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Don't fail me Strader or *motions thumb across neck*

Edit: Downloading round one now. I am very eager to hear AkumajouBelmont's track.

Edit2: I am somewhat disappoint. Not a fan of rap style at all but the chorus rocks my socks. I dig.


Well... it was certainly a good, fun round. I knew before the voting began that my matchup would be an overkill but damn.......I love your track Akumajo.....that's what makes it sting so much more! The rapping is just awesome Digi. Top stuff guys! Mucho respecto on an excellent collaboration :)

As for everyone else...........bah its all been said.......though Xenon...the end of your track really made me chuckle. I was not expecting it at all!

Oh, while I'm here, do you need someone on hand to work on a tally for the whole thing? Because I somehow felt bored enough this evening to start one up for this round :razz:

Hah, sure if you want! I'm keeping a tally, and Zerothemaster asked me a few weeks ago if he could help out... so I told him he could keep a redundant tally for double-checks. So I'm not sure it's necessary, but if you want to keep one too then sure! Plus I'm sure SectorZ will appear out of nowhere and have his own tally too :smile: The more the merrier I suppose.

Been too busy with life and messin around on other parts of this website, that I forgot to vote, and listen to the songs for that matter. Guess I got some music to check out for the week, not to mention start on my song which I'm doin right now.

Best of luck to you KingTiger!

Mixes just came out this morning so you haven't missed anything yet!

EDIT: and hey I just realized that next week the Robotnik Bracket will answer the age old question: which giant cat is more impressive? a black panther or a king tiger?:tomatoface:


Man...so far everything sounds fantastic.

Ben Briggs track is standing tall above the rest so far. Fantastic work, man.

edit: Oh shit... that Proxigean Tide track. It's neck and neck with Ben Briggs to me.

Wow...Mainfinger clearly went Sonic Generations new age sonic style with that Chemical Plant.

Well, seems like the votes are against me...

So I'll just have to root for Phonetic Hero next round! No way I'm losing to a loser!

I always say that with sports...

I.E. whenever England inevitably get knocked out of the world cup, the fact they were trounced by the tournament winners means there's far less shame in it. Somehow though this opinions never goes down very well at the pub :whatevaa:

All excellent mixes guys; I discovered OCREMIX through Project Chaos and my collection of excellent Sonic mixes has almost doubled in size. :smile:

Also enjoying the love for Chaos Angel; on youtube it's one of THE most remixed songs out there, yet very rarely done with great quality.

I always say that with sports...

I.E. whenever England inevitably get knocked out of the world cup, the fact they were trounced by the tournament winners means there's far less shame in it. Somehow though this opinions never goes down very well at the pub :whatevaa:

You know, there's a very good reason for that - we British are apparently known to have terrible sportsmanship, and that is shown with the soccer fans' abysmal behavior out here. As for me, all I can do is just sit back and be all "lol football", shaking one's head at all the news of the fans taking the game way too seriously for their own good.

Then I look at my past competition reactions and be all pot calling the kettle black. C'est la vie. :?

Plus I'm sure SectorZ will appear out of nowhere and have his own tally too :smile: The more the merrier I suppose.

I'm not sure that I'm going to appear out of nowhere, but, yes, I am keeping the tallies.

Also enjoying the love for Chaos Angel; on youtube it's one of THE most remixed songs out there, yet very rarely done with great quality.

I had actually never heard Chaos Angel before being tasked to remix it. My exposure to the Sonic Advance series is very limited. I played one of them a bit, but I have no idea which one. It didn't grab me and I moved on. I want to say maybe it was part 2? But I'm not sure.


Just got done voting.

I'll have to say that my Top 4 favorite songs of this round are

1. Ben Brigg's track

2. Rexy's track

3. Magellanic's track

4. Main Finger's track

Keep up the awesome work, every track was very good.

I had actually never heard Chaos Angel before being tasked to remix it. My exposure to the Sonic Advance series is very limited. I played one of them a bit, but I have no idea which one. It didn't grab me and I moved on. I want to say maybe it was part 2? But I'm not sure.

It's got that Ice Cap quality... Catchy tune; fast, almost danceish, grabs people's attentions. The level itself was fairly good if I remember rightly; it's been a few years.

There are a 1001 remixes on youtube of people who have just changed the instruments, or added a drum kit, or sped it up further, or slowed it down, or whatever...

A couple of them are good but... the majority :whatevaa:

Glad to say yours stands head over heals one of the best.


These songs are, quite amazing.

It's a little bit like, us (maybe).

We're on opposite ends, of this bracket.

And I'll say like I think, and you can watch me rap it.

Yo, Amphibious' remix, it's pretty chillin'

My opinion on things, Hak's more my liking

I'm all for Proxigean Tide, Magellanic

But Pandemonium's hooked me (dang it)

I mean, Justin, what's the deal with not showing?

Now Rex wins going against nothing

Tried to like to Quadrant, it's just too muddy

Liquid Hot Magma, dig your melody

Sayin' Belmont's is great is an understatement

No Jakesnke, I didn't vote for Chaotic, not bein' cruel

(Main Finger's is just really cool)

Odyssey, the PRESH-SHAH is pumpin' I'd wager

And Trash FM's got a bit of swagger

Great, most songs submited in time.

Now it's time to make mine.

Yo, yo, Pandemonium, I'm hooked on Pandemonium

Rexy's is plenty rad

Dusk's is kinda loud

Hero's is pretty grand

And Pixel's is... round?

...If I remix as well as I rap, I'm in serious trouble. :sad:

...If I remix as well as I rap, I'm in serious trouble. :sad:

:lmassoff: nice job! Yeah the remixes this round were quite stellar. Your little rap reminded me that AkumajoBelmont sent me the lyrics for "Pandemonium" along with his submission to include in the file tag, but I wasn't able to include them in the tag (must've been too long I assume), so I'll just post them here:

AkumajoBelmont featuring DiGi Valentine




This beat is, kinda crazy.

It's a little bit like you, maybe.

We're at opposite ends of this spectrum.

And I'ma tell it like it is and you can watch me tell them


It's a little challenging watching you babbling

Bragging on things that ain't never happening

I'm all for living in a dream realm, bredrin

But the way you act has got me questioning


I mean for real, what's the deal on the surface?

It's like you always tackle me on purpose.

It takes two to tango but I ain't dancing.

You telling mad jokes but I ain't laughing.


Calling this friendship strained

is an understatement that words fail when explained.

It's like I say push, you say pull

Always taking me for a fool


Seriously, we can't even speak

with out you reaching for a subject that's beyond our reach

Please, I heard that tale ten times.

Now it's time to tell mine


Pandemonium; I call it pandemonium.


You live in Wonderland; king on your throne.

Don't think you understand that you're alone.


Within circles of friends you word whirlpools again

And it's hurtful but then it's all about you, in the end.

I never thought I would meet a dreamer

who let go of reality but it seems that I have.


And you ain't got a single toe on the ground

You're too loud for me, and that's watering it down.

Agh, seriously. Just hush the noise

You love the sound of your own voice man.


Pandemonium; I call it pandemonium.


You live in Wonderland; king on your throne.

Don't think you understand that you're alone.

You've fallen far behind; and we've all grown.

You know it's not my kind of pandemonium.


Pandemonium, I call it pandemonium

People like this, there's just no hope for them.

Pandemonium, that's pandemonium

Back and forth, like we're fighting for a podium.


Pandemonium, it's pandemonium

With friends like these who needs enemies trolling them?

Uh yeah,

Yo, shut it down, we're done here.



Oh come on dearie, don't be sad.

These rhymes take practice - you ain't that bad :)

I guess you inspired me to state my views

Through rhymes once more - one cannot lose.

Magellanic's mix was mighty rockin',

Yet Akumajo's track was really shockin'!

Don't get me wrong - I love your guitar,

But with DiGi's raps, Robbie sure went far.

Mr L's track sounded really fun;

Awesome that you did Italo Disco, little one.

However, SuperiorX outstaged him this time

With a better structure and just sounded sublime.

Rexasaurus gave it his best shot,

And did decently in spite of what Jason might've got.

But I'm said that Covenant was a no-show;

His mixes were emotive, that we all know.

Main Finger and Jake was a bit of a shock;

Oddly for Jesse, this could've been a cakewalk.

I feel they had trouble mixing them both,

But MF felt more expanded with growth.

Phonetic Hero's winning by a landslide,

And why not? Its strengths are bonafide.

Add to Pixel's track sadly sounding rushed

And you can see that Pete's got him crushed...

Amphibious and hakstock was tough - hot damn!

Even Ivan had grown since Concrete Man!

These similar mixes felt difficult to judge,

Yet Amph for me had less audio sludge.

Xenon's chiptune entry wasn't all that naff

And although I hate fart jokes, it made me laugh!

Needless to say, the competition was destroyed

By Benjamin Briggs, the birthday boy. :3

And as I finish this, it all went well.

And even DusK had competition to dwell.

So let the voting continue and the pancakes mix on...

But damn, it's 1am; to bed, I'll be gone. :sleepzzz:


These raps seem inspirin'

But boy they be tirin'

I hold a strong hope

Though my mind thought it dope

My easy-listenin' experiment be fixed with more experience

At first I was sad

Maybe even mad

But swallowin mah shame ain't half that bad, so,

Seein first-hand

What a compo will demand

Will prepare me to tread in techniques, new and dead

I'm not playin' anymore

Be it Mavericks or Masters,

I'm bringin' fresh beats, galore

And they be fatter


So here's where I end

My crusade of cuttin' trends

My style must evolve to be findin' what blends

But it depends

Should I go or should I stop?

I think it whole-heartedly

Whoops I gotta go mah momma be callin me

Hope you all the best of luck

In the end seems, I was f*cked

But hey, dems dah breaks

Phonetic Heros beats are great


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