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I started playing a couple months ago, and I've got a 56 UD mage. The idea of starting from scratch makes me a sad panda. :( On Gorefiend, btw. Maybe someday that will get old, but I just got accepted into a kickass guild and I have to show some online time and support so I don't get "le boot".

I started playing a couple months ago, and I've got a 56 UD mage. The idea of starting from scratch makes me a sad panda. :( On Gorefiend, btw. Maybe someday that will get old, but I just got accepted into a kickass guild and I have to show some online time and support so I don't get "le boot".

damnit, i have a 60 tauren druid on gorefiend, but unfortunately, it's on a different account. :(

zircon and tavernero rudd also played on gorefiend

but im happy with illidan so far... if only rama would effing get 10 signatures already.


i'm having a couple problems guys...

before i started illidan i had a warlock going on a server with my best friends an undead warlock much similar to my mage with you guys. the lock is lvl 22 and i really liked it and i decided to lvl him seriously

and i don't want to lvl another undead thru the same path

so i ask of you this: since we are the only 3 people from OCR on that server and not many seem to be eager to join us...would you guys like to join me and my friends on onixya? i'd really apreciatte it...and we'd be able to get those signatures

we are planning on making an arena pvp group...not a guild (you are welcome to join us...we are a great pvp team from gorefiend me and mah palz)

if you don't know what are3na pvp is check out the test server patch notes

again sry to ditch you guys...but i'd be really happy if you came (i can give you some golds on that server and help you lvl)

hope to see ya'll there

suzu? rama? seph? none of you will join me?

I, for one, don't have time to start another new character...in fact right now I can't even play MY character much. My computer died just last week (RIP motherboard) and I moved into a new apartment Wednesday that doesn't have internet yet. Once I get into my "school groove" and get my internet connected & some computer parts THEN we can talk =P


damnit... looks like i'm the only person on Illidan now. I wish you guys would have said something earlier. I don't really feel like rerolling AGAIN on yet another server. I already have horde toons on smolderthorn (60), gorefiend (60) and illidan (34 as of now).

I still say bloodscalp for alliance.

What are you guys gonna do when the expansion comes though? Can we all agree to roll on one server, and stick with it?

damnit... looks like i'm the only person on Illidan now. I wish you guys would have said something earlier. I don't really feel like rerolling AGAIN on yet another server. I already have horde toons on smolderthorn (60), gorefiend (60) and illidan (34 as of now).

I still say bloodscalp for alliance.

What are you guys gonna do when the expansion comes though? Can we all agree to roll on one server, and stick with it?

sry suzu :( well i8'm gonna stay here on onyxia...you'd be very welcome to join me.... as for the expansion...i think i'm going to enjoy all of outlands 60+ stuff before thinking of an alt

OBS: no alliance for me..just don't like the races

  • 2 weeks later...



I started to play again.

Anyone on bloodscalp looking for a guild/noob farm contact anyone in Chains of Oblivion. Say you're Jannael's friend and either me or the only other guild member will figure it out and invite you.

That's Chains of Oblivion, bloodscalp alliance. 3 players in the guild, but I would not mind it becoming OCR's bloodscalp guild.

EDIT: No patches in 2 months means all my mods worked:P


450 megs...

that is way too big to be a simple patch, after thinking about it. Unless they decided to surprise us with a new instance... Hmmm... we need some quality speculation in here.

Oh and what is a good place to quest from 49 to 50. I know how to deal with 50 to 60, but I can't remember what I did between 46 and 50 for the life of me when I was on my rogue. My poor ice mage had to GRIND.

I grinded incendausaurs for my last 20000 xp from 48 to 49... The only place I can think of going is Ur Goro, but I cannot stand that place, and I am on the low end there. I'd like a good place to quest and get nifty rewards...

It's the content for vanilla WoW after Burning Crusade is released, so you can still interact with the new races and such even if you haven't gotten the expansion.

It's coming out before Burning Crusade though, isn't it? Burning Crusade isn't coming out until January. Basically 2.0.1 raises the level cap to 70, with all the new talents (no new spells yet), and adds a new Battleground or something.

It's the content for vanilla WoW after Burning Crusade is released, so you can still interact with the new races and such even if you haven't gotten the expansion.

It's coming out before Burning Crusade though, isn't it? Burning Crusade isn't coming out until January. Basically 2.0.1 raises the level cap to 70, with all the new talents (no new spells yet), and adds a new Battleground or something.

Well, maybe it'll be pre-downloaded but I am pretty sure it wont be on until burning crusade is out.

Funny thing, my current all frost build for my mage would have me have 1 talent too many by level 60, so until BC is out, I would not be able to put it anywhere, since I need all my talents in frost for my BC build.

Mages rock when they are overspecialized in an element not many mobs are immune to. And even then I get good defensive abilities.


Frost mages are fantastic, and only get better with BC. The water elemental is really strong, and there are a lot of damage boosting abilities added to the tree.

For 49, I suggest Felwood if you aren't a fan of Ungoro. Kill the furbolgs until you have enough rep to get to winterspring, and then do the random quests in the area. Should be enough to get you to 50, and then you can run sunken temple.

Frost mages are fantastic, and only get better with BC. The water elemental is really strong, and there are a lot of damage boosting abilities added to the tree.

For 49, I suggest Felwood if you aren't a fan of Ungoro. Kill the furbolgs until you have enough rep to get to winterspring, and then do the random quests in the area. Should be enough to get you to 50, and then you can run sunken temple.

I have the rep to go to WS, so you really suggest going to WS? Or I shoudl stick to *yawn* felwood?

I just cant wait to be in the plaguelands.


I dunno about alliance at 49, but for Horde Hinterlands is a good place. I grinded from like 47 to 50 there, I gained 2 levels in one day just killing turtles on the shore just north of revantusk. Alliance would probably get ganked hard along the shore (right next to the Horde base) but there's an Alliance town out there too isn't there? Also, don't forget about Jintha'Alor.

I'm assuming you've hit up Searing Gorge since you mentioned Incendosaurs. Other places you could go would be Tanaris, Azshara, Un'Goro, Felwood, Feralas, Blasted Lands.

I dunno about alliance at 49, but for Horde Hinterlands is a good place. I grinded from like 47 to 50 there, I gained 2 levels in one day just killing turtles on the shore just north of revantusk. Alliance would probably get ganked hard along the shore (right next to the Horde base) but there's an Alliance town out there too isn't there? Also, don't forget about Jintha'Alor.

I'm assuming you've hit up Searing Gorge since you mentioned Incendosaurs. Other places you could go would be Tanaris, Azshara, Un'Goro, Felwood, Feralas, Blasted Lands.

I have my doubts about blasted lands at 49...

The reality on Bloodscalp is the following:

1: Horde numbers are higher than alliance numbers. Its about a 3 to 2 ratio.

2: The following territories are most of the time under horde control: Felwood, Azchara, Southern Winterspring for felcloth and timbermaw rep.

3: Burning steps is vastly unoccupied. I don't know why, but I think everyone seeis it as extremely dangerous, and decide to not go ther until they are 60 and realise it's no big deal.

4: Before the PVP additions, the plagues were pretty much a neutral territory with random gank wars.

About the download, from Wikipedia:

As of 24 October 2006 several Blizzard posters have announced that the PvP review will in fact take place in the upcoming Patch 2.0. The last patch, 1.12, was designed to be the final major update before the expansion, but the pushing back of the release date to January has allowed them more time to implement certain aspects before it arrives.

EDIT: Also, as for my mage:

I have done the rep quest for the Timbermaw. I have done the 3 quests in Azchara available to me. I have done everyt non-elite quest in the searing gorge. I also have done every doable quest in Hinterland until maybe I hit friendly there. The only quests left in STV are elite, and I have done most quests in Tanaris, except Zul Farrak because I can't seem to get a group to go there.

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