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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History


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Get rid of the link. This isn't a thread for wips, we've got a dysfunctional forum for that.

I do like what you've done with this, but I gotta check with Usa before I can safely say it's in. I think it is, tho.

It needs a bit of work cleaning up the sound, there's a lot of piercing frequencies during the first minute, and there's a bunch of clicks and other issues we gotta deal with, but hey, I'm impressed. The arrangement is more than I expected from this track.

So get rid of the link. I think you're in. :D

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I'm still planning on getting that guitar arrangement in when I have the free time, right now things have been hectic so I haven't had time to try and figure out how to tackle it

I can guarantee something in early-mid November

sorry for the double post, but is there a chance that you could hook me up with some guitars too? My political pressure wip is in dire need of decent electric guitars =(

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sorry for the double post, but is there a chance that you could hook me up with some guitars too? My political pressure wip is in dire need of decent electric guitars =(

I can't do complex solos for shit but if you need some general rhythm tracks I'm down for that

you got AIM? catch me on there sometime and we'll throw some shit together, man. my s/n is vanishdoom

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is just a gentle reminder for you people to get your tracks done. And, there's still available tracks, for anyone interested. Our release probably won't be until the other projects in queue are released, so there's time... But not much.

I'm starting to agree with whoever said the projects forum is where projects go to die.

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Am I in a hurry to get my track in? I remember you saying that I wasn't part of the first release, but if you need my track, let me know. I'm in the process of (FINALLY!) completing my deployment in Iraq, but I've had to ship some stuff back early, including my MIDI controller. If necessary, I'll use the piano roll, though that won't be much fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just takin' the new sd3 info sig for a test drive around the thread. Gotta make it prettier, but it serves the purpose of being a big, black attractive blot on the page, that hopefully will trigger some activity among the project remixers. We now have something of a deadline. Show me you've got something, or the track goes free around xmas.

I'm hoping to update the tracklist long before then. And of course after. At least you see a few tracks we're interested in covering atm.

Also, the stuff about tracks scheduled for release #1. Forget that. We'll take anything you've got, so if you've got a wip, show me. We don't have a fixed release date yet, but we'd like to start marking tracks as finished, and we've scrapped the planned release tracklist we had before.

There's also a new track wip on our somewhat defunct project forum. Go have a look, if you've got access.

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  • 2 weeks later...


First post as well as info image updated. We're still recruiting, and with a few remixers having dropped tracks, we've got a few new interesting ones available.

I've PMd a bunch of you, but if I managed to forget something or someone... uh, ask? I know I've got messy notes, I managed to omit a track claimed by Junkmonkey. That's why you should let me your your progress, so I don't have to rely on my notes. :P:D

Also, read the first post if you're on the project. Seriously. It's been updated. Lots of info you should have read before, and a little new info as well.


Info you should know from before: You're not done until we have a good wav of your track.

Info you should have read before: We now have deadlines. Current deadline is 20th, a progress report.

Info you couldn't have read before: We also want a short bio to use on the website.

It's been what, like, a year since I joined the project, and we're still making progress at our usual rate? Some would call that a successful transition. :D Not me. I want more progress!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

sure we are :D it's only taken me 3 attempts and about 6 months to get this far with my one track hehe. I'm sure we'll see a finished project sometime in the....not so near future...

Ah no seriously though, I think things are coming together nicely from what I've heard so far. this is gonna be a project to be proud of when it's all done n dusted ;) Good things come to those who wait...

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