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Brandon, when you do that wallpaper award thing, I fully expect there to be either a lizard or a pancake featured prominently somewhere.

PS Main Finger, all I have to say is "Scorched Ice" and you have more swag than this entire thread combined.

Brandon, when you do that wallpaper award thing, I fully expect there to be either a lizard or a pancake featured prominently somewhere.

PS Main Finger, all I have to say is "Scorched Ice" and you have more swag than this entire thread combined.

Shhh, you're ruining it. I was going to draw a picture of either Sonic or Robutnik, depending on who wins, but they are partially unzipped from a costume and it reveals that they are actually a lizard.

But now I can't draw that because I've said what it is.

Throughout the thread I've been under the assumption that we're going up against people in our own bracket

Are we going up against people in the OPPOSING BRACKET? Cause that would make more sense

We have to go against people in our own bracket because a lizard vs a pancake is not a fair fight.

Bottom line: Sonic bracket stacked as hell. TOO MANY DAMN LIZARDS.

Yes. Speaking of which, I need to find a rock to sun-bake on - my bloods running a little cold...

Brandon's posts' are what keep me here.

This man knows his shit.



Looks like both sides needs an inspirational poster to get them to do their best. :lol:

For the Sonic guys:




What has this thread turned into lol?

It seems that while waiting for the mixing to start, we have regressed to discussing how we're all really reptiles or breakfast dishes. May 5th needs to come soon! :)

Also it looks like someone still needs to get their bracket sig on!

It seems that while waiting for the mixing to start, we have regressed to discussing how we're all really reptiles or breakfast dishes. May 5th needs to come soon! :)

Also it looks like someone still needs to get their bracket sig on!

Yeaahh - I'll just go back into hiding until that time comes lol. Wasn't aware of the sigs, they're pretty awesome, thanks!!


We'll call it lizard bracket and pancake bracket and 5 more pages into this thread no one will have any clue on what we're talking about.

Took less than four pages for the epic battle between Lizcakes and Panzards to erase all trace of the actual Compo. :nicework:

Also, having huge teams (as in bracket sized) go against each other could be thrilling.

16 vs 16 all out remixing brawl, or team deathmatch style. Whoever roast the most.

Might be a concept to explore and experiment with in future compos. ;)

Also, having huge teams (as in bracket sized) go against each other could be thrilling.

16 vs 16 all out remixing brawl, or team deathmatch style. Whoever roast the most.

Might be a concept to explore and experiment with in future compos. ;)

We should have an epic remixing gauntlet for the final two themes and then vote for an alternate bonus winner in addition to the normal champ.

Also, having huge teams (as in bracket sized) go against each other could be thrilling.

16 vs 16 all out remixing brawl, or team deathmatch style. Whoever roast the most.

Might be a concept to explore and experiment with in future compos. ;)

Battle royale would really be to the benefit of Source Whores; use any (chosen) themes you want! WHOEVER MAKES THE MOST AWESOME MIXES WINS

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