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Does it really matter that much though? I mean we practically never see Horde running around anyway.

Honestly, Shariq and I were talking about how we've been attacked by Horde maybe 10 times total (3 of which by the same guy in one sitting) since we started in Gorefiend. Mind you we're not 85, but overall it seems pretty calm.


I roll Alliance for the first time.

I hit 15.

I queue for an instance.

I get deadmines.

We kill a boss, cloth gloves drop.

Gnome rogue needs on them.

Opens trade with me.

Puts nothing into window.

Confirms trade.

Trades me nothing.

Pally tank pulls 100 mobs without righteous fury on.

I pull healing aggro and die.

Warlock calls pally gay.

Pally calls warlock gay.

I delete my alliance character.


The whole group thing is how I feel about horde anymore.. I play Aman'thul as ally and Nagrand as my horde.. I go on my hunter in about 3 hours of dungeon grinding I've done my standard heroic Valor cap so I can safely do a Zul everyday for the rest. I figure seeing as my dailies are finished I'll hop on my mage horde side.. I go to horde.. 5/5 runs with the worst groups known to man. Healers taking non spirit based cloth that has hit on it, then doubling right back around taking the cloth stuff too. Bad tanks.. etc.. I beat my head against the keyboard then not play Nagrand for another month.

Do pallies get Righteous Fury by level 15? It's been years since I leveled mine, so I don't remember.

They get it at level 12 now. They get Avenger's Shield right at level 10.

The whole group thing is how I feel about horde anymore.. I play Aman'thul as ally and Nagrand as my horde.. I go on my hunter in about 3 hours of dungeon grinding I've done my standard heroic Valor cap so I can safely do a Zul everyday for the rest. I figure seeing as my dailies are finished I'll hop on my mage horde side.. I go to horde.. 5/5 runs with the worst groups known to man. Healers taking non spirit based cloth that has hit on it, then doubling right back around taking the cloth stuff too. Bad tanks.. etc.. I beat my head against the keyboard then not play Nagrand for another month.

Funny you mentioned Nagrand, because this is the rogue:


At least he equiped'em and didn't just roll need to vendor right? >_>

Best starting zone is Worgen.

This is a fact proven by science. No other starting zone even comes close.




Looking stellar with those [Gold-flecked Gloves]! xD

Maybe the intellect will make him smarter in the long run?

BTW - about this group/ randoms thing:

there is no proof that either side behaves in a certain way, nor that any side has a higher percentage of kids.

Just drop that discussion already, as there's no point in discussing anything without real, solid evidence.

If you don't like certain types of players, avoid them as best as you can and join a guild which meets your criteria.

I sided with the Horde because I like blood elves and their lore and looks. I also joined a mature guild which met my criteria :)

But as soon they introduced worgen, I had to make some Alliance characters too :3 RAWR!

My Horde characters are male blood elves exclusively - one for each class and a bank character.

My Alliance characters are three worgen males and one human, male paladin.

I joined the Alliance first because some of my RL friends were all Alliance. When the Burning Crusade came out, we all made blood elf characters. They later went back to the Alliance (TREACHEROUS BASTARDS!!!!), but I stayed :) Luckily some of my friends also play Horde ^^

A bit on the side:

If one chooses to join the Alliance because "they're the good guys", one really needs to read some lore. The human race in WoW is rather disgusting and cruel, the most evil ones, aside from a big part of the undead.


BTW - about this group/ randoms thing:

there is no proof that either side behaves in a certain way, nor that any side has a higher percentage of kids.

Just drop that discussion already, as there's no point in discussing anything without real, solid evidence.

If you don't like certain types of players, avoid them as best as you can and join a guild which meets your criteria.

This may be true butttttttttt

I sided with the Horde because I like blood elves and their lore and looks. I also joined a mature guild which met my criteria :)

But as soon they introduced worgen, I had to make some Alliance characters too :3 RAWR!

My Horde characters are male blood elves exclusively - one for each class and a bank character.

My Alliance characters are three worgen males and one human, male paladin.

I joined the Alliance first because some of my RL friends were all Alliance. When the Burning Crusade came out, we all made blood elf characters. They later went back to the Alliance (TREACHEROUS BASTARDS!!!!), but I stayed :) Luckily some of my friends also play Horde ^^

A bit on the side:

If one chooses to join the Alliance because "they're the good guys", one really needs to read some lore. The human race in WoW is rather disgusting and cruel, the most evil ones, aside from a big part of the undead.

This is even more true. There is OCCASIONALLY an age difference between horde and WoW players, but maturity really isn't the problem. The biggest gap between the 2 is straight up personality type. People who people alliance because they're the good guys, or the pretty ones, and are complete ignorant of the world itself and are playing to be "defenders of the light and justice!"

I'm all for letting people RP and what nots, but some people come into it with the most immature, ignorant mind-state and it carries over into everything they do and it's more common to find immaturity on the alliance side than the horde side because of it.

BUT in the same light, it's way easier to find jerks/elitists/trolls on the horde side because of it as well.

In my experience, anyway.

This is interesting though: http://wow.joystiq.com/2010/12/22/the-wow-factor-page-2/

AND believable.


So true about blood elves.. I love mine to death.. And Ram.. as for that rogue.. I've got him on my "shoot to kill" list as I'm out and about.. you will be avenged. Just looking at his profile saddnes me.. even if int does slightly increase his crit chance with poisons.. Players like that remind me of why my hunter catches so much flack even though I push hard to go above and beyond the image.

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