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Well I've gotten my arrangement just about done, except for an intro. I've written about 3 different ones and I'm not happy with any of them. After I figure that out, it's time to polish!

Wow! Fast!

Right now, I'm just trying to get my theme and yours to cooperate (transitions), but, dang it, your theme is evil and it doesn't like me (very much), or something.

Once that's finished, I have a ton of EQ'ing to do due to me adding a ton of the same synth patches in my tired state at 2 A.M. "Oh, this sounds cool!" :lol:

Gonna have to change some of them...

But, of course, come Saturday, I shall be ready. :)

where did that 3d image of Hydrocity in Xenon's sig come from?

lol, it's actually from a Counter-Strike map that was made after Hydrocity zone. I basically google image searched each participant's zone to try to find cooler looking fan-made or rendered images to use for the sigs, instead of just screen shots or maps from the classic games. For some zones (like most of the Sonic CD or 3D Blast zones) I didn't find anything.

Can you put 1 day between rounds?

So you can have this round go from the 5th to the 12th as usual, but then have the 12th be a "vote counting day" and also Mother's Day, then start the next round on the 13th.


No, I'm sorry :-(, that would kind of throw off the whole competition then to starting on Sundays instead of Saturdays. It's a lot easier for me to prep the mixes and do voting on Saturdays. And Mother's Day is actually on Sunday, May 13th, not on Saturday the 12th.

Wow! Fast!

Right now, I'm just trying to get my theme and yours to cooperate (transitions), but, dang it, your theme is evil and it doesn't like me (very much), or something.

Hah, well it's still pretty rough. I need to work on a lot of transitions as well. This week has turned out to be a lot busier than I thought it would, so hopefully I can do everything I want to do in time.


Hah, well it's still pretty rough. I need to work on a lot of transitions as well. This week has turned out to be a lot busier than I thought it would, so hopefully I can do everything I want to do in time.

I do hope things work out, time-wise, for you.

I know after listening to your entries from the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet and Supersonic Stardust, I'm really looking forward to what you come up with (and, well, I'm also looking forward to everyone's entries!)

Okay, last post; back to FL Studio.

Mine is going amazingly well... Got my beats down, arrangement planned out and all that jazz. Its quite different to anything ice done before I think... Man, I'm so stoked to be covering Sonic CD. And Star Light is awesome to work with... Ahhh, loving it.

Dude!! You're killin' me here! I've gone through two drafts and I'm still not happy. Its lookin' grim on my side. Am hoping tomorrow will be more fruitful haha Third times a charm right? Right guys? Ah, who am I kidding

Looking forward to hearing your track though!

I do hope things work out, time-wise, for you.

I know after listening to your entries from the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet and Supersonic Stardust, I'm really looking forward to what you come up with (and, well, I'm also looking forward to everyone's entries!)

Thanks! And yeah I'm sure I'll be fine. This damn intro is just ticking me off hah. Although if I keep posting in this thread, I'm not going to get anything done :smile:


I'm sure it was just a simple misunderstanding. Momma Strader would never lie to her pancake.


He's just trying to not disappoint me with his Planet Wisp mix. I will be voting this round and if it is bad... I will downvote you back into the stone ages on 80 different accounts.


MID-WEEK CHECK-IN! How's everyone doing? TheRexAsaurous? Jason Covenant? I think you guys are the only two that haven't said anything since the match-ups were announced. I hope everything is going well for everybody!

Mixes are due by Saturday, May 12th at 12pm (noon) EDT!


Aight, well I'm pretty much done. All I'm trying to do is find a soundfont for those shaker things they use in jazz combos (could anyone help me out on the name, I seriously am drawing a blank) and I think I'm done. The mixing is pretty much done with and it's almost completely mastered.

Aight, well I'm pretty much done. All I'm trying to do is find a soundfont for those shaker things they use in jazz combos (could anyone help me out on the name, I seriously am drawing a blank) and I think I'm done. The mixing is pretty much done with and it's almost completely mastered.


shameless advertisement. seriously?

well, in that case, i'm gonna have to listen and give a clear and honest opinion :D

Yeah that was a pretty shameless advertisement haha

Got a 2:30 of the mix done, with the other minute-and-a-half planned out entirely in my head. That gives me some 60 percent completion I guess :)

Nice! That's a good way to look at it. :smile:


It's cylindrical and is held sideways, parallel to the body, commonly used to keep a 4/4 rhythm. The conductor of my schools Jazz Ensemble uses it in performances, but the name escapes me.

I suppose maracas could do.

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