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Well, as tempting as that looks, I'm going to have to refrain from purchasing this. A dream come true, indeed... But I still have some of the PSOne versions.

I'm also kind of getting to a point in life where I'm seriously considering selling most of, if not all of my video games and systems... Nah... THAT probably won't happen any time soon, but I'll probably start little by little.

I LOVE Final Fantasy, with all my heart. I have too many good memories, and lessons I learned from the characters and stories that painted my mind through childhood and adolescence. Way to go Square Enix.


Seems pretty lazy to throw a bunch of PS1, PS2, PS3 disks and a UMD in a box and sell it for $450.

At the very least, they could've put them on all PS3 disks so you can play them all in one place. Hell, you could probably stuff FF 1-12 on a single 50GB blu-ray, which would be pretty awesome. No more swapping out disks for FF 7-9.

Can't get enthused about the PS1 versions of 4,5,6, with slow loading either. They should've re-ported optimized SNES versions.

I mean, it's $450, and the vast majority of the games are over a decade old to boot.

Lol, I find it kind of funny that SquareEnix gets so much crap for all their ports/re-releases, but people are perfectly fine with this.

Nah mane, Square-Enix is the new Capcom.

I'd consider a bundle like this if it was all digital downloads on PC in addition to the physical versions that all run on a MODERN system instead of obsolete ones. For example, if they all ran on PS3.

They'll probably make a little bit of cash with this but I just see it as another nail in the coffin.

You don't know how game collecting works, do you?

I guess I misunderstood what this was supposed to be then. Regardless, Square Enix has now jumped from making ports to literally re-releasing games. Dunno what makes this so much better.


PS3 wont help you with III (PSP), X, XI, and XII unless you find an older BC model. (PS2 games) The only game that requires a PS3 is XIII, which isn't that great. Get a PS2 and your all set except 2 games!

$450 is a ridiculous price though. Square must still think their brand is still worth something.

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