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MAGFest 11 OCR Community Info - Rooms/People/Rides/GroupReg (Partially Updated 12/26/12)

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We should petition the guys in charge (aka bribe Inverse Phase) so that we get a decent time slot for the OCR panel.

I believe as of last year, Brendan isn't in charge of anything major. He handed over the reins to others so he can concentrate on his own projects (and life).

I'll hop on whatever car/plane/boat/etc. you're taking, I just need to figure out how to get back in time for classes, since they start the day after Mag for me... I'm not missing this again, though. I'll work something out.

Probably going to fly out, since I too will be attending ASU (and therefore classes will start immediately for me, as well). I'm really hoping to have a lower amount of people in the hotel room, as I just know that at some point during the con my introversion will kick in hardcore and I'll need to huddle in a quiet corner with a book for an afternoon. I'm okay with paying a bit extra, personally, if I need to.

EDIT: Also, I'll be down for playing keys and/or drumming in the jam space. Bringing my laptop and keyboard, most likely.

Definitely in this year, but whether I room with anybody or not is up in the air after finding out last year that I snore like a bear.

It was nice to have a room to myself so that I could just escape the insanity when I needed to and take cat naps. I might bring some stuff to host a midnight jam session, though. I have some ideas...

the chance of me affording my seventh magfest is virtually nil, as i'll be a new dad as of a month before and will be freaking out just trying to make bills, let alone go to a convention.

sadface =(

It's not a convention, it's a festival. PROBLEM SOLVED.

I'm really hoping to have a lower amount of people in the hotel room. I'm okay with paying a bit extra, personally, if I need to.

HEY WES. If this is a problem for you, you're welcome to room with me and Ben and whoever the fuck else is with us. We'll probably have like 8 people in the room again. Supa cheap, yo

Bathtub ish resherv'd fer people who trink doo much


there i drunkified your post. now you're really ready to sleep there! :P

but yeah if i have to sleep on the floor i'd prefer to be against a wall if possible. and i have a thing where i need to be able to stretch out, so if i am sleeping on your floor please don't fit a bunch of people on it too :P

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