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well...if only I had a faster internet connection to play games like WoW, Guild Wars, UT200X, or Quake 4...Me...I'm cursed with dial-up :evil:

I play WoW on dialup. It works surprisingly well. The only place you really feel it is Alterac Valley (80 man battleground).

I'm digging the Burning Crusade trailer. I know the expansion is just gonna be lots of new stuff with the same gameplay, but the trailer leads me to a conclusion: Blizzard's trailer team should really make a full-scale movie.

Yeah blizzard's cinematics have always been top notch. The WoW intro video is like... 2 1/2 years old. And it STILL looks flipping sweet. They have some of the best animators in the industry. Pretty much on the same level as ILM/Pixar. I think they'd be perfectly capable of making a full length movie.


Comments on the build:

I tested it out with rank 1 mutilate (silly me, not used to higher ranks of talent skills for rogues) and I was somewhat satisfied. When I got rank 3, I fell in love with it head over heels. I did some battlegrounds last night, and I was lucky enough to get to hit a warrior flag carrier. I was in his back, and I ripped through his HP. Later, in AV, I managed to poison a shammy and see him try to remove his poison unsuccessfully. Funay. I crit at around 1000 on plate wearers, and well, that just does not bode well for clothies now does it? Lobotomizer's proc just seems to work well with this build. Once I manage to get a GM's weapon, I think I'll be able to hit clothies for 2000+ damage, and 2500 with double GM will be realistic. I also do not have the best gear ever, so by aiming for BC stuff, I think I'll be even more destructive, even if people are gonna be stronger by then... It has been a while though since my rogue felt like an assassin and not a swashbuckler.

I play WoW on dialup. It works surprisingly well. The only place you really feel it is Alterac Valley (80 man battleground).

I'm guessing you weren't around when the gates of Ahn'Qiraj were opened on your server.


I've been playing since early 2005. I don't remember when we first opened the gates on Smolderthorn, but I remember it was fairly early on, since most of the end-game guilds had been saving up shit long before the patch was even implemented. I wasn't online for the actual event though, the server was pretty muched dead for about a full day (except for those on T3 as mentioned).

Unless you had a T3 connection, you lagged on AQ gates opening.

And well, it happened back when Blizz had major server issues... Kinda like when DM first opened. It was hard as hell to get there, too many people in the instances.

Hell, plaguelands on invasion week was hard as hell.

Apparently opening the Dark Portal is a server event as well. Just think about that. I wasnt around for the opening of the AQ gates, but I am eagerly looking forewards to opening the Dark Portal. Anyone know what you're going to have to do for that?

I play WoW on dialup. It works surprisingly well. The only place you really feel it is Alterac Valley (80 man battleground).

I'm guessing you weren't around when the gates of Ahn'Qiraj were opened on your server.

AQ gates were more like a 600 person battleground >_>

Dude, you have beta info... can you explain flying mounts... how accessible are they?


You just need to be level 70 and have the cash. They are bought

training for the regular flying mount is about the regular epic mount cost, and the epic flying mount is about 4500g.

they are pretty fun, and don't stress about the gold costs. Just by levelling 60-70 you make about 2k. It's about as tough to get as an epic with the current gold availibility.

I say within 2 months just about everyone at 70 will have a regular mount, and then a bit later, everyone will have an epic flying mount. They won't be exculsive.

You just need to be level 70 and have the cash. They are bought

training for the regular flying mount is about the regular epic mount cost, and the epic flying mount is about 4500g.

they are pretty fun, and don't stress about the gold costs. Just by levelling 60-70 you make about 2k. It's about as tough to get as an epic with the current gold availibility.

I say within 2 months just about everyone at 70 will have a regular mount, and then a bit later, everyone will have an epic flying mount. They won't be exculsive.

And the quest/faction related flying mounts?

Just got a new computer, so I should FINALLY be able to play WoW again -___-

Rama! want to go to onixya with me or are you staying on illida/another server?

I'm definitely staying on Illidan (because all my IRL friends, a lot of my online friends, and even soem of my relatives play there), but I'm not against rolling on another server, either.

BUT I don't really wanna roll a new char now until the expansion comes out, because after watching the intro I'm DEFINITELY getting it.

Another question, which may seem weird... But anyway, at level 70, how much more powerful are you?

Could you 5-10 man ZG?

15 man MC?

yes and yes.

The most notable difference is the increase in HP. A protection warrior with Kharazan epics and a lot of level 70 insance gear has around 15k hp. Mages can have around 8-9k. Damage is increased a lot too, but the current PVP style of potentially 2 shotting is gone, unless it's a hapless level 60. Level 70 makes you strong as hell.

I have friends on my server who have 10manned onyxia at 60, so having them 5man her at 70 isn't out of the question.

Honestly though, there is so much new stuff to do, that you won't spend much time pwning old dungeons. maybe once or twice for fun, but the new stuff is where the party's at.

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