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O rly? It looks like Brandon is having a tough time with Wildfire this round, and if I get through this time around I've got some pretty epic ideas that I'm going to be employing against my opposition, too. On the other side, Amphibious has been consistently awesome throughout the compo, so it's entirely possible for Rexy to be knocked out, as well.

I'm honestly confused by your statement, there - no one at this point has been lagging enough in this compo for anyone to make any sort of prediction.


Naw but really, its entirely up in the air as far as I'm concerned. Errybody has done well. I've been surprised by many people, and by myself, in this compo.

Good stuff A+!

I'm honestly confused by your statement, there - no one at this point has been lagging enough in this compo for anyone to make any sort of prediction.

I went the majority of the week thinking I was gonna be good to go, and then I got trucked the last day or so. If this compo's taught anyone anything, it's that the voting is never really completely solid, and upsets are 1000% possible. I'm totally not saying that Amph beating me was an upset at all - I certainly felt the truck coming as soon as I heard his track - but there have been some match ups that didn't end anywhere NEAR the way that I thought they would. Any pre-conceived notions, especially at this point are... a little dumb! :D

O rly? It looks like Brandon is having a tough time with Wildfire this round, and if I get through this time around I've got some pretty epic ideas that I'm going to be employing against my opposition, too. On the other side, Amphibious has been consistently awesome throughout the compo, so it's entirely possible for Rexy to be knocked out, as well.

I'm honestly confused by your statement, there - no one at this point has been lagging enough in this compo for anyone to make any sort of prediction.

Well it was just a prediction after all. The race is really damn close and everyone has done a spectacular job. I just thought that between the two, Strader would pull ahead. After listening to both songs... I'm not so sure he will make it out of this round.

Check the voting!

Then you won't think so :-o

Though that would be AMAZING if it happened

Mental note - complain about voting during voting, and you'll get a lead.

Should probably remember that for when the voting phase starts for round 4. :<

this makes me very sad that I only own 1 VST :(


edit: Oh yeah, something about less is more, learn to use the tools you already have, work with your limitations, blah blah... :)

It's dangerous to go alone. Take this. ...and I await the complaints about auto-music.:P

EDIT: I don't know why I was thinking there were VSTi files in there. There are not. Lots of plug-ins, though. And soundfonts. And anyone else who's interested is welcome to grab them, of course. Credit and thanks to Level 99 who packed these up for me.


Every Saturday i wake up and am like FUCK YEAH SONIC MIXES!

I've downloaded and will post reviews shortly.

EDIT: Apparently I have no idea what day it is because Summer. Regardless, REVIEWS WILL BE POSTED.

I think Zircon had a thread for that, though it's more like an 'Ask for a synth and we all can see if we can provide' thread. It's close enough, though.

There's a lot of free VSTs you can get on the internets with a little bit of craftiness, but as a good hand full arsenal, I would suggest:





EWQL PLAY Free Edition (you might have to torrent this one, should be legal though)

BTS Theremin

That'll give you almost everything you need to make a 9bit remix or even some orchestration type stuff with the ewql. There's a lot more free vsts out there. It's just a matter of hearing about good ones and avoiding the poo.

That is an amazing way to share files. Shame about the 404 error though :(

:) Glad you appreciate it.

Also, yeah, that sloppy linkage was no good. Corrected, tested, and ready to go.

I realize it's a bit of hodgepodge collection, and I'm sure it could be organized a bit better (or broken up so you don't need to download 3+ GB just to look at it) but I'm lazy, and I haven't gone through half of it myself. It's free stuff, though, and I'm sure there are some people who will find a way to put it to good use.

Of course, I think all the pancakes and lizards hanging around already have a pretty well-stocked arsenal. I really am not familiar with any of these source tunes, but I've been enjoying a lot of the results so far!

Urdailywater, I just noticed in your sig that you're a Touhou fan.

MUCH respect man. If you ever want to collab, I'm keen. I loved your entry for the first round. <3

I didn't notice this post before, but thanks man! I love the music of the series, always fun to listen to all the remix albums out there by doujin circles.

I love collaborating so that sounds like it'd be a fun idea. Cool idea dude : D

also thanks, your entry was pretty freaking rockin also. it had to be to make me vote it over a brandon strader song. (because mr. strader makes pretty good stuff yo)

It's quiet in here.... a little.. TOO quiet... what are you two lizards up to?

At my desk at work, eating a chicken noodle salad. Hopefully some of those carbs would stimulate any arrangement ideas when i get home, which the structure has been worked out.


REVIEWS YEAH! I noticed I'm one of the few people that still write reviews, so I hope you enjoy reading them. If not, then too bad, I'm still going to write them anyway :razz:

Brandon Strader: Yeah this was the song I was hoping you were going to make all along. I really dig your more rock/metal stuff. I think this genre fit the two sources quite well, especially how you used Under Ground as more of the background rhythm part of the arrangement. You've got some pretty sick guitar solos in here too. I really like the break at 3:14 too. I thought the song was over, BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!! The re-entry is particularly rocking. Great job all around sir, probably my favorite of yours from the compo so far.

wildfire: I'm glad you finally did a song with vocals, I was hoping you would since when I first saw you sign up for the compo. I love the chill atmosphere that starts out the song, the entry of the vocals at 0:40 is a subtle, yet really nice touch. The intro section feels like it lasts just a tad long, but it's not a big deal IMO. Starting at 1:36 I really start to enjoy the direction of the song. Great job on building on the previous vocals there and introducing a more steady percussion pattern. The build-up to 2:10 was really well done. I feel like this is really the meat of the song starting here, which I guess is my only complaint about the previous 2 minutes is that I feel it could've been trimmed up a bit to keep things a little more captivating up until this point. Nice break again around 3:45, cool vocal effects there and nice synth work again at the 4:00 mark and onward. A lot of your Under Ground coverage feels pretty similar to your previous two pieces, but I think this song is the 'definitive' version of your theme, by far my favorite song of yours so far. The ending drop off with the vocals is just golden too. The whole song just has this really cool new-age vibe to it. I love it!

Gario: My oh my sir you have outdone yourself. This has to rank right up there with 'Trash FM' as my favorites of the entire compo so far. Really cool panning effects with the synths in the intro (and throughout really). I listened to this with headphones on and it sounded really neat. I really enjoyed your use of vocal clips too. Vocal clips are rarely utilized well, but in this case I think they serve to move the song forward and add a bit of extra spunk to the arrangement. They aren't in there just for the hell of it. The bass in the dustep part could be a bit stronger, as could the drums, if you're really going for that 'dub step' feel, but from just an all-around electronica standpoint I think they're fine. Oh I love the "drop bass zone" vocal bit in the middle there, that's genius. Great build-up of the synth textures following that section as well. Amazing job!

Syllix: Wow this is a suuuuupper chill arrangement. Beginning takes a little while to get going, but I think it sets the atmosphere quite well. I definitely feel like a 'cloudwalker'. Really cool instrument selection throughout the song as well. I especially like the percussion and swooshy effects. Pretty good use of the SFX too. The first transition at 1:51 feels a bit forced, not quite as smooth as I'd like, but the piano following it sounds really cool, and the 2:15 part is well executed as well. The transition at 1:52 back to the main Sky Sanctuary theme I think was much better than the first transition, good job there. The following sections build on some of the earlier textures quite well. I really enjoyed this piece, great job overall and great job showing some variety from your previous two mixes!!

Wow great job overall guys! This was a very solid round overall! We got 4 great songs that were each very distinct. And it looks like voting is going to go down to the wire on both match-ups, how exciting!!!!

Rexy & Amphibious, how are your guys' mixes coming?

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