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So, anyways...I saw a wonderful spectacle last night. Usually on Alleria, Alliance guys usually ride through the top of Org to get to Thrall. But THIS time, I got to see 20-25 of them have the courage to go through the gates and barrel thier way through. Of course, my team pushed them back outside the gates and landed in a stalemate. Never got o see the end. Had to go do something.

But dang if it wasn't wonderful.

Hmm, is it me or is WoW being laggy even though I have decent latency. 70-150ms. Lots of people i've seen are pretty skippy on my screen.

Sounds more like a hardware problem. You'll usually get some lag if you have any less than 1GB of RAM.

Well, I have 1gig of ram now and my video card is the X800XL. I run 1680x1050 with pretty much maxed out settings.

Maybe the new weather effects are the culprit? :P


AMD 3700+ San Diegeo if I remember correctly. I've played WoW on this comp before and never experienced this before.

It's as if everyones playing on dial-up lol, because that's what it looked like.


my computer:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+

1GB DDR400

GeForce 4 4200 128mb

250gb SATA HDD

I'm on 56k and I get no lag. Sometimes I'll get some occassional stuttering when entering Org and loading all the players, but that's it. Maybe you need to tone down your graphics settings (kill the AA or something).

AV is hella unplayable though. Not so much the graphics as much as the fact that 56k just simply can't handle that much madness. Makes me a very sad panda. I want to get me a frostwolf already damnit, but that ain't never gonna happen. :(

my computer:

AMD Athlon 64 3200+

1GB DDR400

GeForce 4 4200 128mb

250gb SATA HDD

I'm on 56k and I get no lag. Sometimes I'll get some occassional stuttering when entering Org and loading all the players, but that's it. Maybe you need to tone down your graphics settings (kill the AA or something).

AV is hella unplayable though. Not so much the graphics as much as the fact that 56k just simply can't handle that much madness. Makes me a very sad panda. I want to get me a frostwolf already damnit, but that ain't never gonna happen. :(

You say you have 56k and you get no lag. I find that impossible. It may not look like you're experiencing lag on your screen, but trust me you're probably lagging on other people's screens.

It's like on Nintendo Wi-fi people say 56k works and that you don't have to have high-speed cable. They say they experience no lag. Sure on their DS they don't, but on their opponents they're jittering all over :P


i may be skippy on other people's screens, but people aren't skippy on mine.

anyways, new racials:


* Blessing of the Naaru - heals the target of 50 damage over 15 sec (1.5 sec cast)

* Gemcutting - Jewelcrafting skill increased by 15

* Inspiring Presence - Increases chance to hit with spells by 1% for all party members within 30 yards

* Shadow Resistance - increased by 10

Blood Elves:

* Arcane Affinity - Enchanting increased by 15

* Arcane Torrent - Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 20 Energy, Mana or Rage for each Mana Tap charge currently affecting you.

* Magic Resistance - All resistances increased by 5

* Mana Tap - Drains 50 mana from your target and charges you with Arcane energy until cancelled. This effect stacks up to 3 times.

That Draenei HoT looks severely gimped though. Hopefully the amount healed increases as you level, because at lvl 60 (let alone at 70) 50hp is absolutely dick. Same with the blood elf racials. 50 mana ain't dick.


So I'm playing alliance on Burning Blade. Level 18 Gnome Mage atm.

My main guys are on Arthas. Horde ranging lvls of 47, 19, and below.

I'm wondering are there a bunch of OCR people on a Horde pvp server that I could get in on? I pretty much solo'd my way with a few instance groups here and there to 47 on my rogue with no guild heh. Well, I was in one but it was so dumb and unorganized. That lasted a few days. I wouldn't mind starting over from Arthas on a new server if I had a good community to go to that does raids n' stuff.


Well, I used to play on Nathreizm and might take up the game again when the expansion comes out :P

It's a pretty good PVP server. Horde PUGs always crush Alliance PUGs, but there are some very good Alliance guilds.


That Draenei HoT looks severely gimped though. Hopefully the amount healed increases as you level, because at lvl 60 (let alone at 70) 50hp is absolutely dick. Same with the blood elf racials. 50 mana ain't dick.

I definitely know that the Draenei HoT scales as you level(it's about as potent as Regrowth or Renew according to Blizz). Also, Inspiring Presence changes depending on what class you are(1% physical hit with warriors, I believe).

Not sure about Blood Elf's racials scaling, but you can suck out other types of "energy" other than mana and convert it to your own type(i.e. Rage to mana, mana to energy, etc.). Not to mention the 2 sec. AoE silence. Since I've just started a horde character, I may give a BE Warlock a whirl when BC launches.


inspiring presence is pissing me off. It's bad enough alliance have pallies now they get that shit? I wouldn't care if they made draenei better than bloodelves (functionality wise) but to make them better in group pve is ridiculous.

lmfao at mana tap giving a warrior 60 rage.


Everyone knows alliance is PVE easy mode.

I think that the belf racial that leeches other peoples rage/energy/mana will be different depending on the class, just like the aura that draenei will have will (supposidly) differ for each class.

I also think that these racials will be nerfed into the ground before burning crusade is released.


Well, that was an interesting end to an interesting guild. After the old GM left, about 5 people left with him (quit the game). Then, over the next week, about 10-15 more people left, all of whom were our most geared core. A few officers quit, our main tanks left. Basically the guild was in shambles, unable to even get through MC, even though we had beaten Nef before. It was pretty clear it was over. After a huge chunk of other people left last night I headed out myself, and distributed parts of the guild bank to people who had worked to earn it. Crazy stuff.

Well, that was an interesting end to an interesting guild. After the old GM left, about 5 people left with him (quit the game). Then, over the next week, about 10-15 more people left, all of whom were our most geared core. A few officers quit, our main tanks left. Basically the guild was in shambles, unable to even get through MC, even though we had beaten Nef before. It was pretty clear it was over. After a huge chunk of other people left last night I headed out myself, and distributed parts of the guild bank to people who had worked to earn it. Crazy stuff.

Sorry to here it happened like that. What are your plans now if you don't mind me asking?


I don't even know what happened to my old guild...

Anyway, with my friends starting to play again, WoW has gotten pretty tempting, but my computer being crappy is kinda saving me from falling back into the addiction.

I'm sad to hear about your guilds, but I guess it's all part of online gaming.

Well, that was an interesting end to an interesting guild. After the old GM left, about 5 people left with him (quit the game). Then, over the next week, about 10-15 more people left, all of whom were our most geared core. A few officers quit, our main tanks left. Basically the guild was in shambles, unable to even get through MC, even though we had beaten Nef before. It was pretty clear it was over. After a huge chunk of other people left last night I headed out myself, and distributed parts of the guild bank to people who had worked to earn it. Crazy stuff.

Sorry to here it happened like that. What are your plans now if you don't mind me asking?

I don't know. It's the only guild I've ever been in, but I've gained such a good reputation over time that I have access to basically any guild I want now. Which is pretty cool. So I apped to "Black Letter Day" which is a small, tight group of very skilled players.

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