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i just played a test server rogue, and honestly i really dont see how anyone other than a mage can beat an experienced rogue PVPer. I had vigor and imp kidney shot. I was barely using sinister strike cause i was backstabbing so much, and of course, the ridiculous talents like relentless strikes



Priests, played correctly, have insane damage mitigation and recovery abilities. Every 15 seconds we can put up a shield that absorbs 1100 damage. My Renew spell is always going, which heals for 260 every couple seconds. I have an instant heal (Holy Nova) that does about 300-400 and damages anyone in the area for about 200. As an Undead priest I have a spell that does about 1k damage to an opponent and drains all that to me, as well. Every time I am crit, I recover 25% of that damage over 5 seconds also (so 1k crit = +250 life). With all these abilities combined, it's rare that I even need to use my 1.4 second cast time heal which does about 1.1k life.

Presumably it's the same for a Paladin or Shaman, played well. At least that is the approach I would take.

i just played a test server rogue, and honestly i really dont see how anyone other than a mage can beat an experienced rogue PVPer. I had vigor and imp kidney shot. I was barely using sinister strike cause i was backstabbing so much, and of course, the ridiculous talents like relentless strikes



Priests, played correctly, have insane damage mitigation and recovery abilities. Every 15 seconds we can put up a shield that absorbs 1100 damage. My Renew spell is always going, which heals for 260 every couple seconds. I have an instant heal (Holy Nova) that does about 300-400 and damages anyone in the area for about 200. As an Undead priest I have a spell that does about 1k damage to an opponent and drains all that to me, as well. Every time I am crit, I recover 25% of that damage over 5 seconds also (so 1k crit = +250 life). With all these abilities combined, it's rare that I even need to use my 1.4 second cast time heal which does about 1.1k life.

Presumably it's the same for a Paladin or Shaman, played well. At least that is the approach I would take.

How much damage do you put out whilst keeping yourself so alive?

i just played a test server rogue, and honestly i really dont see how anyone other than a mage can beat an experienced rogue PVPer. I had vigor and imp kidney shot. I was barely using sinister strike cause i was backstabbing so much, and of course, the ridiculous talents like relentless strikes



Priests, played correctly, have insane damage mitigation and recovery abilities. Every 15 seconds we can put up a shield that absorbs 1100 damage. My Renew spell is always going, which heals for 260 every couple seconds. I have an instant heal (Holy Nova) that does about 300-400 and damages anyone in the area for about 200. As an Undead priest I have a spell that does about 1k damage to an opponent and drains all that to me, as well. Every time I am crit, I recover 25% of that damage over 5 seconds also (so 1k crit = +250 life). With all these abilities combined, it's rare that I even need to use my 1.4 second cast time heal which does about 1.1k life.

Presumably it's the same for a Paladin or Shaman, played well. At least that is the approach I would take.

How much damage do you put out whilst keeping yourself so alive?

Not a lot. I usually do about 100 dps, primarily from Shadow Word: Pain and (if I'm trying) Devouring Plague. This is further augmented with Power Infusion and the Zandalarian Hero Charm, but even so, it can take several rounds of dots before the opponent is dead. Occasionally I will use Mind Blast (400-600 dmg on a cooldown) or my Wand (80 or so dps). This is as compared to Shadow priests who can do 400 dps no problem (MF ticks for 250, SW:P ticks for 250, Devouring Plague for 250, and all that damage builds up with Shadow Vulnerability). Plus of course they are getting healed due to Vampiric Embrace.

xinster; No, it's pretty much player skill. SleazyC was quite confident he could beat me and I have no doubt he beat 99% of Priests on his server. In addition I was quite capable of beating people 1v1 and surviving in PVP pre-1.10, but the additional changes are welcome. I am a very good player so I can make use of them well. I would wager that a VERY small segment of the Priest population really knows what they are doing when it comes to PVP.


I, being a priest, can rarly beat a rogue (a fairly decked one) if they get the jump on me with repetative stun locks to keep me locked down enough that I can not cast. However; if the rogue doesnt kill me when he has used all of his points / fails to stun lock then I will just dot and fear then mind flay his ass down with my shield and VE up. It's all based on the circumstance. I just respec'd Disc / Holy soo im really weak because i don't have that much +dmg gear. Id like to one day be this guy - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6737260276585568647&q=p

BTW, I got Shard of The Scale last night, OMFG woot.

Aren't hunters rogue killers?

I prefer to think of them as trap-campers.

Naturally I'm not going to fuck myself because they want a duel to begin in their favour, so I sit in stealth until they get bored and reckless :twisted:

It's impossible to win a duel without being called a coward anyway, regardless of class.

PVP is a different kettle of fish altogether: hunters are often concerned with targets they can actually see which leaves a world of opportunity to those of us with cheapshot and crippling poison :)


xinster; No, it's pretty much player skill. SleazyC was quite confident he could beat me and I have no doubt he beat 99% of Priests on his server. In addition I was quite capable of beating people 1v1 and surviving in PVP pre-1.10, but the additional changes are welcome. I am a very good player so I can make use of them well. I would wager that a VERY small segment of the Priest population really knows what they are doing when it comes to PVP.

Would you say Mind blast is a necessary talent for a shadow priest? I opted for the lower enemy shadow resist, and got martydom and some other talents rather than imp mind blast.


I, being a priest, can rarly beat a rogue (a fairly decked one) if they get the jump on me with repetative stun locks to keep me locked down enough that I can not cast. However; if the rogue doesnt kill me when he has used all of his points / fails to stun lock then I will just dot and fear then mind flay his ass down with my shield and VE up. It's all based on the circumstance. I just respec'd Disc / Holy soo im really weak because i don't have that much +dmg gear. Id like to one day be this guy - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6737260276585568647&q=p

BTW, I got Shard of The Scale last night, OMFG woot.

If you can't survive the initial stunlock, your health and armor is too low. Unless the Rogue is decked out in AQ gear, 4k+ health self buffed should be sufficient. Just remember, as soon as the stunlock begins, start spamming Fear and prepare to immediately throw up a Shield, Renew, and a Flash Heal. Then DoT the Rogue and proceed as normal.

xinster; that build is OK but IMO, skip the Holy tree except for Healing Focus. The imp Fort/Shield is nice for survivability and personally I like having Inner Focus in Discipline for an almost-guaranteed Crit (or free Devouring Plague). But whatever you do try to get 2-3 points into Imp Mind Blast. It's useful.

Aren't hunters rogue killers?

I prefer to think of them as trap-campers.

Naturally I'm not going to fuck myself because they want a duel to begin in their favour, so I sit in stealth until they get bored and reckless :twisted:

Track Hidden.


xinster; No, it's pretty much player skill. SleazyC was quite confident he could beat me and I have no doubt he beat 99% of Priests on his server. In addition I was quite capable of beating people 1v1 and surviving in PVP pre-1.10, but the additional changes are welcome. I am a very good player so I can make use of them well. I would wager that a VERY small segment of the Priest population really knows what they are doing when it comes to PVP.

I'll second this right here. I don't think I've ever fought a priest on my server that played like zircon even though some of them sported the same gear or better. I definately want to get some more fights in with him as the second time we fought I did a lot better even though zircon still ended up pummeling me.

Aren't hunters rogue killers?

I prefer to think of them as trap-campers.

Naturally I'm not going to fuck myself because they want a duel to begin in their favour, so I sit in stealth until they get bored and reckless :twisted:

Track Hidden.


Nevermind the big fucking arrow pointing above your head.

(Oh really? 1.1 means Hunters can cast mark on already-stealthed characters?)



j0 everyone, I'm back with an update on the WoW situation. For the most part I am on WoW now, the only thing is I'm having problems getting it reinstalled on my computer oddly enough, but I jack a friends comp every now and again to play as my

Night Elf/ Lhrayven/ Profession (Probably skinning and leathercrafting)/ Realm: The Deceived Realm

and I am going on level 14 right now.

This isn't my old character, she was like level 31 or 32. I'm playing on The Deceived Realm which is a free server (in case some did not know that). So if anyone wants, look me up. You can easily find the The Deceived Realm here http://clandeceived.com/.

Lucreshia over and out!

BTW: if you thought it was bad before, Sleazy, I'm working on picking up my new enchants and Ironweave gear. Once I finish what I need I'm going to have nearly 5k HP self buffed and nearly 4k armor. :)

I thought you were rogue..?

j0 everyone, I'm back with an update on the WoW situation. For the most part I am on WoW now, the only thing is I'm having problems getting it reinstalled on my computer oddly enough, but I jack a friends comp every now and again to play as my

Night Elf/ Lhrayven/ Profession (Probably skinning and leathercrafting)/ Realm: The Deceived Realm

and I am going on level 14 right now.

This isn't my old character, she was like level 31 or 32. I'm playing on The Deceived Realm which is a free server (in case some did not know that). So if anyone wants, look me up. You can easily find the The Deceived Realm here http://clandeceived.com/.

Lucreshia over and out!

I recommend herbalism/alchemy.

Leatherworking is not all that good. Self sufficience/self buffing pushes any character a lot further than putting armor kits on stuff you can easily buy off AH because of the money you make from seling superfluous potions.

Nevermind the big fucking arrow pointing above your head.

(Oh really? 1.1 means Hunters can cast mark on already-stealthed characters?)


No. However, hunters are still rogue killers 1v1. Allow me to once again mention Track Hidden. Trees are pointless when you become a giant blip on the hunter's minimap. Also, Flare. And not to mention hunter pets when set to agressive also have a better chance to detect you and break your stealth.

My druid is lvl 17 now (Prophetus on Gorefiend). Druids are fun, but without cat form the DPS is so low it's ridiculous. Doing the Samophlange quest in the barrens was a pain because I couldn't kill the goblins fast enough to clear it out so I could reach the control panel and the switches. They literally respawned just as fast as I was killing them. HOWEVER, in the same area, I survived some shit (omfg goblins are aggro happy) that probably only a paladin or a good priest would have survived. Druids are f'ing tough.

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