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I have some more speculation to bring forward:

I picked up a pattern for a crown yesterday. Some Jewelcrafting pattern. It's a head piece WITHOUT armor for a level 30+ druid. Are we getting a new slot for additional gear or is that a really crappy BLUE item?

In the trailer you can see the Dranei with a single flame on his forhead.


Lvl 51 now. Time to grind AV for that 5% chance (literally) that Horde might win and I might get my IBS. Srsly, AV is a fucking joke for horde. I've played 60s on 3 servers, and it's the same everywhere. Alliance wins 80% of the time or more. I especially love when I get into an AV and find that 37 out of 40 alliance are from the same guild on the same realm. 5 minute loss here we go!

Lvl 51 now. Time to grind AV for that 5% chance (literally) that Horde might win and I might get my IBS. Srsly, AV is a fucking joke for horde. I've played 60s on 3 servers, and it's the same everywhere. Alliance wins 80% of the time or more. I especially love when I get into an AV and find that 37 out of 40 alliance are from the same guild on the same realm. 5 minute loss here we go!

You can't join as a group in AV anymore. If you are lucky and time it right, you can get 6 or 7 people in the same AV, but its mostly luck. You will win AV, and sooner than you expect. (also, pro tip, the current strategy the alliance uses has been countered, so this week, horde will have the edge, until alliance figures out a new pattern.

(also, pro tip, the current strategy the alliance uses has been countered, so this week, horde will have the edge, until alliance figures out a new pattern.

I sure fucking hope so. I'd even take a 5% chance to win over the current 1% chance that half the alliance is being played by paid honorfarmers who just afk by their starting cave, thus making it easier to kill that dwarf before they can steamroll our base. :(


Well last night we did experiment with a new plan, but there were 7 of us on vent, so it was synchronized.

After the iceblood tower was attacked, and after snowfall was attacked, and also after Stoneheard GY was taken, we split up in 3 teams. Within 10 seconds, IB, FW and FWRH were attacked. Rezers from the IB battles ended up at SH, and we rolled on the three towers. At that point, our pugger D managed to roll over SH graveyard and keep the D busy there. 10 minutes later, the battleground was ours.

It was a nice 28 minute AV.


Finish STV. By then you should be around 45.

Move to Tanaris. As soon as you hit 48 you can hit lower Felwood (Timbermaw Rep is a must) and Azchara. As soon as you hit 50, you can also hit the western plaguelands (AD rep is a must). By the time you are done with most quests here, you can move to Winterspring (Yay timbermaw rep!).

In between these steps you can use feralas (level 45) and Ur Goro (level 50) for easy leveling.

At 44-45, Searing gorge is also a good option, and at 53 Burning steps works well.

Starting level 56 you can go to Silithus, finish up Winterspring, and do some more quests in the Plagues. You can also do some instances like BRD at 55+.

Alright, level 40, dirt poor from my mount, and I need to level to 60 before BC, so i can enjoy Outland.

Any tips for a Hunter?

same lvl here...and same problem...but i'm a lock


There's an Alliance leveling guide, from 30-60 (just skip to 40), and I'm sure they have a link to a Horde version as well. This guide gives you the best quests to pick up, and actually do, and which ones to skip/save for later. It involves planning ahead as well, etc. My friend got from 30-40 in a little over a week or so following this guide (with help from guildies on instancing). I've started it on my hunter as well, and would reccomend it. There are also pure hunter leveling guides you can find online in places (I havent bothered looking yet), and some links off the Warcraft website for pet guides - when your pets can learn new abilities, and what mobs you can learn them from as well. All quite useful, I must say.

Well poop. I've been doing nothing but AV lately, and I've still yet to win even ONE. 0 wins, 31 losses. It'd be nice if I could even win one. Just one. It's all I ask.


It's become a beginning of AV joke now that victory is defined by our ability to even capture stormpike. :P

I've started looking forward to nubs who need to complete their quest for thier trinket, so I can spend the 20 minutes in there helping them instead of rushing stormpike with 3 or 4 others while the rest of the team afks or wanders around.

Well poop. I've been doing nothing but AV lately, and I've still yet to win even ONE. 0 wins, 31 losses. It'd be nice if I could even win one. Just one. It's all I ask.


It's become a beginning of AV joke now that victory is defined by our ability to even capture stormpike. :P

I've started looking forward to nubs who need to complete their quest for thier trinket, so I can spend the 20 minutes in there helping them instead of rushing stormpike with 3 or 4 others while the rest of the team afks or wanders around.

In your opinions, which BG is best for getting honor? Most ppl say AV is great, becasue you dont even have to do anything to rack up some points, but I usually just push O and get maybe 4 HKs omw down. Usually it's pretty close, win or lose, too. Meanwhile, in AB, I am eating faces (when I'm not getting pincushioned by hunters), so I get far more HKs. Do those add up to more honor overall, or what? Or does it just depend on how often you win or lose?


Depends on how fast the games go, really.

in AV, you are guaranteed at least 200 honor for a loss because of the lietenants. Ab can be good, especially if you win, but if you are in a PUG and get rolled by a preform, especially 5capped, you'll get a whole lot of nothing.

WSG can go forever, so I tend to avoid it.

I switch between AV and AB, and if an AV is going to take forever, I have no qualms about afking out.

If you have a team, WSG and AB are the ways to go.

Finish STV. By then you should be around 45.

Move to Tanaris. As soon as you hit 48 you can hit lower Felwood (Timbermaw Rep is a must) and Azchara. As soon as you hit 50, you can also hit the western plaguelands (AD rep is a must). By the time you are done with most quests here, you can move to Winterspring (Yay timbermaw rep!).

In between these steps you can use feralas (level 45) and Ur Goro (level 50) for easy leveling.

At 44-45, Searing gorge is also a good option, and at 53 Burning steps works well.

Starting level 56 you can go to Silithus, finish up Winterspring, and do some more quests in the Plagues. You can also do some instances like BRD at 55+.

Ah, that can work wonders. Thanks for the tip. I'll try to see to the leveling guides, too, to see if they offer anything more.

As or other news, I really think Blizzard should add in more instances to the Caverns of Time later on. For example, a 25-man raid against that Pit Lord guy that tainted Grom, with Grom at your side tanking him.

Or, the conflict between Malfurion and Tyrande versus Azshara. I've always wanted to see her in her elven form.


The Grom vs Mannoroth would be cool, but it would just ruin how epic of a fight it was to have Grom and 40 random people or so. Though having a BG styled instance that's like the final battle of the War of the Ancients at Zin'Ashari or whatever the city was, ending with the destruction of the Well would be awsome.


Ok so blizzard just rebooted all the realms in order to apply a 'critical fix'. If you're wondering what could be so critical,

. Man, if only I had known, I would have so respecced my brother's warrior and gone and soloed ZG or something. Or one-shot Vandaar and actually won an AV for once. Sure his account would be banned for eternity, but it'd be fun.

Rampage, the new level 50 fury talent, was severely bugged. I'm not sure what caused the bugged state, but I think it had to do with dueling (the way you kill something but it doesn't die might have to do with it) but basically what happens is the buff stacks an infinite number of times, allowing you to do absolutely incredible amounts of damage (think millions). Also it wasn't expiring for some reason, because each time you attacked the buff was refreshed (which also wasn't supposed to happen) so if you continue killing stuff, you can continue doing massive damage. Before blizzard fixed it, people were able to literally solo all the end-game instances, capable of one-shotting even nefarian or kel'thuzad.


Woosh. That's one helluva bug to go unchecked, even for such a short period of time.

The determination of WoW's players to find and use exploits has never ceased to amaze me.

Well poop. I've been doing nothing but AV lately, and I've still yet to win even ONE. 0 wins, 31 losses. It'd be nice if I could even win one. Just one. It's all I ask.

Alternatively, I've been reaping the benefits. In my quest to finally get an IBS, I came in on an AV that took maybe took 15 minutes to end in victory.

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