suzumebachi Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Yeah, Hunters are really an EXCELLENT class. They are not overpowered but on the verge of being there.Right now, Priests need the most work, followed by Rogues. they've nerfed the hell out of us in this last patch though. our pets have suddenly become pretty much worthless. they now have a permanent 70% movement speed (unless you're BM specced). this means that our DPS against anything that moves (such as rogues, priests, mages, paladins, warriors, shamans, druids, warlocks, running monsters) is reduced by 25-30%. that's a HUGE nerf. BM specced hunters are getting nerfed even more. pets do LESS damage with Bestial Wrath ON than they do without it.;4402635;;/fileinfo.html;4395309;;/fileinfo.html Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Yeah' date=' Hunters are really an EXCELLENT class. They are not overpowered but on the verge of being there.Right now, Priests need the most work, followed by Rogues.[/quote'] Priest I can see have a slight damage ability added for Holy and Discipline, with a bit more utility thrown in Shadow. Here are our problems. 1. Our primary defenses (Psychic Scream and Power Word: Shield) have been nerfed to the point of uselessness. The Fear only lasts for a short time, is on a long cooldown, and most classes can trinket out of it. Power Word: Shield is on a cooldown and now that it ignores armor, is a total joke. There are times when I will cast it and it will disappear in less than a second. 2. We are always the primary target in PVP and lack the defenses of other healing classes. 3. The Holy tree is next to useless. Most talents are total garbage, including the entire bottom half. For endgame, only about 3-4 talents are actually useful. 4. The Discipline tree has about 10 points worth of abilities that all Priests MUST have or else they are totally gimp. Other useful abilities are scattered around. The 31 point talent is garbage (same with the Holy talent). 5. We are the only casting class to not have any method of mana regeneration. Because we are not hybrids (unlike Shamans and Paladins) we are totally useless when we reach zero mana. Mages can Evocate, Warlocks can Life Tap, Druids can Innervate (or just shapeshift and do something else) etc. 6. Our main stat is supposed to be Spirit, which doesn't work in 95% of all combat situations. 7. Most of our spells are useless. Greater Heal has no utility out of 5/10 man instances, and even then, it is still rarely used. Prayer of Healing is good for basically one boss fight in the game. Renew is OK but Druids HoTs are better + more efficient, and you have to spec for it to be really worthwhile. We are reduced to spamming Flash Heal in most encounters. 8. We are the only class where if you spec for PVE you lose all PVP utility and damage dealing capabilities. Holy spec priests can barely heal better in PVP than a Shadow spec priest yet they are totally defenseless, have less damage reduction, and cannot do damage. WTF? 9. Paladins, Druids, and Shamans can all meet or beat the healing efficiency of a Priest. Shamans especially can match us with their Lesser Healing Wave which is basically identical to our Flash Heal. They also have better armor and DPS capabilities if need be. 10. We do not benefit from +crit gear unlike most clases. +crit generates more aggro and causes overhealing. Even in PVP, our damage comes from channeled spells and DoTs, thus all of our gear has to be stamina, +damage, or +damage/healing, which is hard to come by. You have to gimp yourself in some way to get it, or have full MC/BWL-level items that are very hard to collect. Trust me, we have problems. Rogues...Well... rogues... we have a lot of very small and very annoying issues. Mainly how every time a cloth is buffed, it is made harder for us to kill them. Priests have not ever been buffed. We have only been nerfed, and in your favor. As for Warlocks.. what, Death Coil? One skill doesn't make or break a battle, typically. We are supposed to be caster killers but we have no defenses against them... that is probably my biggest issue. You can trinket or Vanish out of most forms of caster crowd control on you. You can Kick our spells (possibly silencing us), stun us to interrupt (even through our "uninterruptable" abilities), cripple us so we can't run, double our casting time, hit us constantly so our spells don't go off, and stunlock us so we can't do shit. Oh, and you don't have a mana bar to rely on to do damage, so you can keep going indefinitely. The other is that at first, rogue had a roguish style. We were the assassins. Killers that went unseen. Then people complained about how dangerous a rogue was. And we got condemned to being "DPS in Leather." I have played a hell of a lot of PVP. Rogues are still unseen killers in AB, they are VERY deadly. Same goes for WSG. Two rogues coming out of nowhere with Saps, stunlocks, and blinds = bad news for flag defense. I think blizzard, for rogues, has to solve some problems:Raid/Group PVE utility. You DPS. You are a DPS class. You are very, very good at DPSing. Too good, in fact. Rogues typically dominate damage meters in any MC-level guild. In my guild, that is certainly the case. You are the only DPS class with an instant aggro-reduction ability. This makes you very powerful. If you pick offense, and all you do is go on offense, you can't complain. You can also stunlock/sap mobs for CC. Redefine our PVP role. You can quickly assassinate healers, you can stealth defend an area or stealth assault an area, you can keep casters stunlocked.. and you can do tons of damage. What the hell is wrong with your role? SOLVE THE ITEMIZATION IMBALENCE. ROFL! What itemization imbalance? The fact that any caster has to spend tons of time building up an entire equipment set just to scale their spells up by 1% while you guys can get one or two drops and double your DPS in no time? Rogues have some of the best itemization of any class, particularly with AV and the Lobotomizer, which is ridiculously easy to get. Warriors have the same "problem". Stop the abusive nerfing because we used our abilities.Seriously, some people complained that "a rogue killed them when they were at half life." I don't complain every god damned time a priest mind controls me and throws me in the lava. If we, as rogues cannot use our abilities, then warriors should not wear armor and mages should not cast spell. You guys have not received any serious nerfs. As such, Rogues may need many small adjustments, but the class would benefit from a complete overhaul. If stealth cannot be our main weapon anymore, then give us mail, magic resistance, and some kind of group buff. Stealth is still your main weapon. There are ways to get around it, just like there are ways to get around any class' main abilities. The fact of the matter is, there are ways to break stealth, but it's irrelevant if you DON'T KNOW THE ROGUE IS THERE. Quote
GuitarNinja Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 [Rogues... Well... rogues... we have a lot of very small and very annoying issues. Mainly how every time a cloth is buffed' date= it is made harder for us to kill them. We rogues don't need much, eviscerate needs a change, in MC and beyond the damage really sucks. Also, I'd like to see a new opener. What I'd really like to see is a larger choice of spec for end game for priests. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Eviscerate still hits pretty hard. Now you know how it feels to not have scaling damage My Shadow Word: Pain has done the same for the last 6 months. Quote
GuitarNinja Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Eviscerate still hits pretty hard. Now you know how it feels to not have scaling damage My Shadow Word: Pain has done the same for the last 6 months. Well, I'd like to see minor tweaks, rogues for the most part are fine. Folks who want us to be buffed, I guess didn't play when the game first came out, and we were Jesus with DPS. The rogue class, should be last for the patches if you ask me, and I play one. I hope they do Priests and Mages at once. When druids can become better at the whole healing thing, then the class that sorta has it in their name is recockulas. Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 I stated group PVP for a reason. As soon as a rogue starts attacking one target in PVP, he ends up marked, DOTed, and feared. If he is lucky. If that does not happen then your server sucks for PvP. Rogues have had constant nerfs, and it is apparent you have never played one to not see them. Stealth, both in PVE and PVP has been nerfed to the point that versus some mobs (Dogs in BRD and ghouls in strat for example) you are safer unstealthed. In PvP now, at level 60, with 5 rank MoD, a hunter could still see me 20 yard away. I'm also a NE. 5 rank MOD should mean "nearly impossible to detect." It should not mean "hey a hunter" Mark, Sting, Pet, FD Ice trap. It used to be that I could fall without breakin stealth, now I get 1 damage from falling I break stealth. Mages used to be incapacitated when they were cheapshotted, now they can blink. Weapon speed used to influence instant attacks, not it has been standardised for the worse. If there is an AoE silence, I break stealth. If there is a slowing totem, I break stealth. If I resist a Arcane Explosion Rank 1, I break stealth. If a ennemy warrior uses a battleshout next to me, I break stealth. If a hunter uses multishot, I get hit and break stealth. If a shammy uses chain lightening, I break stealth. Itemisation for rogues just plain suck. Fist weapons are non-existent until MC (I originally wanted to be a fist weapon rogue), good maces can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Good swords are rare in end game. When a rogue has Dal Rend, he will be stuck with those until MC is in farm status. The sword set in ZG is crappy for sword rogues, dal rend outdps it by a wide margin. And when Blizz will notice that, they will probably nerf it badly. Daggers, pre ZG, are worth nothing. The only good option has been nerfed by the attack speed standardisation. Our damage only marginally scales with gear. What we mostly gain is AP, but it is at the cost of HP. I almost lost 700 life since I left cadaverous for SC. And while, yes, we do gain some damage, 1 agility = 1 AP 1 str=1AP. Instead of warriors: 1 Str = 2 AP, or hunters 1 Agi = 2 AP. If we focus on agility gear, we end up like my rogue, 800 ranged SP (Because in ranged, 1 agi = 2 AP) and 600 melee AP. Rogue DPS increases basically only by the DPS increase of his weapon times 1.5. If he is lucky. A good item usually has something like +13 agility +7 str. Meaning +20 AP, or +1.2 DPS. A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds? Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor. Eviscerate, the best burst damage finishing move, is mitigated by armor and unmodified by attack power. At level 56, with a gray mainhand dagger, and entirely naked, a rogue can do as much eviscerate damage as a level 60 in all epics, using thunderfury. Speaking of aggro breaking: Rogues Feint: 7 second cooldown, can be blocked, dodged, parried, missed, or resisted, melee range only. Feint death (hunter skill) can only be resisted, usable at any range. Priests, Fade, can only be resisted. Mages, Ice Block, talent ability, cannot be resisted. Vanish, 5 minute cooldown, needs a regent, needs the rogue to not have DOTs. Also, will increase aggro on stealth breaking mobs. Funny story about how stealth increases aggro. In Strat, our hunter pulls a lone ghoul. I stand between the ghoul and the hunter, ready to cheapshot it to "protect" the mail wearing hunter. The hunter, which is currently attacking the ghoul, loses aggro to ME, a stealthed rogue. Many mobs will stop when running to the aggroer, whack me once, and then start running again, negating my stealth advantage. If I dont put myself in a good position, I will miss the first part of the fight. If I do, I get cheated out of my strenght. Our energy bar. I cannot spam SS like mages can spam AE, simply because sinister strike uses up 40 energy a strike, meaning that it is instant, but that I need 4 seconds to restore that energy. Backstab uses 65. Meaning 6.5 seconds to regain that energy, Recently, some good rogue builds had been made. They depended on weapon swap for a good ambush followed by a sword style combat. Now we have a 1 second global cooldown following weapon swaps. Try playing a rogue, maybe you will read patch notes differently. Over the last year, we have been nerfed at every patch. Quote
ellywu2 Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 All rogues need is a new rank of eviserate. Personally, i say nerf them all the hell but thats just because no one likes being 2 shotted when sat down eating after a fight. Can't blame the players really, Blizzard just made a class which was designed to be an arsehole. In all fairness, the new rank of feign was the right way to go in regards to raiding rogues. And stealth is still powerful. The thing is when you're in instanced PvP everyones expecting you because thats the whole point of it, to pvp. World pvp you're still the undisputed king of grief-i mean killing people unawares. Hunters know before 1.8 i was marks/survival and after 1.8 i was marks/survival. Through all the changes all i gained was around 1-2% crit and surefooted. I was doing well before the patch and i was doing well after the patch. The uberness of BW just clouds peoples vision somewhat in regards to hunters and overpoweredness. (If you want to see real overpoweredness play a warrior.) But in fairness the test server speed issue, whilst casters might rejoice, looks like a bug to me. Otherwise blizzard just nerfed all the hard work it put into pets. Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 don't be surprised if this "bug" makes it live :( Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 First of all, I do play a Rogue. Second of all: A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds?Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor. 1. Caster +damage, like with Frozen Wrath, comes at the expense of ALL OTHER STATS. Unlike you guys, casters have to rely on mana. Greens with +spell damage are garbage. You have to build up a massive set of MC level gear; eg 8-10 or so pieces of gear before you start seeing changes. 2. It's not a direct addition. Only spells that take more than 3 or 3.5 seconds to cast (or so) get the full effect from the +damage. Frostbolts do not get the full effect. If I got a full suit of all BWL gear and Warlord's gear, my 1.5 second cast Mindblast would hit for about.. 200 damage more? For a FULL set of endgame, "godly" gear. So instead of 500 it would hit for 700. Of course, I would also lose spirit, mana per 5 seconds, maximum mana, resistances, healing power, etc if I took this set of gear. Wow, uber. Sorry, but casters take it UP THE ASS in terms of itemization. Rogues have it easiest of any class. Our energy bar. I cannot spam SS like mages can spam AE, simply because sinister strike uses up 40 energy a strike, meaning that it is instant, but that I need 4 seconds to restore that energy. Backstab uses 65. Meaning 6.5 seconds to regain that energy, That Mage AE? Yeah, it takes mana. And they don't gain it back in a few seconds like you. Nor can they do anything when they have 0 mana. You can still hit people, crit, and poison them when you have 0 energy (though you will only have 0 energy for a second or two!). Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 First of all, I do play a Rogue.Second of all: A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds?Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor. 1. Caster +damage, like with Frozen Wrath, comes at the expense of ALL OTHER STATS. Unlike you guys, casters have to rely on mana. Greens with +spell damage are garbage. You have to build up a massive set of MC level gear; eg 8-10 or so pieces of gear before you start seeing changes. 2. It's not a direct addition. Only spells that take more than 3 or 3.5 seconds to cast (or so) get the full effect from the +damage. Frostbolts do not get the full effect. If I got a full suit of all BWL gear and Warlord's gear, my 1.5 second cast Mindblast would hit for about.. 200 damage more? For a FULL set of endgame, "godly" gear. So instead of 500 it would hit for 700. Of course, I would also lose spirit, mana per 5 seconds, maximum mana, resistances, healing power, etc if I took this set of gear. Wow, uber. Sorry, but casters take it UP THE ASS in terms of itemization. Rogues have it easiest of any class. Rogues is the hardest to play period. I have played every class, heck, I even started a second rogue, just to test out if it was just because it was my first character, and no, the rogue class is overly complicated compared to "I win charge heroicstrike" comboes. Quote
GuitarNinja Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 First of all, I do play a Rogue.Second of all: A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds?Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor. 1. Caster +damage, like with Frozen Wrath, comes at the expense of ALL OTHER STATS. Unlike you guys, casters have to rely on mana. Greens with +spell damage are garbage. You have to build up a massive set of MC level gear; eg 8-10 or so pieces of gear before you start seeing changes. 2. It's not a direct addition. Only spells that take more than 3 or 3.5 seconds to cast (or so) get the full effect from the +damage. Frostbolts do not get the full effect. If I got a full suit of all BWL gear and Warlord's gear, my 1.5 second cast Mindblast would hit for about.. 200 damage more? For a FULL set of endgame, "godly" gear. So instead of 500 it would hit for 700. Of course, I would also lose spirit, mana per 5 seconds, maximum mana, resistances, healing power, etc if I took this set of gear. Wow, uber. Sorry, but casters take it UP THE ASS in terms of itemization. Rogues have it easiest of any class. Rogues are easy mode, keeping agro down is simple, even more simple if you're a sword rogue. Caster have it way worse then we do, I'd like to add that the mage MC set doesn't add much damage, but mostly mana, it's a huge give and take. Where as Nightslayer, pours tons of Agility, and some strength giving the rogue more crit, AP, and dodge. It buffs all out main needs with out much choice. So, I agree. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 First of all' date=' I do play a Rogue.Second of all: A good item enchant (lets take Frozen Wrath on a level 60 item) is about +23 damage on frost spells. Frost bolt takes what? 1.5 second to cast? 2 seconds?Even at a 3 second cast, that frozen wrath item will give a +7.6 DPS upgrade. That is damage not mitigated by armor. 1. Caster +damage, like with Frozen Wrath, comes at the expense of ALL OTHER STATS. Unlike you guys, casters have to rely on mana. Greens with +spell damage are garbage. You have to build up a massive set of MC level gear; eg 8-10 or so pieces of gear before you start seeing changes. 2. It's not a direct addition. Only spells that take more than 3 or 3.5 seconds to cast (or so) get the full effect from the +damage. Frostbolts do not get the full effect. If I got a full suit of all BWL gear and Warlord's gear, my 1.5 second cast Mindblast would hit for about.. 200 damage more? For a FULL set of endgame, "godly" gear. So instead of 500 it would hit for 700. Of course, I would also lose spirit, mana per 5 seconds, maximum mana, resistances, healing power, etc if I took this set of gear. Wow, uber. Sorry, but casters take it UP THE ASS in terms of itemization. Rogues have it easiest of any class. Rogues is the hardest to play period. I have played every class, heck, I even started a second rogue, just to test out if it was just because it was my first character, and no, the rogue class is overly complicated compared to "I win charge heroicstrike" comboes. I meant that their itemization is best. But they are also the easiest to play. It's laughable. All of my PVE experience is spamming Sinister Strike and then Eviscerate. I apply Poisons periodically. I never have to worry about getting ganked by people near my level. Two people try to gank me? Gouge one, Blind the other, Vanish, Sprint. Low on Energy and in the middle of a fight? Thistle Tea, pop a potion or tuber, Evasion, use Blind (or Vanish and then go to cheapshot etc). Too easy. Levelling was a walk in the park. Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Priest is the easiest: I mean, I powerlevel my priest. And she'S holy! Any surprise, I can fear, then I can shield and cure myself. I win! Quote
mecca Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 My GM just started a contest for the first of us three rogues (at around the same lv) to reach 53 the fastest. The winner recieves full Stormshroud..which as you know is a pretty fucking good incentive to start levelling! Anyway, I've just hit 49, and the other two are 50..any ideas where to level or what to do at this stage? I'm messing about in Un'Goro and the place near BRD (forget it's name now). Quote
metroixer Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 I only read the first two pages of this topic,but has anyone tried runescape? It's a nice fre game if you're a cheap bastard (Like me ). Although it does get boring after a while.. Quote
ellywu2 Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 rogues? hard? rofl. Itemization is greatly in favour of melee classes at the moment. + Spell if you get MC +spell damage gear you are gimping yourself stamina wise. That is the reason you hear casters moan about getting 2 shotted (most of the time) It's because they have to make a choice, +spell dmg or +stam. Melee on the other hand well, they get both. Nightslayer and its tier 2 equiuvalent both pile on the stats, +crit +dodge +hit for a rogue. Now i'm not one who believes that propaganda video world of roguecraft but there is less of a choice with gear for a rogue vis-a-vis itemization. You wont be gimping yourself to the extreme with sensible gear choices, whereas a caster will. Another issue in the itemization arguement is the nature of spells themselves. They dont scale. Whilst yes, a rogues evis doesnt scale either, the same isnt true of ambush and backstab. With all the new pimp-as-shit melee weapons coming out its harder and harder for a caster to survive. A priests PWS can be knocked away in 1 hit for example. (Obviously 1.9 is addressing these changes and from what i hear its given casters a well needed boost.) I'm not trying to devalue the rogue class. Whilst they may not be a hard class to play, they're not the godawful easy paladin. Mecca, what server do you play on? Am i right in guessing its a EU server? also, try grinding green mobs, rogues damn well excel at that. Also, Vael down Quote
The Author Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 We're a melee class that has NO armor. Any mage has more armor than a rogue. Where is our 30 minute buff/defensive mechanism? Quote
ellywu2 Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 Evasion, Dodge, Parry (to a limited extent.) are your armour. The ability to absolutely NAIL something down with stuns could be seen as something along those lines. A buff yes, thats something which the rogue class is lacking. Quote
zircon Posted November 29, 2005 Posted November 29, 2005 My GM just started a contest for the first of us three rogues (at around the same lv) to reach 53 the fastest. The winner recieves full Stormshroud..which as you know is a pretty fucking good incentive to start levelling!Anyway, I've just hit 49, and the other two are 50..any ideas where to level or what to do at this stage? I'm messing about in Un'Goro and the place near BRD (forget it's name now). Heh.. Stormshroud Yeah, Un'Goro is a nice place at your level. You can still do Zul'farrak runs (instance near Tanaris). In a level or two, hit Western Plaguelands. Felwood may be good for you too right now. Quote
ILLiterate Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 WoW Trial I need to get it for christmas or something Quote
mecca Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 Aye, I was grinding from 48 in the Eastern Plaguelands, believe it or not, further proof that rogues are the shit (hello flash powder). It's just a case of kidney shot, get up the combo points, ghostly strike, decrease armour, then keep hitting the "1" and "2" keys repeatedly until they die, maybe taking the odd potion and hitting evasion. Anyway, onto the bit I want you all to read. I know some of you have short attention spans, so I'll space this out as much as possible. Ready? Stay with me here: Firstly, I'm on Emerald Dream, EUR. Next, from what I've read, is it true that WoW really only opens up at 60? I've heard so many different oppinions about the endgames, but from what I've seen so far in this thread, the level of tactics when in raids is unbelieveable, what is UBRS..40 man or something? It'd be a massive leap going from the usual five-man runs, can't wait Also, what's a 'green' mob? Heh..I got one of those red rubys and accidentally put it on the ah for 90s startup and 95g buyout..guess what, some schmuck bought it for full price xD EDIT: A buff yes, thats something which the rogue class is lacking. "I'll take 3 deathweed and a crystal vial please, vendor." Buffs are disguised in the form of poisons..a 30% chance to hit an extra 120-200 with EVERY strike? I like those odds! Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 a green mob is a mob who is more than two levels below you, but higher than 3/4 your level and thus yields xp while being much easier to kill. as far as end game instances: BRD- Blackrock Depths. lvl 52-58; 5-10 man. Lame as hell if you ask me. Not too many drops here either. The only reason I'd run it is to get the lvl 300 blacksmithing/engineering plans. However you will need to do this instance in order to get attuned for Molten Core. Lots of Fire Resist gear drops here also. UBRS- Upper Blackrock Spire. lvl 57-60; 10-15 man. You can TRY 5 man up to rend, but you won't get much further than that. Blue class set items drop here. LBRS- Lower Blackrock Spire. lvl 57-60; 5-15 man. It's essentially an easier version of UBRS, and where most of the Blackrock Spire questing is done. Blue class set items drop here. Scholomance- lvl 57-60; 5-10 man. A twisted monastary type place, filled with lots of undead and their shadowy masters. You can 5 man it for some quests that give decent loot. Blue set items drop here also. Live Strat- Scarlet side Stratholm. lvl 56-60; 5-10 man. Humanoid grind fest that's mostly done for money from selling righteous orbs. The drops here are generally pretty lame too. UD Strat- Undead side Stratholm. lvl 56-60; 5-10 man. Undead infested city quarters. Actually a fun instance to run. Blue set items drop here, as well as a few other decent items. DM- Dire Maul. lvl 59-60; 5 man. DM is comprised of several wings. There's a series of class quest books that drop here, as well as some pretty decent loot. The gordok suit is awesome too. ZG- Zul'Gurub. lvl 60; 20 man. ZG is the most recent dungeon added to the game. It is said to be harder than MC, however my guild is currently working on clearing it. We've cleared 5 bosses so far, and we've yet to even attempt MC. It's still definately no walk in the park though. Lots of good drops here, including many epics. MC- Molten Core. lvl 60; 40 man. MC is the introduction to the hardcore guild's endgame experience. It takes lots of strategy, lots of good gear, and erm.. lots of Fire Resistance. Tier 1 epic sets drop here, as well as tons of other awesome stuff. BWL- Blackwing lair. lvl 60; 40 man. BWL is the current hardest instance in the game. It took months after it's initial release before it was finally cleared for the first time. Tier 2 epic sets drop in BWL. Onyxia's Lair- lvl 60; 40 man. Onyxia's Lair is essentially a single boss fight instance. A few trash mobs up front, and boom you're fighting Onyxia. Onyxia is by no means easy either, but a good MC/BWL will probably be tackling her fairly regularly. She drops tier 2 epic helms, as well as a plethora of good fire resist gear. AQ- Ahn'Qiraj. lvl 60; 20/40 man. Ahn'Qiraj is a new instance coming in 1.9, set to open after a few world events are completed. AQ will have two wings, one 20 man and one 40 man. I'm not sure about the difficulty, but I imagine it will be as hard as BWL if not harder. Looking at some of the loot tables for AQ floating around the web, seems to be some godly stuff to be found in AQ. that should cover it. yes i am bored. Quote
mecca Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 Nah that was much appreciated..what's "Tier-2" epic? Currently I've got a [Gut Ripper] that the lowest tier then considering it was "only" 80g? The Krol blade for instance, what's that, about 650g? Is that Tier 2? Are there two tiers in total? (Try saying that five times fast). Quote
GuitarNinja Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 Nah that was much appreciated..what's "Tier-2" epic? Currently I've got a [Gut Ripper] that the lowest tier then considering it was "only" 80g? The Krol blade for instance, what's that, about 650g? Is that Tier 2? Are there two tiers in total? (Try saying that five times fast). I wouldn't worry about tiers of weapons, only armor. Attempting to remember all the weapon stuff is just blah. Gut Ripper is a fine weapon, and will keep you till you get- Or Quote
The Author Posted November 30, 2005 Posted November 30, 2005 Aye, I was grinding from 48 in the Eastern Plaguelands, believe it or not, further proof that rogues are the shit (hello flash powder). It's just a case of kidney shot, get up the combo points, ghostly strike, decrease armour, then keep hitting the "1" and "2" keys repeatedly until they die, maybe taking the odd potion and hitting evasion.EDIT: A buff yes, thats something which the rogue class is lacking. "I'll take 3 deathweed and a crystal vial please, vendor." Buffs are disguised in the form of poisons..a 30% chance to hit an extra 120-200 with EVERY strike? I like those odds! Any class can take care of any one mob 2 to 4 levels over. Heck, with my lock, I soloed a 20 elite when I was 18. And about poisons, you forgot to read the label: "Will not work on elementals, demons, undeads, and random creature with high nature resistance. Will take a debuff slot. Will cause extreme levels of aggro. Will disapear if you enter an instance. Possible side effects may include: Pissed off mobs, pissed off warriors, pissed off warlocks, pissed off raid leaders, and pissed off wallet. Your local shady dealer is not responsible if you realise that in the high end game, only one boss will be made easier with poisons such as Mindnumbing. Also, we are not responsible if the act of poisoning your weapons will break stealth." Quote
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