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Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening: Threshold of a Dream - History

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  • 2 weeks later...
i wanted xbox. linnea refused to call a living creature that, or my second choice (atari). i also tried to call him dong.

Since we're off topic anyway, how would you pronounce Linnea's name (Linn-a-uh)? This is the second time in a short while I've heard of an American (assuming she is) bearing this name. Until recently I didn't know any of them did.


My family used to have a cat named Grayson. He was the brother of our other cat at the time, Booger. For a short time, Grayson was known as Scrotum. No lie.

We also had Teddie and Smokey. They had kittens together (KITTY INCEST! o_O), one of which was named Oscar.

Then my brother has had cats named Gizmo, Spritz (who we swore was an alien), Sparks, Switch, and Phantom.

Since we're off topic anyway, how would you pronounce Linnea's name (Linn-a-uh)? This is the second time in a short while I've heard of an American (assuming she is) bearing this name. Until recently I didn't know any of them did.

it's pronounced exactly how swedes would - linn-ay-uh. isn't it like the #2 name for girls every year in sweden? it's a flower.

it's pronounced exactly how swedes would - linn-ay-uh. isn't it like the #2 name for girls every year in sweden? it's a flower.

Ok. That's not how Swedes would pronounce it (except those in Skåne). But yes, it's a flower, and yes, it's a very common name here.


Yes, you do love diphtongs, and so do I. My accent pretty much doesn't have them, however. We also typically don't have vowel reduction, so that final a will never be pronounced as "uh". It's hard to make an accurate instruction without using the IPA, but it should be something along the lines of "Linn-é-à", where é is the vowel sound you'd hear in "ear" (drop the r) and à is a very short a sound that I don't think exists in American English. If you speak French or Spanish you should have a pretty good idea of how it sounds. Also, curiously, the melody of the word is a rising pitch, with the final syllable being noticeably higher in pitch than the other two, despite the second syllable actually being the stressed one. The melody is extremely dependent on the situation, however.

  • 5 weeks later...

nice sig, dafydd.

in other news, one of our artists decided to go to croatia or some other eastern european country and not tell anyone, so caleb's going to be working on his own for a while.

as a whole, the artwork seems to be coming along swimmingly, and i had someone else ask about last battle (which appears to be this project's red-headed stepchild). it's also the last important track in the unclaimed list, so this is awesome!

you had a 403 Forbidden image in there yesterday, which was why i mentioned it.

Probably was the banner I'd made for the now-defunct Megaman 4 project, which was randomly taken down by image-host.

So Brad, only one track on the initial list to be wip'd, and it's bonus track time then?

Looking forward to the outcome of what is, according to the OP, my first project evar! ;D

  • 4 weeks later...
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