lazygecko Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 I'm on a roll in WSG with my 19 warrior semi-twink. It's mostly just there to annoy the living shit out of the abdundance of twinked alliance rogues. Charge > Hamstring > Defensive > Disarm! One of them even made a horde alt to cry about how annoying I was. I don't need no stinking Crusader or Lifestealing enchants. I barely wear any blues and the only enchants I have are mid-level stamina ones (+3 - +5). Quote
Lyrai Posted June 17, 2006 Posted June 17, 2006 I find AV to be excellent honor if you have AoEs. As a Mage it's rather easy for me to throw a Flamestrike or whatnot into a huge fight at the start and hten start picking off people. Plus when both sides have their shit together, AV is truely epic. Quote
suzumebachi Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 jesus gorefiend is pissing me off. it's almost the opposite of smolderthorn. smolderthorn PvPers do shit tons of AB and only WSG on holidays gorefiend PvPers do shit tons of WSG and only AB on holidays smolderthorn groups are constantly raiding UBRS (only doing LBRS for warlord's command) gorefiend groups are constantly running LBRS (i have yet to see a UBRS run. seriously i've been trying to get a UBRS group for DAYS) smolderthorn lower level players end up running lots of gnomer gorefiend apparently hasn't seen a horde side gnomer group in over a year. most of the differences are pretty trivial, but for fuck's sake I need to do UBRS and broadcasting LFG for 5 fucking days without finding a single god damned group is SERIOUSLY fucking aggravating. it doesn't help that the guild i'm in is a flaming piece of dog shit, but pretty much EVERY decent end-game guild requires you to finish the fucking onyxia key quest as a prerequisite to even CONSIDERING letting you join. well guess what? the onyxia key quest requires UBRS. hmm........... Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Any guild that won't help you get attuned to instances and demands that you be pre-attuned is not a good guild imo. On Nathreizm, there are a few that are like that, but many, even the top raiding guilds, are willing to help you get attuned provided you actually intend to help with raids. Quote
Paladin-01 Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Just finished reinstalling it... going to a friend's house to update on DSL... T_T its like a plague I can't get rid of... Hard to play a class thats fun... I played a hunter before, but they have 0 use in a party, or at least everyone believes so. Even though my crab could tank better than a lot of warriors........ I was thinking Mage, since I want to be able to kill en masse... What do you guys think, Probably-The-Only-Forum-Group-I-Know-That-Doesn't-Flame-Outright? Quote
Nat Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 ...Rogues with full cooldowns>pretty much anything... you're kidding right? Quote
Sporknight Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Just hit lvl 20 today on my gnome warlock. Anyone play on Staghelm, by any chance? I'm mostly focusing on Destruction and Affliction, I think. At least at this point, most of what I pour into Demonology wouldnt make that significant of a difference, being that I love my Voidwalker and how he keeps most all the aggro off of me, so I can nuke shit with DoT's and shadow bolts. Times are good... Quote
SleazyC Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Any guild that won't help you get attuned to instances and demands that you be pre-attuned is not a good guild imo. On Nathreizm, there are a few that are like that, but many, even the top raiding guilds, are willing to help you get attuned provided you actually intend to help with raids. Some guilds don't have the time. My guild raids 5 nights a week. Monday, Tuesday, Wed, Thurs, and Saturday. Many of our members hold 40 hours a week jobs and just wouldn't have the time to help someone through quests to join our guild. If you get these quests done, get your own resist gear etc. it looks loads better to us as it shows that you can go out and are self-sufficient (something we push alot because it sucks to be farming consumables for other lazy people). Quote
Raenok Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Hard to play a class thats fun... I played a hunter before, but they have 0 use in a party, or at least everyone believes so. Even though my crab could tank better than a lot of warriors........ Hunters have plenty of uses. Pet tanking, Ranged DPS, FD + Jumper Cables (Engineer only. I love that profession), Pulling mobs...there's more, but I can't think of them at the moment. Quote
The Xyco Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Just went through another AV bloodbath today. I think there's some sort of secret to getting an IBS I'm not aware of. Everyone keeps saying "It's so easy, all you have to do is win AV!" but that part is NOT easy at all. I managed to get into AV when we were sitting at the doorstep of Frostwolf Village. We had Ivus, Commandoes, all that shit, and were charging like madmen... until we hit the towers. We'd basically gather outside the tower entrance, old our ground til we had enough poeple to charge, and then push forward. The problem was that every time someone would rejoin the group outside the tower, they'd bring in 4 -5 guards with them, and by the time I got there they were all Champions. Add this to the host of mobs hanging aroung the area and the horde coming out of the towers, and there was not a thing we could do. We even outnumbered them by at least 10 for the majority of the time I was in there (3-4 hours), even as much as 15 at times, yet they STILL pushed us completely out of the village. After being killed upwards of 50 times, I just left, cause things were going downhill, fast. I think I might hang up this game again a for a little while. I haven't been having much fun with it recently. All my friends have left to join raiding guilds, and they don't even stop to chat anymore. The multitude of 12 year-olds home for the summer is making itself known, and no one seems interested in doing anything other than high-level instances. I wanted to start my own guild a little while ago, but everyone was too attatched to their endgame raiding guilds to help me out. I might just be a little burned out, but as an MMO, WoW has just really disappointed me as of late. Everything's so focused on large endgame content and geared for players who are the top tier of their playstyle (raid, PvP, etc.), so much so that a great deal of interactivity and comradery is lost in the pursuit of better items and bragging rights. EDIT: Hard to play a class thats fun... I played a hunter before, but they have 0 use in a party, or at least everyone believes so. Even though my crab could tank better than a lot of warriors........ Hunters have plenty of uses. Pet tanking, Ranged DPS, FD + Jumper Cables (Engineer only. I love that profession), Pulling mobs...there's more, but I can't think of them at the moment. As a hunter, I'd say we're a lot like mages and rogues in that we're not essential to a group, but we add a great amount of offensive power, and a modest amount of crowd control capability. Of course, everyone I tell this is to gets very defensive about it ("omgwtf r u tlking abot? mages wer cloth u dumshit"). Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Paladin grabs our flag and runs to his teams GY. I attack him solo. He gets a crit and gets me to 70 percent HP, then does the /laugh emote. 3 crits and an execute later, he's laying dead while I'm returning the flag and spamming /laugh right back...just as the dead Alliance respawn and tear me a new asshole. Man I love WSG. Quote
lazygecko Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 I love the fact that you can charge up the cliffs in WSG. Quote
Stalwart Jester Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 I love the fact that I can sit in the flagroom and sap the flagrunner right as he or she grabs our flag and then scream to the defenders that I found a filthy alliance dog trying to steal from us in WSG. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Figures the first time I do BRD without my friends that I see my first Hand of Justice drop. It also figures that there was a shaman who wanted it too, and outrolled me by 90... Quote
Sporknight Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 I love how when I click on this thread, all the ads at the bottom are for gold farming and powerleveling services... Quote
lazygecko Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Either you're using the default skin, a really crappy browser, or you're infested with spyware. Or it could be a combination of the three. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 He's not making stuff up. The first time I read his post there were no WoW related ads, but this time, I see exactly what he said is there. Quote
lazygecko Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Thank god I use the phpbb skin. No ads, no sidebar, no bullshit. Quote
Paladin-01 Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 I see them too. Oh well, not like they're interfereing. Oh the things I experienced as a hunter... I had people tell me I didn't need armor since I was ranged, had people tell me to not summon my pet when it dies, since its just in the way, had people tell me I'm stealing loot from rogues and warriors, had a few people ask me to heal (WTF!?) Had rogues and warriors tell me to stop pulling, that obviously all my various abilities are not nearly as good as them sapping one/dealing with the rest or simply throwing a freaking knife at one of them. But I was like one of FIVE hunters on the whole server to use a crab. And a godly crab it was. u >.> Ranting. Whoops. People like mages. Food/drink, dispels, sheeping, people depend on my friend's mage After playing the hunter, a paladin, and a troll Priest(lol troll racials suck, shamans heal 2, etc etc), I had stopped playing because no matter what I did, the only parties I could find either were the obvious 12 year olds, or otherwise making me think they were typing with their foreheads. Quote
KakTheInfected Posted June 18, 2006 Posted June 18, 2006 Took another shot at BRD, this time with friends, and got Hand of Justice. Oh my GOD. It's like getting a whole new weapon when the thing procs. Not only do you deal massive damage, but you get a shitload of extra rage too. Finally a replacement for Blackhand's Breadth in the bottom trinket slot. Quote
Lyrai Posted June 19, 2006 Posted June 19, 2006 jesus gorefiend is pissing me off. it's almost the opposite of smolderthorn.smolderthorn PvPers do shit tons of AB and only WSG on holidays gorefiend PvPers do shit tons of WSG and only AB on holidays smolderthorn groups are constantly raiding UBRS (only doing LBRS for warlord's command) gorefiend groups are constantly running LBRS (i have yet to see a UBRS run. seriously i've been trying to get a UBRS group for DAYS) smolderthorn lower level players end up running lots of gnomer gorefiend apparently hasn't seen a horde side gnomer group in over a year. most of the differences are pretty trivial, but for fuck's sake I need to do UBRS and broadcasting LFG for 5 fucking days without finding a single god damned group is SERIOUSLY fucking aggravating. it doesn't help that the guild i'm in is a flaming piece of dog shit, but pretty much EVERY decent end-game guild requires you to finish the fucking onyxia key quest as a prerequisite to even CONSIDERING letting you join. well guess what? the onyxia key quest requires UBRS. hmm........... I'm on Lothar, and I can't get a LBRS run to save my life. On the flip side, I'm so utterly sick of UBRS that I refuse to do it with anyone other than good friends when someone needs their Blood, because dirty jokes about The Beast/etc make it bearable. I've had the Halcyon, the Smolderweb quest, the Warosh one, and the UBRS key quest for MONTHS now. I just need Omokk's gem. It's like 15 minutes with a half-decent group just to get to Omokk. And yet I cna't find 5 people who have 15 free minutes while they're waiting 2 hours for AV to pop. On a side note, I'd totally help out on a UBRS run for (most) anyone in this thread. It's just doing it with 1/3rd PUGs, 1/3rd Whiners, and only 1/3rd people who are actually decent that has driven me to loathe the place And in all the times I've run it, Drak hasn't dropped my Magisters, so I'm stuck with Necropile Robes. Anyone got any suggestions on a robe I can use in place of it until I cna get Arcanist? Quote
PJ Posted June 19, 2006 Posted June 19, 2006 Curious, what boss fights do you consider to be the most fun, doesn't matter endgame or not AQ, BWL, MC whatever, post your thoughts. For me Nefarian is pretty fun, but no way near as fun as Twin Emperors fight in AQ40. Ah that was fun , (but not the repair bill rofl), nothing beats the exhiliration of caning those twins. C'thun's cool too, giant eye beams, and tentacles are cool. Quote
Lyrai Posted June 19, 2006 Posted June 19, 2006 My take on Hunters: When they are played by people who know what they are doing I love them. A good pet means another source of damage which is just awesome in places. Several shots are useful. I love a Hunter in the group that knows what they're doing. WHat I hate is when the Hunter has no fucking clue what the hell to do and wipes the group 6 times before we get to the first boss. It can be said about most classes, but I've seen Groups being able to compensate for a stupid Rogue/Warrior, but whenever a Hunter is played by someone stupid, we never seem to get anywhere. Quote
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