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FF6 Balance & Ruin Kickstarter RELAUNCHED (and FUNDED)!

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the original outline was 74 minutes. we trimmed it down.

Woah, that's one ambitious piece of music. I'm one of those skeptics who has to hear it to believe that such a colossal song can be enjoyable.

As a fellow musician, I'm interested to hear the reasoning behind that. Why make one behemoth of a song instead of a bunch of regular ones? Aren't you worried that it's too much asked from people to listen to the whole thing?

Woah, that's one ambitious piece of music.

coming up with the original outline was a huge challenge. especially since the goal was to create something that would be enjoyable to listen to as opposed to "because we can."

I'm one of those skeptics who has to hear it to believe that such a colossal song can be enjoyable.

well, 39 minutes of it will be available to listen to when the project is released. we decided we're not going to go back to the original plan and finish it. all our plates got insanely full after this.

As a fellow musician, I'm interested to hear the reasoning behind that.

the reasoning was mostly because we were dared to do it. since we don't like to litter, leaving gauntlets on the ground seemed environmentally unfriendly.

Why make one behemoth of a song instead of a bunch of regular ones?

the original idea was to make a "concept album" style piece out of it. one long piece with movements. the final version is separated into 4 movements for the sake of easier navigation.

Aren't you worried that it's too much asked from people to listen to the whole thing?

in a word, no.

(longer answer)

again, we were kinda challenged to do it. so we created the outline. then we were told we needed to trim it down so we did. what we had at the trimmed down point was something -we- enjoyed listening to. over and over and over again. once it got to that point, it didn't matter anymore. if other people enjoy it, that's fantastic. if they don't, that's ok too. my personal rule in arranging is that it has to be something that i enjoy creating and would listen to. if it doesn't meet those criteria, why bother? and someday i might have to adjust that tone but for now i've been very lucky that at least 2-3 people enjoy it and that's a very tasty icing on the cake. (:


What's there to be worried about? It's just music. It's all about expression, and we had a lot to express. :)

Originally I told Norg the idea of making a full length album within an album, and we loved the idea because it's very easy for us to expand musical ideas into long pretentious concepts. So I told zircon and he gave me a slightly "yeah, riiiiight... SUUUURRREE.... Go for it then!" So we did!

But yeah, the end result is a big song that we broke into 4 songs, only one of which is being used for the CD release. All 4 parts are gonna be used on the bonus DVD so people can hear the entire thing. And to give some perspective on the matter: it's a 39 minute song that we spent weeks mixing and recording. You'd think that after all that work I'd be tired of it and never want to hear it again, but that's not the case at all! I can sit down and listen to it start to finish (and have done so dozens of times) without getting bored or tired, and it doesn't really seem as long as it is because of Norg's expert pacing.

I also made sure to mix it very dynamically and uncompressed so it doesn't tire people out and can be listened to at high volumes. There are tons of variations on volume levels and you have to choose what you focus on to really get the most out of it. In the end it's just music, listen to it if you like it, skip it if you don't. There are hours of different points of view on this project that I'm looking forward to seeing/hearing, and however long or short some songs are, they'll all be good.


norg, thanks for the answer. Separating it into 4 movements was certainly a good choice.

my personal rule in arranging is that it has to be something that i enjoy creating and would listen to. if it doesn't meet those criteria, why bother? and someday i might have to adjust that tone but for now i've been very lucky that at least 2-3 people enjoy it and that's a very tasty icing on the cake. (:

I agree 100%. Actually, the only reason I make music is because I enjoy and listen to it myself. Even if no one else listened to it. :D


So I just found out about this project and Id like to purchase the CD when it comes out, is it too late to do this? >.<

So I just found out about this project and Id like to purchase the CD when it comes out, is it too late to do this? >.<

The album, like all albums on OCR will be free to download once it's released. In order to get a physical copy of the album, you had to donate a certain amount during the kickstarter campaign. You will absolutely still be able to enjoy the epicness that is going to eat your ears from the inside out.

Could see an OCR convention and try to win one, or buy a T-shirt and get a free one or something. If there's any left by then. :-)

What conventions does the OCR team usually hit up? I've always wondered about this. Also how cool are the t-shirts going to be? This is relevant to almost all of my interests.

What conventions does the OCR team usually hit up? I've always wondered about this. Also how cool are the t-shirts going to be? This is relevant to almost all of my interests.

I know they hit up MAGFest, and PAX East. They might hit up Otakon but I'm not sure. And obviously, their presence at any of these conventions is subject to change, but you'll usually hear a lot of news about it on the site if they are confirmed for going. In December, Larry gets sick sometimes from eating too many McRibs and does not attend, like MAGFest 11.

As for the shirts, they are adequately cool. I WOULD get caught wearing one.

I know they hit up MAGFest, and PAX East. They might hit up Otakon but I'm not sure. And obviously, their presence at any of these conventions is subject to change, but you'll usually hear a lot of news about it on the site if they are confirmed for going. In December, Larry gets sick sometimes from eating too many McRibs and does not attend, like MAGFest 11.

As for the shirts, they are adequately cool. I WOULD get caught wearing one.

I still think you guys need to just flat CRASH a comic-con.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


Just because... xD


Or if you're in the UK, conventions have happened in the past at Alcon (happens at Leicester every December) and the London Gaming Con (supposed to be at London every two years, but this year's event was cancelled). If anything new happens in the UK, we are sure to keep you posted :)

I'm looking forward to listen to this album, and to Snapple/norg/Finbeard's behemoth :lol:

Always been a fan of Snappleman and norg's collabs, and seeing them add a 40 minute song on an already exciting up-coming album? I cant wait at all for the album to come out :cry:

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