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Dude I never knew this was going on. If I wasn't so sidetracked with school / somebody should've told me about this sooner, I would've joined this competition.

Listened to all the remixes and they sound so amazing!

I look forward to hear more.

- DJ Max-E


Yeah this is a great compo; everyone here is awesome and helpful, and there's no drama that I see in other compos. I realized I never said this, but Rexy it was a pleasure going up against you; if I had to lose to someone, I'm glad it was a fellow Rex. Unfortunately for you, you now have to win so I can say I lost to the champ. :razz:


Well, even with Benjamin Briggs gone I still don't see it as clean sailing. I mean, I got the bare bones of the arrangement sketched out (another good 4 and a half minutes worth), and right now I am battling A) the jubilee celebrations, B) a cold that surfaced yesterday morning >_> and C) a nasty surprise when booting up my pc today which said it had a corrupt file, asked me to run chkdisk, and now it booted just fine.

So for all we know, I could be out prematurely too, but I'm not going to give in. I'll be sure to watch my progress every step of the way :)

You did a great fight, Ethan. For an opportunity for us lizards to clash was clearly a great moment in this set so far :D

Dude I never knew this was going on. If I wasn't so sidetracked with school / somebody should've told me about this sooner, I would've joined this competition.

To be fair, this whole competition wasn't really being spoken about outside the OCR forums. I personally didn't know it was happening until a day or two before it went underway either, and i was IN the competition, lol. I know the Sonic community didn't know it was going on either.

But, dude. I know who you are, you've been remixing video game music on your youtube page for years now, got a couple of your tunes on my mp3 player :) Next time around, if i hear a competition like this is starting up again i'll be sure to come get you, man.

I submitted my GANGSTA MAN remix to the Judges. Let's hope it'll pass. :)

You might get dinged for that rap sample at the end of your song. You said it was from an mp3 you had/found? If I remember correctly, OCR doesn't allow samples from pop music in their remixes. Good luck anyway though!

The sample I used is a random one, the guy even didn't wanted to be credited lol
I hope it gets approved, that tune is one of the highlights of the competition for me :)

If it fails submission because of the sample then just get one of us OCR vocalists to send you some lyrics to throw on the end in replacement of the sample you've used. You already know i'm interested in doing something like that, so there's one name on the list in case the scenario should arise. Good luck, either way ~

I hope it gets approved, that tune is one of the highlights of the competition for me :)

If it fails submission because of the sample then just get one of us OCR vocalists to send you some lyrics to throw on the end in replacement of the sample you've used. You already know i'm interested in doing something like that, so there's one name on the list in case the scenario should arise. Good luck, either way ~

Yeah, thanks! I'd be happy to get some cool rap from you if this sample does not make it! :)


Yeah, I used to be really scared of them because of past experiences, but seriously, you can't find a more open-minded set of music critics out there now :)

I may have also had one or two of those situations of tracks sent when it's all "this is way too musically different, they're not going to like it", but it makes it all the better for it if they all gave the four YESes to it :D


I'm sorry for your loss Brandon. Obviously do whatever you need to for you and your family right now.

As for Will taking over Brandon's spot... I know Will has said he's done with compos for the time being, but regardless I'm not sure how fair that would be for the remaining participants to have someone else jump in mid-compo. If he were to, he would obviously need to use the same theme, and everyone would need to approve. The alternative would be that AMT would just advance by default for this round, regardless of how voting turns out. For now, everyone just continue voting as you would normally on what you think the best song is, and we'll deal with what happens when the time comes.

I'm dropping out of this competition, I haven't asked him but I would really appreciate it if Willrock could take my spot for the next round if I were to progress.

There was a family tragedy that came out of nowhere and I need to be away from the internet for a while, both for family and for myself

Sorry for your loss :(

I'm not sure about this, doing another compo really wasn't on my things to do list atm. If people want me to, I will give it some thought, but its really up to superiorX, seeing as he is the competition organizer.


As much as I like Will and Brandon, a move like this would be too similar to what we had 2 weeks ago with AkumajoBelmont being a no-show and someone asking for Lidawg to come back. Hence I may be a bit more critical of that kind of decision, but I'm bound to think I'm probably going to be the only one o_O

As much as I like Will and Brandon, a move like this would be too similar to what we had 2 weeks ago with AkumajoBelmont being a no-show and someone asking for Lidawg to come back. Hence I may be a bit more critical of that kind of decision, but I'm bound to think I'm probably going to be the only one o_O

Well I'd say this is quite the different situation. In that situation it was already mid-week of the mixing round, and bringing in someone with a different theme would not have been fair. This is just having a different person take over prior to the mixing week beginning, and using the same zone theme. This scenario wouldn't impact the competing mixer.

Regardless this is all a hypothetical situation anyway, if AMT wins then this all doesn't matter because Brandon wouldn't be moving on anyway. Like I said earlier, I would allow this IF Brandon were to win, IF Will uses Planet Wisp, and IF the other participants are ok with it (particularly the Robotnik Bracket). What I DON'T want is for this to impact voting on the Brandon vs. AMT matchup. The best song from that matchup deserves to move on, regardless of who may or may not fill in for Brandon if he won.

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