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These 2 statements contradict each other:

thanks alot suzumebachi

to bad i spent to damn long on lethon :(

Does anybody play in Lethon?

I SERIOUSLY need some help

I'm like level 21 Dranai, stuck on bloodmyst isle

I need a WoW buddy

plz pm

Your first time getting to 21 might've been hard...especially learning stuff on your own, but I assure you on Illidan that'll take a matter of days. A week or so MAX.

starla does a pretty good job of snatching up the n00bs and nurturing them into real WoW players =P.

You should probably check out this thread:


These 2 statements contradict each other:

Your first time getting to 21 might've been hard...especially learning stuff on your own, but I assure you on Illidan that'll take a matter of days. A week or so MAX.

starla does a pretty good job of snatching up the n00bs and nurturing them into real WoW players =P.

You should probably check out this thread:


how do they condridict each other

i lethon the server

and bloodmyst isle the island just north of the Exodar...not the server

o, and wtf happened to WoW today...is it just the release of the new expansion that made everything lock up

...and lethon is one of the few servers i saw that was up. god damn, and i was going to start a new character today :(

how do they condridict each other

i lethon the server

and bloodmyst isle the island just north of the Exodar...not the server

o, and wtf happened to WoW today...is it just the release of the new expansion that made everything lock up

...and lethon is one of the few servers i saw that was up. god damn, and i was going to start a new character today :(

It means that getting to 20-something take practically no time at all when you know what you're doing.

You shouldn't be on Bloodmyst Isle past 10-ish or something anyway, by that time you should've boated over to Darkshore or something, but yea queues are out of control because of Wrath right now.

It means that getting to 20-something take practically no time at all when you know what you're doing.

You shouldn't be on Bloodmyst Isle past 10-ish or something anyway, by that time you should've boated over to Darkshore or something, but yea queues are out of control because of Wrath right now.

hmm, yeah, i can see why you say that

but actually, it didnt take as long as i thought it would to get to level 20 there

considering the lack of players in lethon

i beat Razormaw on my own the other night, it was kinda hard, but i did it

and i'm considering playing on lethon tonight...considering the queues tonight

hurray! long ass fucking queue. i finally get in, make a death knight, watch the intro, turn around just in time to see the lich king standing there before BAM! disconnected from server!


There's already 2 DKs in Northrend. Furi is neck and neck with Hzm for first to 80. They're both just into 75. When someone gets a server first it announces it across the server. I saw some guy get 450 fishing server first.

hurray! long ass fucking queue. i finally get in, make a death knight, watch the intro, turn around just in time to see the lich king standing there before BAM! disconnected from server!


i waited for about 15 minutes and then gave up and decided to try tomorrow

i didnt get the expansion, and i have no level 55s, so i dont really give a flying shit right now

So, how are you guys liking the expansion so far? How's the new capital? (There is a new capital in Northrend, right?)

Not many people in Dalaran yet. I was there on the beta, and I can tell on my server it's going to suck...hard. It's small. VERY small. A lot smaller than Shat. I've actually been enjoying lag-free Shat, lately, but I am NOT looking forward to Dalaran :|

There's already 2 DKs in Northrend. Furi is neck and neck with Hzm for first to 80. They're both just into 75. When someone gets a server first it announces it across the server. I saw some guy get 450 fishing server first.

I saw the first 450 server-wide first aid yesterday night.

Suzu, the whole DK thing with DC kept happening to me. Took me 20 mins to get my toon created. But then again it's because my internet has been sucking hard. No idea what the techs have been doing, but I'd gladly punch them in the face.

Some people got up to 75min queue yesterday, that was around 7-8:30pm server time. The most lag I've had was 1k ping. They really did fix the lag after all. Only thing though, somehow my comp gets raped slightly by graphics in some areas, mainly the starting areas.

The worse thing about Northrend is having all those n00bs ask stupid questions without looking around. "How do I get into Northrend" is probably #1 on that list.


I saw three achievement announces yesterday for Level 80 on Illidan. Also, I should note that it was Alliance that had the first Level 80. Horde was not far behind. And there was a third person to hit 80 as well. The first two had both racial achievements for hitting 80.


Averaging about 6 hours a level right now on my mage. Today I hit 77 and got my flying ability back for another 1000g....sigh....

Your right about Dalaran though it is VERY small in comparison to Shatt. Smaller then any previous major city. I must say though that the music is 100x better then the soundtrack from The Burning Crusade. I actually enjoy listening to the in game music rather then listening to some onlline radio in the background. The violins in Grizzly Hills and the piano in Dragonblight are my faves:-P.

The quests are very well made and far more interesting. Sure there are some grinding quests here and there. Or some go to point X and get item Y. Any online game will always have those. Getting to see the lich king in some of the longer quest chains pulls the lore together. Although I think he sounds alot like Christian Bale in Batman. That raspy sounding voice makes him sound like a chain smoker. I'm hoping to hear him say "I'm the God Damn Lich King!".

The zones themselves look beautiful8-O. I didnt care so much for Borean Tundra, although the expanse of the place is huge. It seems like you can see for miles on end.

My scaling atleast with my hp/mana pools have gone to ridiculous amounts even keeping most 70 raid gear that I've yet to find replacements of. I went from a 70 around 8k hp and 9.5k mana to about 11k hp and 13k mana at 77.

Another interesting thing I've noticed about leveling was the fact that the EXP from 70-71 or 71-72 doesnt jump by a large amount from what leveling used to be. Each level even at 77 is only about 1.6million EXP.

The instances are fairly cool too, most seem to be well designed. I enjoyed The Nexus alot, lots of cool effects and glowing stuff to look at. Haven't tried to many of the others yet.


You also have to keep in mind:

a)The guild is a combination of the top two guilds in the world (Both of them were neck and neck for world first for TBC)

b)The guild's members probably were here for PreTBC Naxx, so those fights were already engraved in their memories.

c)Add in their total time they played in beta you would get about normal progression.

d)The itemization differences are not as vast as they were for preTBC to TBC.


What *is* a relevant issue is that they didn't have everyone at level 80 yet, and undoubtedly didn't have all kinds of epic gear. I remember first doing Karazhan: my guild had trouble with some of the later fights, both because we were still learning them and because of gear. Even going with people who had completed Kara on mains but had alts in greens and blues, some bosses like Curator posed a challenge.

Skill and experience or not, the fact that they can waltz in with crappy gear and wipe everything suggests things are too easy. Raiding is less about skill and more about group coordination and attentiveness, so the fact that TwentyFifthNovember can get through it quickly means that any guild with average gear who know how to spec right and are coordinated enough not to screw up can handle all current in-game content with relative ease.

Compared to the Burning Crusade where Vashj and Kael posed fairly significant challenges, Wrath is probably on the easy side.

What *is* a relevant issue is that they didn't have everyone at level 80 yet, and undoubtedly didn't have all kinds of epic gear. I remember first doing Karazhan: my guild had trouble with some of the later fights, both because we were still learning them and because of gear. Even going with people who had completed Kara on mains but had alts in greens and blues, some bosses like Curator posed a challenge.

Skill and experience or not, the fact that they can waltz in with crappy gear and wipe everything suggests things are too easy. Raiding is less about skill and more about group coordination and attentiveness, so the fact that TwentyFifthNovember can get through it quickly means that any guild with average gear who know how to spec right and are coordinated enough not to screw up can handle all current in-game content with relative ease.

Compared to the Burning Crusade where Vashj and Kael posed fairly significant challenges, Wrath is probably on the easy side.

Crappy gear I think not. They're probably in ridiculous amounts of Sunwell Gear. This whole expansion thus far has been less scaled itemization wise. Guilds in full sunwell probably won't even see an upgrade until heroic Naxx. With TBC they re-did a lot of how stats work (stam specifically) so we saw huge jumps and changes. By now they've gotten it nailed down pretty well. I was just joking with my friend yesterday about whenever you see someone wearing "new gear" you can tell right away that their gear is bad because I haven't even gotten NEAR an upgrade, even for some of my Kara stuff, and I'm almost 74. What I HAVE found to be *close* will take away too much HR for me to want to commit too, especially since I've gone from a 10% chance to hit to an 8% chance to hit without changing my HR AT ALL yet.

It's also important to remember that:

A)Not only did these guilds ru preTBC Naxx, they've also been running these raids on the beta CONSTANTLY. There was never a point on either realm I was on (Premade server or normal PvP beta server) that one of the "big name guilds" wasn't farming one of these raids. Hell Blood Legion (Illidan's big name guild) was in Naxx LAST NIGHT and of course they had no problem because EVERY day they were in there on the beta.

B) It's also likely that they had enough people to break up groups into the 10-mans and make sure they geared specific people rather than spreading the loot around with random rolls or DKP. I'm almost POSITIVE all the tanking gear went to 1 or 2 tanks, and all the healing gear when to 1-2 heals, and the rest was given to a few solid DPS. With all these guys already having a ridiculous amount of HR and DPS, gear up a few tanks, get some crazy +heals, throw in some new world enchantments and gems (which are EXPONENTIALLY sicker) and it's not really all that suprising.

What this DOES mean, though, is that the way to gear up for Naxx is to go BACK and do Sunwell...which is kind of exciting to me since it's the 1 raid I've never gotten into.

These world firsts mean close to nill. The REAL "world firsts" were acquired monthes ago. The REAL challenge will be seen when they start adding Ulduar, and Icecrown, and all that jazz.


Compared to the Burning Crusade where Vashj and Kael posed fairly significant challenges, Wrath is probably on the easy side.

You have to remember a few things:

1. That the Vashj and Kael-equivalent raids aren't even out yet, and this is basically the Wrath-level Kara. These two guilds had Kara itself down in a matter of days as well, and both had Muru and KJ down within a few days of them being available as well, once the barriers came down.

I think the content is tuned just fine. Some guilds are just that dedicated.

As for myself, the best i've seen in KJ down to 7%, and that was last Monday, our last raiding day of BC. We were in Sunwell when the 3.0 nerf hit, and it sped things up like crazy for us to get over the Muru hump.

2. The way things are designed this time around, you should be able to raid these entry levels with your level 80 quest gear; my raiding priest is only 74, but seeing some of the higher levels in the guild replace sunwell gear with late 70's gear ( for example one of our hunters replaced her Eredar twins bow with a level 77 blue) makes me think gearwise we'll be fine. I havn't seen any upgrades yet, but that just means i make a lot of cash selling quest rewards.


Heres another point to add... If you think it has become too easy, try out the end content yourself. You might enjoy it even more!

I have done Naxx preTBC and quit the PvE scene after I killed Kael (that was when he was hard, of course). I personally don't think I am going to fly through any of the content. I was not in the beta, and that was on purpose, and plan to wipe many times on the new bosses :)


Death Knight is extremely fun. Not sure I have the mechanics quite nailed yet though. But I seem to be doing pretty good. I suck at PvP, but then again I'm on dialup and therefore permanently out of melee range unless my target stands perfectly still for 3 seconds. Whenever I death grip another player, they get pulled to wherever I was standing 3 seconds ago. :(

Anyways, I briefly tried out blood, but quickly decided to go with unholy. It's pretty awesome. Like I said I'm not sure I've got the mechanics down yet, but I can solo groups of 4-5 mobs no problem. Just run in and grab aggro, hit em with my 2 diseases + ebon disease thingy, pestilence, death and decay, unholy blight, then spam death strike until everything is dead.

I can solo some elites too. At level 61 I soloed the hand of kargath guy no problem. But I seem to have trouble with higher armor elites, like the colossals in HFP. I can usually solo them, but I usually die and have to finish them off in zombie form.

Anyone have any tips on improving my DK skillz?


I started off Unholy, then respecced Blood. Blood seems best for solo grinding, though, as you say, Unholy is better for AoE. For most mobs, my Blood rotation is 2 diseases, heart strike, heart strike, then obliterate. If that doesn't finish them off, I toss death coils at them until my runes are back up. If my health is ever visibly low, I use death strike, and if I'm ever actually in danger, I can start throwing out my CDs.

You have to remember a few things:

1. That the Vashj and Kael-equivalent raids aren't even out yet, and this is basically the Wrath-level Kara. These two guilds had Kara itself down in a matter of days as well, and both had Muru and KJ down within a few days of them being available as well, once the barriers came down.

I think the content is tuned just fine. Some guilds are just that dedicated.

You are right that these raids are "entry level". Blue posts from the official forums even said that Naxx is more or less a beginner content. Much like Karazhan was for TBC or how Malygos is the Ony equivalent. The link from Otaku is terribly misleading to say that all the lich king raids have been cleared. We have just begun the game and we have another two years before we even see the end.

As for myself, the best i've seen in KJ down to 7%, and that was last Monday, our last raiding day of BC. We were in Sunwell when the 3.0 nerf hit, and it sped things up like crazy for us to get over the Muru hump.

I think its great that they allowed most of the casual players to see or even clear the level 70 end game content. Raiding is a huge part of the game and reducing the HP of all raids by 30% gave much more people a chance to experience what only a small percentage of players could only see. You shouldn't have to raid six hours a night to experience a game. Of course there are those same people who do spend that amount of time every day who would counterpoint that arguement.

2. The way things are designed this time around, you should be able to raid these entry levels with your level 80 quest gear; my raiding priest is only 74, but seeing some of the higher levels in the guild replace sunwell gear with late 70's gear ( for example one of our hunters replaced her Eredar twins bow with a level 77 blue) makes me think gearwise we'll be fine. I havn't seen any upgrades yet, but that just means i make a lot of cash selling quest rewards.

Same here, I have T6 and some sunwell gear and have only replaced a trinket and my weapon from the new ring of blood quest at 76. From what I remember hearing before the expansion came out was that T4 should last until about 72, T5 to 76 and T6 to 78. But with not having to replace my gear all the time most greens I get from quests or drops I have disenchanted to sell on the AH. Or any items that I repeatedly make to level my tailoring profession, atleast that way I make a little bit of the money invested in things that would normally never sell for much. Or donate them to the guild bank for the enchanters in the guild to level their profession.


I think what's really important here is...previously, some of the coolest content in the game was only enjoyed by people who didn't really care how cool it was, or what the lore was, but rather just to be the first to do it and say they did (the guy who hit 80 first didn't even quest, nor is he interested in questing at all, he just want to raid to raid. These guys could be playing any MMO with no lore at all and the same game mechanics for all they care). Doing things like this not only allows people who're actually interested in the content to EXPERIENCE the content, but with the heroic 25-mans it also makes things more challenging for the more hardcore PvE pro-squad players.

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