Ramaniscence Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 Spellpower = winI think they're finally getting classes balance right. I don't get why people complain about some of the new changes. Still debating if I should xfer my 2 lv70 to another server. RIP WARRIOR CLASS. GOOD NIGHT SWEET PRINCES. Seriously though, need moar Disperion and Twisted Faith right now Also: ACHIEVEMENTS DAY. Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 Seriously I need mirrors ASAP. Fuck fileshack, I already sat in line for 35 minutes twice and they dropped me both times and won't let me resume unless I pay them $40,000 or whatever their bullshit fee is. Quote
Jarvi Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Blizzard epic fails on getting the servers back online Quote
Dyne Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Blizzard epic fails on getting the servers back online Agreed. Srsly. Quote
Eulogic Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Man, this patch is taking forever to install. That and the fact that, for whatever reason, my background downloader was turned off are making this update an all-day event. Quote
Cottus and Gyes Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Screw this patch. This is why I hate being a Vista user. Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Well that's the 5th time the download has failed at around 80%. I'm about to go ninja apeshit. Quote
Sporknight Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Man, this patch is taking forever to install. That and the fact that, for whatever reason, my background downloader was turned off are making this update an all-day event. If it's any consolation, Blizz getting the servers up and running was an all-day event too. When I went to bed around 12:30 EST, there were still plenty offline or incapable of login. Up now, though, finally - barring the rolling restarts. Quote
Eulogic Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 One of my characters on Firetree got stuck on the Arathi Basin load screen yesterday, while one on Firetree got disconnected in Orgrimmar, and, when reconnected, was falling through the ground in Eastern Plaguelands. I'm guessing somehow he switched continents without changing his relative position on the map. Let's hope today goes more smoothly. Quote
Bren Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 So I have to say...being a melee class enthusiast, that the new ret paladin is the most fun Ive had in this game since release. They can actually kill stuff without having to sit and drink or even heal. It's almost like they're a holy warlock now. You're pretty much able to spam consecration and holy whirlwind yourself back to full health when fighting multiple mobs. Bravo Blizzard, they made the most boring melee (in my opinion) into the most fun Ive had since release. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 I'd like to thank everyone who is buying my stacks of silverleaf and peacebloom for 10g. Or sungrass and gromsblood stacks for 50g. And people selling their PLed glyphs for 15s each. $$$$$$$ Quote
Random Hajile Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 I'm not gonna lie, my pally is 67 and kills pvp geared 70's, fair duels. OP much? Quote
Jarvi Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 idk bout you guys, but I'm just happy with my new Silithid and Core Hound pets Quote
relyanCe Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Watched my bro respec his 62 pally to ret last night. holy freaking crap... Where he couldn't take more than 2-3 mobs at once without bubbling/drinking, he is now soloing elite packs... and walks out full hp/mana... Ret = OP Quote
Ninja-san Posted October 15, 2008 Posted October 15, 2008 Rogues got nerfed *edit* or something. My defense isnt great anymore This is gonna take a while to get use to lol. Quote
Cottus and Gyes Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 *NVM, I decided to do research and found out what it is. I fail at doing research before panic'n. Quote
Piracy Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 I'm not gonna lie, my pally is 67 and kills pvp geared 70's, fair duels.OP much? Your using what is essentially lvl 80 spells or attacks at 67. So of course its overpowered. You have to wait until all the mobs and other players catch up to the level of the power to see things balance out. My mage is almost all frost right now. In the last few AV games I've played either im in the top 1-5 of killing blows, or if I choose to spam Blizzard in chokepoints where groups of enemies dont have much room to move, I can top the damage charts. 615,000 damage in a single game is nuts considering the person in 2nd was at 520,000. I also had a epic AV win for alliance, we won with 1-0 reinforcements and took a Screenshot, which i cant link here cause im at work. Blizzard now crits and with all the slowing effects (75%) and freezing in place. It makes it extremely easy to farm multiple mobs anywhere, as long as they arent casters or ranged. And if you go far enough into fire to get the 10% chance to stun, it affects ALL spell damage now not just fire. So if enemies arent freezing in place they are getting stunned for 2 seconds. With master of elements restoring mana on crits, you get around 60 mana for every crit that Blizzard does! Leveling in the xpac is going to be amazing! Quote
Triad Orion Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 Right now Retribution is way overpowered for Paladins. Someone brought up the point that these are essentially level 80 moves? No, they're not. I mean, if they were Level 80 moves they'd be trainable at 80. They're 51 point talents, which means if anything, they're level 60 moves on the ground. Still ridiculously powered, though. I'm not worried though, everything will be buffed out when Wrath comes out. But anyway, I fugging love the changes to Protection Warriors. VERY GOOD TIMES considering that's my main and my favorite spec. I LIKE HAVING ATTACK POWER NOW! Quote
starla Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 Rogues got nerfed*edit* or something. My defense isnt great anymore This is gonna take a while to get use to lol. I used to be a combat mace stun rogue, but i may have to change since stun was taken out. Everyone is saying they are epic fail now - however my dps has increased by over 400 according to recount due to the armor cutting bonus maces now have. I'll still have to do some testing with swords, but so far I like. Kick doesn't seem to have a global cooldown which makes it easier to execute, and you get a free new disarming move. also, Quote
Jarvi Posted October 16, 2008 Posted October 16, 2008 Right now Retribution is way overpowered for Paladins. Someone brought up the point that these are essentially level 80 moves? No, they're not. I mean, if they were Level 80 moves they'd be trainable at 80. They're 51 point talents, which means if anything, they're level 60 moves on the ground. Still ridiculously powered, though. They're balanced for level 80. Least that's what I've read in interviews. Quote
Piracy Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Got my Jenkins title today! Kill 50 whelps in 15 seconds is harder then it looks, at first we had a tank go around and gather them all up. But because the mass of whelps trying to be AOE'd we all got disconnected about 2 seconds starting the fight. The second time we all just ran in and used all of our AOE at the same and killed 50 with 3 seconds to spare. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Everyone and their dog is going for the Jenkins title. I already have my Ambassador title, and got my Stone Guard title from the old, old PVP system. Quote
Piracy Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 Everyone and their dog is going for the Jenkins title. I already have my Ambassador title, and got my Stone Guard title from the old, old PVP system. True, but not everyone has the key to UBRS too. Luckily I got the seal off of the 2nd trash mob as I was waiting around for the group to get in and finished the questline once everyone came inside since no one had a key. Even if I don't need to get into UBRS for the title I make a good 50g just opening the door for people who don't. Now I need to go back into LBRS and get my dog and spider pets. Quote
lazygecko Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 So I logged on my 52 ret paladin, had the omgwtf moment and blazed through quests leveling it in no time at all. I was soloing elite mobs 5 levels higher than me, coming out of the fights with nearly full hp and mana (including the notorious Araj the Summoner in Western Plaguelands). Then I reached 60, went to outland, teamed up with 3 other retridins and we proceeded to 4-man both Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace without a dedicated tank or healer. We would have done slave pens as well but it was getting kinda late Quote
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