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You mean they weren't licensed by Square Enix when they did Fantasies and Odysseys?

If this is because of SE, I am never buying another one of their products again (okay, so I already don't buy their games, but it's the thought that counts).


It seems like if the fans kick and scream about this, someone will do something. Unfortunately, precious few know about this concert, and even less of those people understand the issues of its availability.

I am so pissed I could punch the moon.



The general apathy towards this event astounds me. With the hoards of FF fans going to see Distant Worlds to hear the same arrangements over and over again, you'd think some of them would care about the fact that they're missing out on brand new orchestral renditions of tracks like Shadow's theme, The Coin Song, Cyan's Theme, Mako Reactor, Cid's theme, Cosmo Canyon, People of the North Pole, Battle with Seymour... I could go on.



If they don't want it in the public domain, that's their business. The public doesn't get granted these rights just because they enjoy them a whole hell of a lot.

Sucks for the fans, but, hey, not everyone who creates generation-defining content like Square-Enix has in the past really wants to be as insanely open about what they do with it as others.

If they don't want it in the public domain, that's their business. The public doesn't get granted these rights just because they enjoy them a whole hell of a lot.

Sucks for the fans, but, hey, not everyone who creates generation-defining content like Square-Enix has in the past really wants to be as insanely open about what they do with it as others.

Look I didn't exactly choose my words carefully but so what, it's an emotional response and we all know the circumstances that elicited it. I'm not saying FF music should be public domain I'm saying if there's beautiful music and people want to purchase an album of it... jesus christ, why are we even talking about this FINAL FATNASY MUSIC FANS HAVE BEEN KICKED IN THE BALLS


This sucks, but it looks like they only arrange from three games. I'm more of a late bloomer fan so I've played more of the later games and early game remakes. If I don't get to hear any of those arrangements at all.. it's hard for me to care very much. Shame on me.

The general apathy towards this event astounds me. With the hoards of FF fans going to see Distant Worlds to hear the same arrangements over and over again, you'd think some of them would care about the fact that they're missing out on brand new orchestral renditions of tracks like Shadow's theme, The Coin Song, Cyan's Theme, Mako Reactor, Cid's theme, Cosmo Canyon, People of the North Pole, Battle with Seymour... I could go on.

i feel like you must be trolling which is funny coming from me.

people aren't that apathetic towards the event they're apathetic about not being able to see a stream of an event you're supposed to pay for in the first place. how that's unreasonable is beyond me.

but given your postcount and your join date there must be a joke in here somewhere

Look I didn't exactly choose my words carefully but so what, it's an emotional response and we all know the circumstances that elicited it. I'm not saying FF music should be public domain I'm saying if there's beautiful music and people want to purchase an album of it... jesus christ, why are we even talking about this FINAL FATNASY MUSIC FANS HAVE BEEN KICKED IN THE BALLS

There are many albums and symphonies currently available to fans. You can chill out now.

There are many albums and symphonies currently available to fans. You can chill out now.

This concert is 100% newly scored material and covers tracks from the games that have never orchestrated before. This is not one of those completely redundant pieces of crap where they play one winged angel for the millionth time. The many albums you mention can't be compared to this concert which seeks to deviate from their monotony.

I am not specifically complaining about the lack of free livestreaming or whatever. My concern is that the majority of people who want to hear this work it will never get to experience it in any form.

I am loath to this sort of online back and forth but if an ongoing discussion brings this issue to the attention of a few more people then it's worth it.


Well admittedly I would have liked to hear Final Symphony when it was announced. Then they announced it was in Germany or something, at which point I gave up hope of hearing anything from it. I've been over it myself, and I wouldn't be surprised if others felt the same way.

Who needs that shit when there's this

If anyone ever wonders why I hate Square-Enix so much, it's because I honestly feel like they are ruining the legacy of all of the pre-merger games by Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu. They can't even do a proper port of the music and have this horrible 2012 FF7 MIDI... it's embarrassing, it's the worst kind of Call of Duty monetization, and I hope "SQUARE-ENIX" goes out of business sooner than later.

If anyone ever wonders why I hate Square-Enix so much, it's because I honestly feel like they are ruining the legacy of all of the pre-merger games by Hironobu Sakaguchi and Nobuo Uematsu. They can't even do a proper port of the music and have this horrible 2012 FF7 MIDI... it's embarrassing, it's the worst kind of Call of Duty monetization, and I hope "SQUARE-ENIX" goes out of business sooner than later.

It's a lazy port of the original PC version from when the game came out. It was bad then and bad now.

But SE is looking to patch the PC version to rectify this mistake.


I like how every single discussion remotely surrounding around Final Fantasy becomes a volume of vitriol against Square-Enix by people who refuse to acknowledge the company anymore, yet won't hesitant to passionately destroy it in online literature as though they were referring to the man that killed their father.

It's a really bizarre dynamic and many of the people I see writing it are much younger than I am, and I was just barely old enough to appreciate the classic Square-Enix catalog that build them in the first place myself - so what is this emotional attachment stemming from then?

I'm not saying the vitriol isn't justified, I'm just fascinated by the contrast. If you hate something so much and refuse to lend it any support, the same thing you've been saying for 8 years, why still talk about it? Normally people just ignore that kind of thing altogether...

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