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Especially since both Vagrant Story and Tactics were outstanding games with great story lines and amazing music.
I will never stop praising FF12. But I will never stop regretting the 50+ hours I put into tactics. I got stuck on that level where your party starts out poisoned.
This trailer looks good and all ( I know it not an actual game), but I just want them to work on a new Tactics game. The graphics could just be high-res sprites like Disgaea 4. Actually, I don't really care what it looks like at this point. I just wish Square would put some effort into a fantasy based(knights and black mages) Tactics game. Honestly, it could have the same job system and skills as the original, just a new storyline and characters and I would be really satisfied. I sound like the type of fanboy that's killing the videogame industry, but I honestly don't care about Final Fantasy anymore. However, I would like that to change. The easiest way to do that would be a new mainline Tactics game (didn't care for the GBA or DS iterations.)
Have you checked out the tactics ogre rerelease for PSP? It was made by the Ivalice team.

Have you checked out the tactics ogre rerelease for PSP? It was made by the Ivalice team.

I vouch for this. I think the graphics are kind of ugly, but the game is massive and the music is completely off the charts. Also, I made an entire team of octopi. I love that.


It's hard to get excited for Square-Enix projects because it feels like the bigwigs all really just want to make movies with some "game" thrown in as an afterthought.



Demo was nice. Still wishing for a good story, you know?

FF6 had a good one - the characters were simple, yet things MEANT something, you know? Kefka was an evil psychopath who actually succeeded in destroying the world. Terra had an identity crisis that kicked Cloud's ass (much as I love FF7). Edgar/Sabin were great... etc, etc, /end fanboyisim

But if they could provide a good story with an engine like this, I would be interested.

I will never stop praising FF12. But I will never stop regretting the 50+ hours I put into tactics. I got stuck on that level where your party starts out poisoned.

Have you checked out the tactics ogre rerelease for PSP? It was made by the Ivalice team.

I've played it, and may revisit it at some point on my Vita, but I didn't care for it. I got stuck on an early map with some Knight who destroyed my party. It was quite awhile ago, it's possible I didn't give it a fair chance.

I don't care anymore where a FF is located as long as the story is good and the characters aren't horrible. But personally I'd like to see the world and style of FF8 revisited.

THIS. FF8 was an excellent game, mediocre story and somewhat convoluted battle system, but had a gorgeous and extremely interesting universe that it took place in. I would love to play another story in that setting.

THIS. FF8 was an excellent game, mediocre story and somewhat convoluted battle system, but had a gorgeous and extremely interesting universe that it took place in. I would love to play another story in that setting.

If it ever comes out, I think FFversusXIII is the best candidate to do exactly that. Similar modern setting with cities, automobiles and stuff mixed with fantasy.

All SE needs to do, is turn all that gorgeous vaporware CG cutscenes into a real game. But there is definitely potential for an interesting universe/story. :)

If it ever comes out, I think FFversusXIII is the best candidate to do exactly that. Similar modern setting with cities, automobiles and stuff mixed with fantasy.

All SE needs to do, is turn all that gorgeous vaporware CG cutscenes into a real game. But there is definitely potential for an interesting universe/story. :)

gameplay trailers were released earlier this year. can we stop calling it vaporware?

gameplay trailers were released earlier this year. can we stop calling it vaporware?

Ya, they where released, and then we have multiple big conventions and opportunities for SE to say anything at all from it and we get a tech demo, a sequel to a different FFXIII game, another part of the FFXIII "trio" renamed out of the trio, we get an update to one of the most poorly launched MMO's ever, and more mobile games, run on sentences, and no info at all on versus. Not quite vaporware, but it's getting there.


By the time FFVersus13 comes out, the console it was made for will probably be on its last leg and the next generation of consoles will be coming out and nobody will give three poops. I wanted to play Versus a lot and I still do, but I can't deny that I'll be playing whatever next-gen game that comes and is probably better by then. Maybe The Last Story 2.

By the time FFVersus13 comes out, the console it was made for will probably be on its last leg and the next generation of consoles will be coming out and nobody will give three poops. I wanted to play Versus a lot and I still do, but I can't deny that I'll be playing whatever next-gen game that comes and is probably better by then. Maybe The Last Story 2.

Shadow Hearts was released only in Japan at the end of the Playstation's life, but it got a good enough reception that it was ported to PS2 and translated. Then again Shadow Hearts was an amazing game done by a studio that was willing to port the game. SE probably won't care enough to port Versus to PSQuadruple or whatever they'll call it, and instead will probably vomit out another Kingdom Hearts spinoff.

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