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Here it is, folks. Almost a year of hard work, dedication, sweat and blood, sleepless nights (especially for me in the past week or so) and hair-pulling, The Dark Side of Phobos is released and ready to rock. 23 tracks of remixed Doom goodness, available for your downloading pleasure.

If you are interested, check out the tumultuous times of the project here, in the project thread.

There are both Mp3 downloads and a (quite large) Bittorrent file with both Flac and Mp3 available on the site. I recommend that you use the Bittorrent, if just to ease the assault on the mirrors. If you can, please seed once you are done downloading!

Use this thread to post comments, complaints, compliments and feedback. Check the bottom of this post for news updates on the project as well! Thanks for supporting the project and I hope you enjoy The Dark Side of Phobos!

-Navid Azeez (Mythril Nazgul)



November 4th

  • We get mentioned in PC Gamer Magazine! Hot shit!

August 24th


  • The torrent gets its 5,000th download!


August 12th

  • The torrent gets its 2,500th download!

August 10th


  • Sometime this morning, the torrent transferred its first terabyte. Victory!


August 9th

August 8th

  • The Dark Side of Phobos Debuts
  • The Project is featured on VGDJ
  • The Doom project has been posted on http://digg.com/ ! Be sure to go here, comment, and vote (“digg”) the Project up on the front page!
  • Jade Spawn is Stuff of Legends over at VGMix! Congratulations TO and Bladiator!

To anyone seeing the mirror page all fuxxored, it's being fixed as we speak.


Guys, feel free to release your tracks to VGMix, if you are so inclined. Also, in the info for your song, please advertise the project and encourage people to go to the site and grab the whole thing as well. (ps: the site's url will be given soon)

Furthermore, don't everyone release your tracks at once. If you see like three DSoP tracks on the recent songs list, don't submit yours. Wait a day or two.

Thanks. :)

refresh the page. the old page is still in your cache.

I did. Fifty freaking times.

EDIT: Even deleted my saved cache, no beans.

Try Ctrl+F5

Nada. Both Firefox and IE refuse to show it.

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