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To anyone who plays on Twisting Nether:

I have a Dwarven Priest that I aim to PvP and fool around with. I care not for the recent "nerfs" to the class, even then they are useful in some fashion. And yes, I do intend to RP there. Find "Briswald" and start yelling at me about things.


Question for the gurus out there.

If I give in to peer pressure that's kinda been on and off the past year and a half to play this darn game, what race and class would you suggest? Overpowered and easy to play for a newb would be a bonus. I can play healer or tank or whatever role from my experiences in other MMO's, being useful in the lategame and/or PvP also a plus. I tend to prefer hybrid classes to fill many roles but specialization not a problem if it's feasible.

From my little reading I'm leaning on Draenei Paladin/Cleric, or Undead Mage/Tauren Druid (not sure which side will be focused on since my friends tend to jump around on both side).


If you want easy levelling, go with a hunter, frost mage (once you start getting a lot of frost talents, you can go through most fights without taking damage; I play a frost mage) or shadow priest.

Question for the gurus out there.

If I give in to peer pressure that's kinda been on and off the past year and a half to play this darn game, what race and class would you suggest? Overpowered and easy to play for a newb would be a bonus. I can play healer or tank or whatever role from my experiences in other MMO's, being useful in the lategame and/or PvP also a plus. I tend to prefer hybrid classes to fill many roles but specialization not a problem if it's feasible.

From my little reading I'm leaning on Draenei Paladin/Cleric, or Undead Mage/Tauren Druid (not sure which side will be focused on since my friends tend to jump around on both side).

For hybrid classes in WoW you got Paladin and Shaman.

Paladins are focused on defense.

Shamans are focused on offense.

Both are support classes, but can gear up (and through talents) to be good in healing, melee, and magic damage.

In endgame both are usually support healers/main healers as healers are always in short supply.

In PvP pallys got the toughness, heals, and buffs to be the bane of enemy players. Shammys in PvP mostly lays totems and holds off/DPS the enemy from casters and can range cast themselves. Just remember that both classes are support and are easily pounded down if you try to charge in and be a "hero".


Druids are hybrid classes as well, doing a reasonable job at healing (caster/tree form), dps (in cat or moonkin form, as a rogue or mage respectively) or tanking (bear form).


Personally, I found it eaisest to go Warrior with my first character. As Shonen pointed out, you have no mana to worry about, only rage. It's pretty good at learning the early mechanics of the system and it's a class that has good survivability in many PvE situations as long as you don't get overwhelmed.

The tricky part about being a Warrior is while it's fairly easy to understand basic mechanics, tanking and being useful in instance dungeons is much more difficult and requires some instruction. You also have to be willing to accept that your DPS isn't going to be as high as many other classes unless you go into Fury.

Basically, I would suggest using a warrior to learn basic things about the game first, then going back and re-rolling into a different class when you're semi-experienced, and then you can go back to your Warrior later once you are confident in your abilities to tank and effectively hold aggro.

Druids are hybrid classes as well, doing a reasonable job at healing (caster/tree form), dps (in cat or moonkin form, as a rogue or mage respectively) or tanking (bear form).

Druids can do all those jobs as good or in some respects better than the said "dedicated" class. All by just switching forms. Druids are just an everything/utility class to fill in for a missing class in groups (Most likely HEALING lol). Blizz really screwed with bear form recently though making it harder to keep aggro and lowering bear dps.

Shammies and Pallys cannot really expect to match up to be great at all of those. But a Druid will be able to gear up for any one of the forms.

Unless there's ANOTHER Taverno Rudd out there that plays WoW and totally just got really lucky in WSG (even though Alliance got pwnt per usual)

my only allie char is a 53 pally in gorgonash...was taht the one? my friend could be playing in it while i studied

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