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So, I guess that means no Hoenn in BW2, but that doesn't rule out a remake still.

I'd be happy as a Clamperl if they somehow included Hoenn and all this "no" business was just a ploy to keep it a secret, but I'm highly skeptical that this is the case. After all, Unova is supposedly very far away from the other four regions and traveling between Kanto and Johto was already a minor pain in the ass.


I don't actually have anything against Hoeen. It has a lot of my fav pokemon, and fav music, and in may be my favorite region in terms of layout and exploring. But I'd feel a bit cheated if the "sequel" was in Hoenn, can't really give a very logical explanation for why. Cause it wouldn't bother me to get a gen 3 remake in the least, or a even new game in Hoenn, or to have Hoenn in the new game alongside other regions...just not one that is just in Hoenn branded as black 2 or white 2.

But I'm glad it's confirmed to not be Hoenn.

Not much spoiling coming out on this one, but I guess for new games most of the spoilers are new pokemon...which we already know won't be appearing.

  • 2 weeks later...

First new real info!

IGN and Serebii.net have both reported on it. Serebii has the first scans as well: (linked due to massive image size)

Trainers and new rival

Old pokemon to appear in the unova dex

Your new starting town

The game is set 2 years after B/W, so this truly is the first real sequel, not just a third edition. Apparently one section of the Unova region is covered in ice, and the construction on route 4 is finally finished. A new professor, new characters, new gyms and an actual continuation of the story. This is looking to be good!

Except is it just me or does the new male trainer look really, really stupid? He's like a hobo with a hole in his hat, his hair flapping about everywhere. This may be the first pkmn game I play as a girl my first time through, not that she's all that great but certainly better than the boy. Yeesh, kid. Get a haircut.


I definitely agree that the male protag looks horrible. Looks like they took the BW male and gave him one of those novelty hair hats. What the crap. Oh well, everything else looks fine. I wonder what's become of Professor Juniper and the previous protags. Will we fight them a la Red in G/S? I hope the translation localization is stepped up from the wooden/conservative BW translation. Can't wait.


Gonna be off the hizzy! One last Pokemon hurrah for the main series on the DS! :)

I actually read on a forum today that someone was upset about Pokemon BW2 and that they'd rather get 'Grey'(i.e. a mere upgrade to the original BW games) . Get the hell out of here, am i right?


That person should be maimed,decapitated, beheaded, and his body parts should be placed on display for everybody to laugh and scoff at for even suggesting such a ridiculous idea. I love how Game Freak is totally breaking tradition by releasing a completely new game after Black/White instead of a revamp or a remake. Especially a direct sequel. Maim the blasphemer!!!


anyone else notice the new italicized stat display for the battle hud? :D

it looks awesome. also apparently no one fucks with keldeo XD

edit: more on the japanese site, including a glance at returning old pokemon.



Here's a better look at the frozen Unova map.

Also took a look at the characters section.

Mysterious blonde guy is Akuroma, guitar girl leader is Homika, and water leader is Shizui.

Just so ya know.

Also the rival's name there is Raibaru... or rather, Rival.

That person should be maimed,decapitated, beheaded, and his body parts should be placed on display for everybody to laugh and scoff at for even suggesting such a ridiculous idea. I love how Game Freak is totally breaking tradition by releasing a completely new game after Black/White instead of a revamp or a remake. Especially a direct sequel. Maim the blasphemer!!!

Eh...harming/killing someone or even joking about it really isn't very funny, and actually kind of horrible. D:

I am intrigued by the footage I am seeing, and also why the changes have happened that have happened (obviously there's a story, I guess that involves Kyurem because of the ice). It looks like there are a fair amount of new areas as well. I hope they brought back the ability to rematch and things. I guess I had an infinitly longer attention span back in middle school/highschool because I really just can't focus on grinding on wild pokemon anymore. I want to fight the elite four again, but just can't get my team high enough level for it. :(

I think I'll be playing the male character for this, those loopy things on the female just weird me out way more than the male with his hair sticking out of his hat.

Edit: I also kind of wouldn't mind a "grey" version (although not at the expense of b&w 2) but that's just cause I want to do a gen 5 nuzlock,. Mostly because I'm really unfamiliar with the new pokemon still, so it would be more interesting to do it in b&w, rather than b&w2 which looks to have some older pokemon. I guess I'll just have to save up to get a copy of black though,and bare with the lack of trainers to rematch and things.


New Gym Leaders is kind of unexpected. Even if it's only the two, that's different. I mean, yeah, we had Juan replacing Wallace in Emerald, but that was such a minor change. The male Leader seems to be a Water-type user, which isn't found in the Unovan League (other than Cress from Striaton City, but that's only a third of the time, and not the gym specialty).

The rocker girl is cool/odd enough to warrant interest. She's ever-so slightly bleh in design, but the fact that it's a 10-year old punk(?) rocker with a big-ass guitar makes up for it.

Will we see other new Gym Leaders. maybe even E4? Will any of the replaced ones reappear later in the game, even in simple cameros?

New Gym Leaders is kind of unexpected. Even if it's only the two, that's different. I mean, yeah, we had Juan replacing Wallace in Emerald, but that was such a minor change. The male Leader seems to be a Water-type user, which isn't found in the Unovan League (other than Cress from Striaton City, but that's only a third of the time, and not the gym specialty).

The rocker girl is cool/odd enough to warrant interest. She's ever-so slightly bleh in design, but the fact that it's a 10-year old punk(?) rocker with a big-ass guitar makes up for it.

Will we see other new Gym Leaders. maybe even E4? Will any of the replaced ones reappear later in the game, even in simple cameros?

The new leaders are confirmed to be Water and Poison. They're probably found in new areas. 10 badges maybe?


It's not even close to June and they are still releasing more teasers >_<


For official artwork aside from the Coro leaks, and


for the official Introduction, courtesy of Pokemon Smash

Note that there is, as of yet, no information concerning N or Team Plasma. Maybe Ghetsis will make a comeback, but who knows...

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