zircon Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 i heard some members of Shadowlords are trying to get back together with a new guild called Innocent Bystanders or something like that. Yeah.. I don't know, something like that. I think Unholy Rapture (another weaker guild) wanted to merge anyway. Regardless, I'm done with SL. They were my guild for a year, and we were ALMOST at the top, but by the time I became GM it was too late to fix it. Everyone was already jumping ship. Quote
xinster Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 little bit of trivia: most of you guys already know kate from kate's playground plays wow, but i found out today Brandi Belle from BrandiBelle.com (produced by bangbros) has a 50 on Illidan. Email her about it if your interested, she responded to me in 3 hrs. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Ya, thanks for saying exactly who she is. NOTE: Not work safe for googling her. Quote
Brycepops Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 Ya, thanks for saying exactly who she is.NOTE: Not work safe for googling her. Well if anyone has their name associated with "Bangbros", you should already know you shouldn't be looking them up anywhere else except home . Quote
Souliarc Posted May 23, 2006 Posted May 23, 2006 little bit of trivia:most of you guys already know kate from kate's playground plays wow, but i found out today Brandi Belle from BrandiBelle.com (produced by bangbros) has a 50 on Illidan. Email her about it if your interested, she responded to me in 3 hrs. Have you ever thought that maybe they say stuff like that just to get you to adore them because that's one way they can "relate" to you? With as big as online gaming is, and all those desperate nerds, it would seem to be a fairly easy marketing scheme to put that on their profile :-/ They probably make so much money, they could even get someone to act as the portrayed, in the game. Quote
The Xyco Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 I was originally going to post this at the worldofwarcraft.com forums, but realized I'd probably get nothing more than a hundred "stfu git 2 60 then u can spaek" responses. So I was watching some PvP videos and trying to get a better idea of how this hunter thing works. This happening just after a brutal night of being destroyed in WSG and having some less-than-pleasant PvP encounters in the Wetlands and Badlands. One thing I noticed about PvP Hunters (and for all PvP in general) is how small the window of opprotunity is to get off some good shots on your target. While watching these videos, I was notcing how quickly these hunters were dropping traps, getting out a Scatter/Concussive Shot, etc. Really, I want to know how anyone can time their skills so perfectly, and I'm guessing it has something to do with key configuration. And let me know if I'm looking too much into this. I have my keyboard set up the same was I setup my Shooting games. "W" for forward, with "Q" and "E" for strafing, "S" for back, and the number keys above for skills. However, since my hand position is so far to the left, I only have the number keys 1 through 5 within direct reach. The others I have to remove my fingers from movement controls, and since I have pretty big hands, need to make sure I'm hitting the right key with very fast passing glance. That puts only 5 skills within my direct ability to get out when I want to, which is a scant amount to say the least. Currently the are assigned to Auto-Shoot, Raptor Strike, Hunter's mark, One of the stings (Serpent, Viper, or Scorpid, depending on what I'm fighting the most at the time), and Concussive Shot. My traps aren't even bound to a key, and I have to manually click them. Is there a better way to set up my command scheme for PvP? I know many people have a seperate PvP - PvE setup, but mine are still restricted to the 5 primary skills, everything else is a toss up as to whether or not I'll be able to effectively use them. Here's a screenie of how it looks: Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 If you're a clicker. Move all those skills on the top right bar to the left side. Make it so everything you use alot is clostest to the middle/left of the screen, and make sure stuff you use in conjunction is next to each other. If you're a hotkey user, I can't help you cause I'm a noob clicker..but I pwn at hunter so meh. Put Feign Death and Frost trap right next to each other. (NOTE: FD is not working correctly most of the time right now and doesn't always remove you from combat) Or if you have the know how make a macro, there is a way to make one that will fd/trap for you I just dont know the code Edit: Here's my UI right now. Quote
Rodin Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Some other advice: If it's 1v1, learn how to AotC kite melee classes. You can take down warriors, rogues, and paladins without even getting hit if you're good enough. If there is a large battle going on, don't fire on someone who is unengaged. Blast away at that AOEing caster or the warrior who is already slowed by another effect. If you're going to be PvPing a lot, get the Hawk Eye talent. 6 yards may not seem like much, but it makes one hell of a difference. You can also do nasty stuff like send your pet in from 60 yards away. If they then target your pet, move up to 41 yards and blast away. If they come after you, run away and let your pet eat them. Learn to do the 360 jump shot - the damage is slow, but if they never catch you... Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Also; freezing trap is DEFINITELY your friend. You can kite people indefinitely with it and Feign Death. If you see a caster, your pet should be on it. It makes it harder for them to cast spells. Priests are your #1 priority; their self-buff gets diminished as your pet hits it. Viper Sting on every Priest you see. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 I might be late to the party on this, but they're upgrading the PVP armors? Sweet! I have 1/2 of the Warlord set and I want to start playing again to see what they're like now. General's gloves might finally replace Stronghold Gauntlets... Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Yeah, the upgrades look GREAT. They made the Priest set actually worth using, for both DPS AND pvp healing (more armor, stam, mana regen). Fantastic. And they added HWL caster weapons!!! Quote
KakTheInfected Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Did they upgrade the existing weapons too? I've only seen the armors. If so, link please cause I can't find any info on it Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 No, I don't think they UPGRADED the weapons; they did, however, add 5 new ones, if I recall correctly. Two 1 handers, two offhands, and a 2h mace. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 If they updated the weapons there has been no word of it. The druid update kindof blows...took away all the ap on it... Not that it matters cause I'll never be that rank on my druid. But still, it sucks for the druids that actualy pvp. Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 I don't think you guys lost much AP. I'm pretty sure you gained some nice stam + armor though. Druid PVP != Feral DPS.. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 No, I don't think they UPGRADED the weapons; they did, however, add 5 new ones, if I recall correctly. Two 1 handers, two offhands, and a 2h mace. Well, that's good at least. It always bothered me that the only class that had any real choice at HWL/GM was Warrior and possibly Paladin. Speaking of, how are Warriors nowadays? I know they went through a bit of nerfs since I quit, and that was after they hacked down our AP way back in the fall of last year... Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Warriors own hard because their itemization is superior to basically all other classes. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 I don't think you guys lost much AP. I'm pretty sure you gained some nice stam + armor though. Druid PVP != Feral DPS.. Druid in PVP == whatever the hell he or she wants to be. Sure I personaly don't dps, but that's because I'm resto specced and the only other gear I have is for tanking and surviveing world pve. So yeah the gear might be nice for me if I had the desire to pvp that much. (which I don't). I like bearform in pvp, most druids do not. That gear is AWFULL for those poor oomkin pewpew moonfire druids (and they can do a buttload of dps when geared and played correctly). Most PVP druids do NOT want to be furry little warriors, they want to dps, and let me tell you a druid can dps very well if he gears and specs for it. The gear for pvp rank is not good for that. Cat druids need ap, agility, and stamina to be good. Str helps, but not as much as agility does because agility gives dodge armor and crit chance, and flat ap helps a druid more then str, since it takes a fair bit of str to get any form of ap on druid. Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Yeah, but you're hybrids, thus you get hybrid gear. Hell, even the Priest set is hybridized; it's not pure healing, it's not pure shadow damage, it's not pure regen.. it's a mix. That's the point of it. It's like a Warrior complaining their PVP set doesn't have +15 defense on every piece. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 It still bugs me that after all this time, Tactical Mastery is still a talent. They fixed problems like this in the Mage tree, so why keep making Warriors put 5 points in Arms if they don't want to? Maybe I'll wait to see what the expansion pack has in store for balance before I pick up playing again... Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Yeah, but you're hybrids, thus you get hybrid gear. Hell, even the Priest set is hybridized; it's not pure healing, it's not pure shadow damage, it's not pure regen.. it's a mix. That's the point of it. It's like a Warrior complaining their PVP set doesn't have +15 defense on every piece. Actualy druids don't count as hybreds . If we did our swing timer would reset after casting a spell, blue has said a few times that we aren't considered hybreds, only shaman and paladins. I use a mix of gear, if you looked at my fera/pvp gear there is some +healing/dmg to spells along with +int and +spi so I can keep myself and friends alive. I have mostly +agi/sta/dodge%/armor gear though. I have a little bit of str. Druids cannot be "hyrbreds" in mass pvp. Even with my gear which has a fair amount of int spirit and mana regen on it compaired to druids that pvp I cannot be constantly shifting in and outof forms to heal that much. It's much easier for a priest to be "hybred" in pvp. Holy Priests are now viable in pvp, so you don't have to waste a good sized chunk of your mana shifting forms to heal. Druids would be a true hybred only if they didn't have to shift to use all their abilities. But we are restrcited by our form of choice. The druid form of choice in BG is Cat form. And for the record, warriors don't want lots of +defense in pvp. They want to be able to mutilate people up and consume their souls in pvp. (They want sta/str/agi/+crit%) If they wanted defense my friend would be pvping in his raiding gear. Quote
zircon Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Actualy druids don't count as hybreds . If we did our swing timer would reset after casting a spell, blue has said a few times that we aren't considered hybreds, only shaman and paladins. No, you're hybrids by virtue of the fact that you can shapeshift. You can turn into a tank at any time, capable of withstanding massive damage (at times, better than a Warrior), a versatile combat healer w/ a few CC spells (root/sleep) and a few offensive ones, or a roguelike DPS class with stealth. You don't even need to have a particular set of gear to be able to do these things. This is not so with Priests. If we want to do Holy damage or Shadow damage with more than 200 or so DPS, we need to SPEC for it. And I mean spend 31+ points in related skills. Likewise, Transcendence is 100% useless for any sort of holy or shadow damage. We have to change our gearset entirely to be able to do anything there. Even if you're not feral specced or geared, you can still run a flag, you can still hold a flag, you can still stealth, you can still heal, etc - all relatively well. Druids cannot be "hyrbreds" in mass pvp. Even with my gear which has a fair amount of int spirit and mana regen on it compaired to druids that pvp I cannot be constantly shifting in and outof forms to heal that much. It's much easier for a priest to be "hybred" in pvp. Holy Priests are now viable in pvp, so you don't have to waste a good sized chunk of your mana shifting forms to heal. No, trust me, it's not easier. If I go in as 31/20 spec (pure PVP healing) I really can't do anything but.. heal and take damage. The Druid thing is completely false. I am exalted with all 3 BGs and have done countless hours of PVP, and I've played with a LOT of good Druids. Not one of them only stays in one form the whole match. They are constantly changing forms. Need to run a flag? They stealth in w/ catform, dash, turn into a bear, keep going. They pop out to heal themselves as necessary, sleep another druid (or pet), rejuv themselves, root someone, etc. Then they go back to bear. Or in a situation like AB which has larger combat situations, they can be spamming heals on someone in caster form for a bit, throw a root off, then as Rogues come in to try to fight them, switch to bear and tank. That is the very definition of a hybrid! And for the record, warriors don't want lots of +defense in pvp. They want to be able to mutilate people up and consume their souls in pvp. (They want sta/str/agi/+crit%) If they wanted defense my friend would be pvping in his raiding gear. Right, this is exactly my point. Just like no good Warriors I know go all out +defense (even though they CAN be tanks), most of the best PVP Druids I know do not focus on Feral gear, but healing, stamina, and +armor. This is because they know their role as a support class, flag runner, and healer, that they will be focus fired, etc. I can't say I've ever really seen any good Druids I know running around in cat form trying to DPS people. The ones that do, do it for novelty purposes, primarily - I've gone toe to toe with BWL/AQ-geared feral druids and they're a joke compared to similarly-geared Warriors and Rogues. They're WAY better off performing their role as hybrids, which can be anything depending on what the situation requires. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Uh, does the PVP armor that you currently own upgrade when this next patch comes out or do you have to re-buy it? I was reading some stuff on the WoW forums that say you have to re-buy and if that's the case, there's no way I'm grinding way back up to buy the new stuff... Quote
Shonen Samurai Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 My PTR guild is best in progression in Naxx (behind Death And Taxes, but they haven't done the boss we're working on yet). Quote
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