ, at least give me some hint that my most significant allies are doing something.

The charge for the Citadel and the final confrontation were both great, though.


uhh...ok guys.

I've been talking with people who know more about this than i do and people that have no problems pulling multi-all nighters.

Its gonna be up on youtube sometime in the next couple days. But bioware pulled a page out of SquareSoft's (NOT SQUAREENIX) playbook...

This thing has more endings than fucking CHRONO TRIGGER!! And at least as many win conditions! I've been told of 3 seperate endings where both shepard and anderson LIVE! Not entirely certain on the conditions for it but if true Bioware went and pulled something no one ever expected. And i'll love them for it!

If i had the actual footage i'd post already with it. But keep an eye out and as soon as i have a link i'll post it.

uhh...ok guys.

I've been talking with people who know more about this than i do and people that have no problems pulling multi-all nighters.

Its gonna be up on youtube sometime in the next couple days. But bioware pulled a page out of SquareSoft's (NOT SQUAREENIX) playbook...

This thing has more endings than fucking CHRONO TRIGGER!! And at least as many win conditions! I've been told of 3 seperate endings where both shepard and anderson LIVE! Not entirely certain on the conditions for it but if true Bioware went and pulled something no one ever expected. And i'll love them for it!

If i had the actual footage i'd post already with it. But keep an eye out and as soon as i have a link i'll post it.

I watched them all on YouTube pretty much. Spoilers follow, for serious.

How much the endings vary is incredibly slight in most cases. Shepard surviving in some of them is simply a 5 second clip of him/her taking a quick breath in a pile of rubble. Anderson surviving basically only allows you to have a quick conversation with him before you meet the crazy StarChild (and there is even some dialogue floating around that was cut from this conversation in the game, and its a really beautiful talk with Anderson, I don't know why they took it out). There are some very small differences here and there depending on readiness rating and war assets I believe, but the fact that it is essentially the same cutscene no matter what you pick is rather disappointing.

uhh...ok guys.

I've been talking with people who know more about this than i do and people that have no problems pulling multi-all nighters.

Its gonna be up on youtube sometime in the next couple days. But bioware pulled a page out of SquareSoft's (NOT SQUAREENIX) playbook...

This thing has more endings than fucking CHRONO TRIGGER!! And at least as many win conditions! I've been told of 3 seperate endings where both shepard and anderson LIVE! Not entirely certain on the conditions for it but if true Bioware went and pulled something no one ever expected. And i'll love them for it!

If i had the actual footage i'd post already with it. But keep an eye out and as soon as i have a link i'll post it.

hey, you haven't finished it. stuff's been up since thursday. 17 endings actually are only three endings, which boil down to palette swaps.


Bioware employees are being awfully cryptic on Twitter. Seems they have something in the works. Who's betting on "buy the real ending" DLC?

On the other hand, if this is all leading up some masterstroke revelation that explains why we saw the stupid ending and gives us a decent conclusion without any retcons and we don't have to pay for it and they can prove that they'd planned it all from the beginning, I might just be willing to forget that Dragon Age 2 happened.

Tall order, though.


Here's what will happen. There's going to be fans forgiving of the situation, and buying the DLC. Then there will be ones who piss and moan about them doing this (and rightfully so), but then they'll go and download the DLC anyways.

Either way, game journalists are going to have a pissing match over who's "entitled" and who isn't.


So I just got around to finishing the game yesterday. I managed to avoid spoilers (though I knew there was controversy about the ending), so I went into it more-or-less fresh. My reaction was more "WTF?" than "RAGE!" but yeah. When the last half hour is the most disappointing part of a franchise consisting of three games that are each dozens of hours long, you done fucked up.


I haven't played the game yet, but if the demo is any indication of the actual quality, then I don't really think the ending is going to be a deal breaker.

I still need to grab all 3 on the PC, but man... Don't like the thought of using Origin if it's as bad as everyone says it is...

I still need to grab all 3 on the PC, but man... Don't like the thought of using Origin if it's as bad as everyone says it is...

It really, really isn't. It's just another program you leave running in the background while you play your game. Like Steam, but less feature-filled.


I can't believe this just happened.

Seriously, gaming is a creative, artistic industry where people are going to create an experience as per their vision. You as a CONSUMER(and not a stockholder) are entitled to not like said work, but to do something this batshit?

I hope Tim Schafer and all these other guys using Kickstarter to fund their game projects know just what they're getting themselves into.

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