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Previous FF6 Kickstarter *cancelled* BUT new one in the works!!

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If the kickstarter was cancelled, I think all of us contributors would've been notified via e-mail by Kickstarter. Give DjP some time to do whatever he needs to do - he said he'll clear it up in a few days, so give him some time to do so.


I'm very excited for this album to come out!

I'm not really sure what's going on with the Kickstarter, but if/when it does come back I'll be sure to donate to this project!

FF6 was my first serious RPG game and my favorite for being so. I can't wait to HOPEFULLY get a physical copy of the music ^_^

If the kickstarter was cancelled, I think all of us contributors would've been notified via e-mail by Kickstarter. Give DjP some time to do whatever he needs to do - he said he'll clear it up in a few days, so give him some time to do so.

I personally don't think so. I've sent in a support ticket with very easy to answer questions about my pledge and they marked it solved without saying a word, and I never got an email about that either. That's why earlier in the thread I said they have bad customer service. I wouldn't be surprised if they never answer OCR's questions and leave the kickstarter cancelled. I half expect them to charge the donations and pocket the cash. They strike me as being very unethical and unscrupulous. I'm not saying they're going to rob all of us, I'm just saying I will be keeping an eye out to see if they do take the $50.

Sent from my phone.

I half expect them to charge the donations and pocket the cash.

Guy, you should really take a look at what you're using your credit card for. It sounds like it'd be quite easy to rob you on the net due to this statement, no personal offence meant.

If you want to deactivate the payment, go log in at:

> https://payments.amazon.com/

> Select "Edit My Account Settings"

> Select "Manage my payment authorizations"

> Click "Details" and then "Cancel Authorization"

Even if they do take it, they would have to go against Amazon when people start complaining about their money not going to what it was marked for.

Anyway, even if it might be a copyright issue, which I feared since the start of this kickstarter, just wait until you get an official word on the matter. Drawing accusations out of thin air gets you nowhere.


There's no need to unauthorize any donations in any scenario. Kickstarter's FAQ mentions that if there is a problem with a project, all backers are notified and all pledges are cancelled. The idea that they would just pocket the money is absurd - it'd be unethical, and insanely bad PR for them. So like you said, Brandon, let's all hold on until we get an update from the pretzident.


I was going to donate until the canceled page, but it seems like some behind the scenes stuff is going on? I want to contribute, the first OC Remix attempt to get financial support has been a huge success through this Kickstarter. I'll keep waiting for the page to show up again... good job OC Remix backers for making Kickstarter explode with your awesome!


Well I finally got a response from Lickstarter about mt pledge. They said their policy is to not comment on cancelled projects and that the pledge was cancelled and I wouldn't be charged, so I guess that's it concerning the kickstarter. From the bottom of my heart that sucks and I'm sorry that happened. I really wanted ff6 album with my songs in it. :cry:

Sent from my phone.

Well I finally got a response from Lickstarter about mt pledge. They said their policy is to not comment on cancelled projects and that the pledge was cancelled and I wouldn't be charged, so I guess that's it concerning the kickstarter. From the bottom of my heart that sucks and I'm sorry that happened. I really wanted ff6 album with my songs in it. :cry:

Sent from my phone.

We are still looking into it, Brandon. Regardless of what they said.

Well I finally got a response from Lickstarter about mt pledge. They said their policy is to not comment on cancelled projects and that the pledge was cancelled and I wouldn't be charged, so I guess that's it concerning the kickstarter. From the bottom of my heart that sucks and I'm sorry that happened. I really wanted ff6 album with my songs in it. :cry:

Sent from my phone.

3 things.

1) lol Lickstarter

2) If you're on the project, won't you already get a physical copy? I thought that's how it worked. I mean, in the past I'm pretty sure artists on albums got the limited-run physicals of those albums for being on those albums, right?

3) My personal opinion is that your posts seem to worry people, so mebbe you should stop inadvertently contributing to the panic? As several staff have said, they're looking into it. Just because it's cancelled now doesn't mean it's cancelled for good. Wait until we get official word before posting things like this. Just my two cents though.


I'm glad you guys are still looking into it and I'm still hoping for the best resolution, but this whole experience will still leave me jaded of Kickstarter. I'd think if they cancel a project for any reason an email to the backers should be sent giving at least a general reason for why. Depending on how they handle communication with you guys I'll seriously be tempted to avoid them from now on, which would be a major shame, as I've been helping back the Nobuwoo music bundle projects and have been seriously enjoying that. :whatevaa:

Here's hoping you get this hammered out soon. I dunno if I said it already, but if this DOES fall through I'm making a sizable donation to OCR anyways. The big reason I chipped in was just to pay you guys back for all the music, anyways.

3 things.

1) lol Lickstarter

2) If you're on the project, won't you already get a physical copy? I thought that's how it worked. I mean, in the past I'm pretty sure artists on albums got the limited-run physicals of those albums for being on those albums, right?

3) My personal opinion is that your posts seem to worry people, so mebbe you should stop inadvertently contributing to the panic? As several staff have said, they're looking into it. Just because it's cancelled now doesn't mean it's cancelled for good. Wait until we get official word before posting things like this. Just my two cents though.

Its always up to the direct if a physical run will happen, and if it does who gets one and who doesn't. Right now its not even something to discuss until this gets hammered out.

Its always up to the direct if a physical run will happen, and if it does who gets one and who doesn't. Right now its not even something to discuss until this gets hammered out.

Ah, okay. That makes sense. I was actually thinking about that while typing that post, since I find myself in the role of a director now.

But yeah, hope this gets resolved positively and look forward to an update soon. :3

I don't get why everyone is saying not to speculate.

I mean what else is there to do until we get an update?

I think because there's been speculation that people have taken as fact, and staff wants to avoid that.

Then again, now I'm speculating about why they don't want people speculating. Someone should speculate about why I'm doing this just for the lulz.

I think because there's been speculation that people have taken as fact, and staff wants to avoid that.

This is correct.

FACT: Zircon and DjP have said they are taking care of the issue.

FACT: DjP has told everyone to hang tight and he'll shed more light on the situation when he can.

Everything else is speculation, so save for the facts I just presented ignore everyone else's guessing and ranting. The only thing you can do is sit tight and wait. It's no fun to wait, but there's nothing else anyone can productively do, at the moment.

I think because there's been speculation that people have taken as fact, and staff wants to avoid that.

Then again, now I'm speculating about why they don't want people speculating. Someone should speculate about why I'm doing this just for the lulz.

I think Mirby might be speculating because Square Enix has taken control of her mind as part of their plans to dominate the earth through yet another re-release of Final Fantasy IV.

I think Mirby might be speculating because Square Enix has taken control of her mind as part of their plans to dominate the earth through yet another re-release of Final Fantasy IV.


also speculate is a weird word

I don't get why everyone is saying not to speculate.

I mean what else is there to do until we get an update?

I speculate that the staff just wants to minimize guessing on possible truths that could potentially lead to rumors/panic/worry.

Speculate, don't specu-hate.

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