SleazyC Posted November 20, 2005 Posted November 20, 2005 Suzu you might have more luck by going to a high pop server and to the larger faction. But from what I heard Smolderthorn was horde-heavy. End game instance really is where it pays to know people. Chances are one of these people you know will be in a raiding guild and might have a chance to get you in. If your guild is too small try forming an alliance with another guild or a couple of guilds to run through until you get the size to run MC, BWL, Onyxia, outdoor bosses yourself. Quote
zircon Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 RAG DOWN!! Finally! We had a flawless strat this time. So good. Besides Nemesis + Dragonstalker pants, we got Onslaught Girdle, the Crown of Destruction, and - I creamed my pants when I saw this - a Spinal Reaper. Quote
ILLiterate Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 God damn j00 Blizzard! Nice to know that I server I pick to play on is over heavy lag most of the time Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 w00t. we downed the bloodlord in ZG. took 3 attempts. the first we wiped at about 15%, second at about 10%, the third we finally killed him. i'm so excited, i'm going to post our strategy! the whole group except for rogues and warriors was on the wall just below the staircase. we had two MT's. the first MT pulled the speaker guy, and we killed him in no time flat using as little mana as possible. the first MT then pulled the bloodlord's raptor off to the left side, while the second MT pulled the bloodlord out into the open on the right. the whole group DPS'd the raptor like mad all the while keeping both tanks alive. as soon as the raptor went down, the second MT basically becomes THE MT, and everyone focused on the bloodlord. here is where things start getting a little tricky because the bloodlord gets really mad for a bit, and begins to "watch" people. when he watches someone, if they move, cast, or attack in the next 5 seconds, he will basically one-shot them. and every time someone dies, he gains XP. if enough people die, he will get larger, and larger, and become stronger and stronger. this is what happened on our first attempt. he does an insanely strong AoE move that hits everyone within melee range. needless to say he only did this once or twice and all the rogues were dead. he got bigger and stronger, and killed the MT in no time. from there it was basically a wipe because as soon as people resurrected they'd die again and he'd just become immensely strong. so we tried again. this time the hunters and mages were to be the main damage dealers, and the rogues and warriors would attack in bursts. this seemed to work a lot better because the MT held aggro better, and the rogues wouldn't die from the AoE. the only problem was the hunters and mages eventually started to pull hate off the MT. it also didn't help that every attempt at FD was resisted. so one of the hunters eventually pulled the bloodlord off the MT, died, and started the cycle of the bloodlord getting stronger and stronger once again. so the third time we tried the same thing, except by now the rogues and warriors had learned better to gauge their threat and when to move out of range of his AoE. the hunters also moved farther back and so had a better chance of feigning when they needed to, so they'd just go all out on DPS and feign every 30 seconds. the MT went down once during the 3rd attempt, but he was soulstoned so we were able to get him back up and going again within a matter of seconds before anyone else died. as for the drops: <-- rogue <-- warlock <-- warrior P.S.: we still had to go out of guild to find healers. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 as for the drops: <-- rogue <-- warlock <-- warrior ::blinks...:: Oh, I so envy that rogue who got the Warblade. About 6 Bloodlord kills and all he's dropped has been hunter-stuff. Like a bow that looks like a snake. At least I'm going to ZG tommorow...maybe I'll have better luck, eh? Oh. Colban - 60 UD Rogue - Argent Dawn. Quote
zircon Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Suzu, grats on your kill. But here is a strat that will make things easier for you. -- Start Positioning: All melees about 30 yards from the "Speaker", a weak elite mob at the base of the stairs the boss is at. The casters hide themselves behind the fence made of spears - you can't miss it, it's an enclosure that houses a group of raptors when you first enter the room. Strat: The Speaker gets pulled and killed quick. An offtank will then tank the raptor pet of the boss, who is relatively weak. The MT tanks the boss. Please note that every time the boss kills someone, he has a good chance of gaining a level. He gets harder to kill every time this happens, and hits harder too. So DON'T let anyone die. Melees should back out and bandage if they need to. This is a relatively long fight (5-6 minutes) and is all about controlled DPS. All melees/DPS focus on the raptor pet first, kill it, then start dps on the Bloodlord himself. He will be temporarily enraged, healers need to watch for that. He has some standard Warrior abilities like whirlwind to watch out for, otherwise, nothing significant on the offense front. He DOES cast something called 'Threatening Gaze' on random people. If you get this debuff, you can't do anything. Stop whatever you are doing. If you do things while he's watching you, he'll kill you. So don't do anything. Very simple! This is one of the easiest fights as long as no one dies (which should not be a problem, as he will not assault the casters who are behind the spear fence). -- The fight is a joke if you do it this way. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Suzu, grats on your kill. But here is a strat that will make things easier for you.-- Start Positioning: All melees about 30 yards from the "Speaker", a weak elite mob at the base of the stairs the boss is at. The casters hide themselves behind the fence made of spears - you can't miss it, it's an enclosure that houses a group of raptors when you first enter the room. Strat: The Speaker gets pulled and killed quick. An offtank will then tank the raptor pet of the boss, who is relatively weak. The MT tanks the boss. Please note that every time the boss kills someone, he has a good chance of gaining a level. He gets harder to kill every time this happens, and hits harder too. So DON'T let anyone die. Melees should back out and bandage if they need to. This is a relatively long fight (5-6 minutes) and is all about controlled DPS. All melees/DPS focus on the raptor pet first, kill it, then start dps on the Bloodlord himself. He will be temporarily enraged, healers need to watch for that. He has some standard Warrior abilities like whirlwind to watch out for, otherwise, nothing significant on the offense front. He DOES cast something called 'Threatening Gaze' on random people. If you get this debuff, you can't do anything. Stop whatever you are doing. If you do things while he's watching you, he'll kill you. So don't do anything. Very simple! This is one of the easiest fights as long as no one dies (which should not be a problem, as he will not assault the casters who are behind the spear fence). -- The fight is a joke if you do it this way. This information has been passed on to my guild, as we are to attemp ZG for the first time in a while (well, for them, I have never been to ZG...) Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Also, I posted this on my guild's forum, but I wanted your insight: Would blizz's change actually make some fast weapons better?A fast 1 hand sword (like war blade of the hakkari) which has a 1.7 speed, getting the 2.4 speed attack power bonus damage. Assume that for each second, I get a 10 bonus damage. With the warblades, I would have had 17 bonus damage, but now I would get 24. Would that make them good for rogue? Assuming that same +10 damage, the warblade's DPS becomes 49.7+24=73.7. Sacred charge, with a speed of 2.8 with the same +10 would have gotten +28, now it gets +24. 41.4 is now 65.1 Warblade of the Hakkari becomes a better choice, as it would have been prior to the change 49.7+17=66.7 versus 41.5+28=69.5. Now, here is the second part of my question: Does attack power affect SS in the same proportion? I still think that overall, Dal Rend would be the best SS sword, but: +68 attack power, +1 crit, and +6 to swords... Wouldn't that make it better than +4 str, +1% crit, +100 armor, +7 defense, and +50 att power. Without enchants, you end up with +68 AP on warblades, and +54 Ap on rend. Warblades has a better overall DPS out, but would it make SS pointless? If you SS to release a slice and dice, would that make warblades viable? Quote
zircon Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Yeah, just let me know if you need more ZG strats. We can clear the whole place in a few hours now (usually takes a little longer than 4 total because we wipe a few times doing stupid shit like facepulling 3 groups in a row, but 75% of the time we actually do clear the pulls successfully). Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Yeah, just let me know if you need more ZG strats. We can clear the whole place in a few hours now (usually takes a little longer than 4 total because we wipe a few times doing stupid shit like facepulling 3 groups in a row, but 75% of the time we actually do clear the pulls successfully). ... Why Blizzard WHY? Why do you make instances longer to make them "challenging?" It's not like we get rewards for the hardest parts: Getting a group. And it's not like most of the people who have a job can realisticly do ZG on a work night. Why do you make it so hard on us? I am tired of doing UBRS. I am tired of Strat. But I can't do a whole ZG run simply because you think it smart to make it be 4 freaking hours long. /cry. Quote
zircon Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 4 hours is not that long, for one thing. For another thing, you can get it down more than that if you work at it (I think 2.5 hour clears are possible). Finally, what we did when we were first hashing out strats and figuring out all the bosses, we split it into two or even three nights. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's SUCH a good instance. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 I get out of work at 5. I finish eating supper at 6, 6:30... I get on, and then lets say I am lucky, and invites start at 6:30. By 7:30, we are ready to leave. At 8, we start the instance. At 11, I have to go to bed because I need to sleep because I don't want to sleep at work, just on the off chance that I actually have to do something. Quote
zircon Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 2-3 hours per day over two days is more than enough to make progress in that instance. One thing, though; are you doing this with guild groups? If not, you're fucked. Even my guild had trouble getting used to the instance until I decided to take charge, whip people into shape, and get our collective asses into gear. Unless everyone is on vent, you have at least a core team of 10-15 or so people that are smart + know how to follow orders, and you have a strong leader, you're in trouble. Quote
The Author Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Yeah, it's a guild run. They used to get far in it, but that was teamed up with another guild. Tonight is more of an exploratory first run. If we get people signed up for it. (Have you looked at what I posted higher? I wanna know your opinion on the math I did concerning warblade versus Dal Rend. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Also' date=' I posted this on my guild's forum, but I wanted your insight:Would blizz's change actually make some fast weapons better?A fast 1 hand sword...((etc etc...I cut this down, it was definitely too long to quote)) As a 60 rogue myself...well, since the 1.8 changes made fast the Hakkari Warblades, equal to any other sword, when taking into account the instant-attack speed modifier... Honestly I'd rate the Hakkari Warblades at just about equal to the Dal'rends. Perhaps a little better in PVE though, since many fights last quite a bit. It has more attack power, and the Dal'Rends has more defense...for a rogue, defense shouldn't matter so much. Now in PVP that's a little bit of a different story...but eh, I've always been one to sacrifice defense for more agression. I love damage, that's all I can say. Plus: The Hakkari Warblades look 43907x better than the Dal'Rends. Especially if you have both, and they're sheathed. And I've always been one for aesthetics as well. Quote
ellywu2 Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 If you want an easy boss in ZG, go for the snake one. He is an absolute piece of piss. Also, level 40 with my shaman alt now! Boy shamans dont half suck in PvE compared to a hunter. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 i wonder if a hunter would get blacklisted for rolling on the warblades nothing else worthwhile has dropped except a 2h mace ( Quote
ellywu2 Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 I'd take them if i didnt have Rhok. +70 odd attk power AND a +1% crit chance with mean DPS as well.. Sounds like 'Hunter weapon!' to me although that could be said about anything What setup do you have at the moment? Quote
Archaon Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 How the hell do I stop getting killed. Quote
Raenok Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 How the hell do I stop getting killed. Play smarter. Instead of rushing in all nilly-willy, think about attack plans. Quote
zircon Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 If you want an easy boss in ZG, go for the snake one. He is an absolute piece of piss. Also, level 40 with my shaman alt now! Boy shamans dont half suck in PvE compared to a hunter. Bat + Snake are really, really easy. Bloodlord is easy if you execute the initial positioning right. Spider requires a LITTLE work on the part of the tanks. Panther/Tiger are a step up. Hakkar is VERY easy. Hexxer is the hardest. Quote
Archaon Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 How the hell do I stop getting killed. Play smarter. Instead of rushing in all nilly-willy, think about attack plans. The only thing I can think of doing is not using Fear so that I don't get one of them running away and training back a goddamn swarm. And then I just get killed because there are two and I'm frail. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 I'd take them if i didnt have Rhok. +70 odd attk power AND a +1% crit chance with mean DPS as well.. Sounds like 'Hunter weapon!' to me although that could be said about anything What setup do you have at the moment? i'm currently using: Quote
Raenok Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 How the hell do I stop getting killed. Play smarter. Instead of rushing in all nilly-willy, think about attack plans. The only thing I can think of doing is not using Fear so that I don't get one of them running away and training back a goddamn swarm. And then I just get killed because there are two and I'm frail. you play Warlock? Quote
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