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I think it's sad that video games are getting to the point that if a sequel isn't radically different it apparently sucks.

It's a fucking video game. You play it to have fun.

I hope I never end up like that. It's kind of hypocritical, because by that logic Megaman 2-6 suck (same goes for the other series). I love games that people complain are "expansions" of previous games (except Call of Duty), because I get a whole ton more of what I loved in the previous. Who fucking cares if Mario Galaxy 2 was Galaxy 1 with more worlds and powerups, with the exact same gameplay. It's a great game, and if it isn't broken, why fix it?


Some games fatigue faster than others. AC leans heavily on its setting and draws everything it does from it. Rome, awesome as it is, eventually felt played out. So if they aren't going to get more creative with their gameplay, it's time to change settings. To their credit, it's hard to push the gameplay much further in the action genre. Not really the deepest pool to swim in.


Oh right, Revelations was in Istanbul. Similar to Rome in some ways but not near a shocking change as the Revolutionary War.

Arguing with you is not very fun, nebby. Try to tone down the passive aggressiveness. Or don't and I'll ignore you. Either works for me.

Oh right, Revelations was in Istanbul. Similar to Rome in some ways but not near a shocking change as the Revolutionary War.

Arguing with you is not very fun, nebby. Try to tone down the passive aggressiveness. Or don't and I'll ignore you. Either works for me.

Or I could just ignore your requests for a better argument. :roll:

I think it's sad that video games are getting to the point that if a sequel isn't radically different it apparently sucks.

It's a fucking video game. You play it to have fun.

I hope I never end up like that. It's kind of hypocritical, because by that logic Megaman 2-6 suck (same goes for the other series). I love games that people complain are "expansions" of previous games (except Call of Duty), because I get a whole ton more of what I loved in the previous. Who fucking cares if Mario Galaxy 2 was Galaxy 1 with more worlds and powerups, with the exact same gameplay. It's a great game, and if it isn't broken, why fix it?

If you noticed, Galaxy 2 scored higher than Galaxy 1 and the Megaman formula eventually got tired.

Games aren't getting to the point where similar sequels are bad, for as long as I can remember it's always been that way. It's like that with films, books, music, everything.

More of the same isn't bad no, people love more of the same, to a point; things can get boring second time around if not much has changed.

And for me, I'm already bored of the new AC game and it's not even out.


I'm really hoping, now that we have the addition of muskets and pistols pretty much everywhere, that the game will return to a more Assassin-y approach than it has been in the past few games.

In AC1, there were serious benefits to not getting spotted by guards, but since they added all that combo killing stuff, you can work through enormous amounts of them without even breaking a sweat.

When everyone's shooting you to death with muskets, suddenly stealth kills become attractive again!

I think it's sad that video games are getting to the point that if a sequel isn't radically different it apparently sucks.

It's a fucking video game. You play it to have fun.

I hope I never end up like that. It's kind of hypocritical, because by that logic Megaman 2-6 suck (same goes for the other series). I love games that people complain are "expansions" of previous games (except Call of Duty), because I get a whole ton more of what I loved in the previous. Who fucking cares if Mario Galaxy 2 was Galaxy 1 with more worlds and powerups, with the exact same gameplay. It's a great game, and if it isn't broken, why fix it?

When did you get so foul-mouthed? Seriously, tone it down bro. :roll:

I'm really hoping, now that we have the addition of muskets and pistols pretty much everywhere, that the game will return to a more Assassin-y approach than it has been in the past few games.

In AC1, there were serious benefits to not getting spotted by guards, but since they added all that combo killing stuff, you can work through enormous amounts of them without even breaking a sweat.

When everyone's shooting you to death with muskets, suddenly stealth kills become attractive again!

I was being shot at with muskets in Brotherhood, weren't you? Also, the stealth in AC1 felt a lot more optional than it did in AC2 and Brotherhood (haven't played Revelations yet). In many of the missions in AC2 and AC:B stealth was required to complete it, and not just a handy way to go about it.

I was being shot at with muskets in Brotherhood, weren't you? Also, the stealth in AC1 felt a lot more optional than it did in AC2 and Brotherhood (haven't played Revelations yet). In many of the missions in AC2 and AC:B stealth was required to complete it, and not just a handy way to go about it.

Yes, but not to the extent that there would be during the American Revolution.

In AC1, if you were caught by the guards, there was an actual incentive to trying to escape and hide by blending into the crowd or using hiding spots. Combo kills from ACII onwards meant that if guards caught you, you just needed to take a couple of minutes to slaughter them all and the alert went away.

Sure, ACII and Brotherhood had sections that demanded stealth, but those weren't exactly frequent. Additionally, while Brotherhood had loads of Assassination Targets (and a very large number of optional ones), in Revelations you... never actually do any assassination. Sure you kill a few people here and there, but that's never the objective, just something that happens to come along. I just hope ACIII brings back the game's namesake.


you have no idea how much I'm salivating over that bow

I just hope it's appropriately powerful (a good english longbow had something crazy like a 150 pound draw weight and could knock a man clean off of his horse)


Looking pretty awesome so far! I wonder if we'll be low-tech for the whole game or gradually move up with the addition of hidden-gun and stuff. I actually kind of like the idea of sticking with a longbow and stuff.

Also, that image with the deer... hunting? Maybe we'll go MGS3 style living off the land while appearing out of nowhere to assassinate targets! That could be pretty interesting. It certainly looks like there might be a lot of wilderness this time around!

you have no idea how much I'm salivating over that bow

I just hope it's appropriately powerful (a good english longbow had something crazy like a 150 pound draw weight and could knock a man clean off of his horse)

That doesn't look like an English longbow...

You know, as long as they portray Washington as the fearless badass he actually was, this will be good.

I agree. Although, Washington and a lot of the founding fathers were Freemasons, so they may portray them as templars... or a branch of assassins... who knows at this point. If Ubisoft were an American company, you could bet pretty confidently on who'd they'd end up being.

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