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Sure, the balance is a bit odd (lead is drown, the hats are a little overpowering, etc.), but I love that tone for the chugs - that's exactly the kind of metal I love listening to. Makes me do this :banghead: without the brick wall. Which is awesome. If you're going to do metal, go all out and make it chuggy as fuck, that's what I say, and you succeed in this regard, hands down.

Great work on this, man - I am now looking forward to more from you.


Far from perfect of course(as others have posted. Balance is a bit off and is a little weird. The Rhythms overpower everything and the snare sounds tiny and plastic. This maybe tradeoff though. Traditionally Snares really have their snap and power from like 140-250Hz , the problem with that is that it sort of negates the effect of getting super heavy rhythms in a sort of way.)

But the arrangement is solid and 99% of people won't even notice the other issues as much.

Wouldn't be surprised if this becomes very popular.


Its such a shame that the balance issues can't be resolved as this is a great mix. If the balance was altered this could easily go to being an AMAZING mix.

...the snare sounds tiny and plastic. This maybe tradeoff though.

Definitely agreeing with BONKERS here. Also, the breakdown could really have done with having something to keep some of the momentum going BUT this is really great. Mega Beardo clearly has a lot of skill. I'm really looking forward to hearing some more of his tunes.

  • 2 weeks later...
Oh yeah this is niiiiiiice! Those chugs are something wicked indeed, I don't mind the mixing balance it's not as noticeable to me. And someone else that uses Sony ACID Pro has their DAW of choice! I, for better or worse, use it as well. Nice work!

Glad to see I'm not the only one that uses Sony Acid around here! I've been using it for so long, I haven't really seen a reason to learn something else.

I appreciate the comments from everyone, and I'm very excited to be on OCRemix. I'll definitely keep all this in mind when I get to work on my next tune.

  • 1 month later...

I'm amazed we don't hear as much of this genre here on the site outside of the hybrid-styles and the novelty mixes. Maybe because its really, really hard to pull off. And for the most part, that feat has been pulled off here.

This is a nicely made, substantial metal mix that gets into the details of the melody line and has a good time infusing it with the power of those guitars. I wasn't as enthusiastic about the actual sound though, but it may be my own personal taste. Fullness in sound wasn't kicking in for me, and as has been repeated a few times, balance was a margin off the sweetspot for the perfect metal sound.

Overall, its a positive effort and a nice, aggressive sounding trip through familiar territory. Obvious room for improvement, but an encouraging debut all the same.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

The chugs do have a lot of toughness to them, which can make it go either way for folks. Aside from minor points such as balance like others have picked out, I quite liked it myself. I particularly liked how you were able to get the guitar work to mirror melodies that would normally be done on a piano or organ, giving it that extra emphasis. Breakdown and on from there was the best part in my opinion, I think you nailed that section well. Not bad for the first ReMix at all.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02437 - Castlevania "Death Tap"

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