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you don't own ANY of the stuff you listed

I've researched each thing I've listed more or less and I do own Absynth, soon Absynth 3 so you can't say I don't own any.

arguably the most powerful instrument sampler on the market (as well as 3 other samplers)

There are very few products out there that compete with kontakt, and 3 others might be the only others. HAlion, Gigastudio, Independence. That's 3 right there. That's the only other 3 I know of.

I've messed with a lot of their stuff and I found it in intuitive and powerful. I like their products.
Besides, how do you know so much about all of these? Did you buy NI Komplete?

Zoola, believe it or not you sound exactly like me before I came to realize NI Komplete isn't "all that" (which is what I realized after having researched a lot of what other companies have to offer). Anyway, you haven't bought NI Komplete either. I guess I can't make such a good arguement, I want NI komplete just as much as you do. I'm just trying to make you aware there's a lot of great companies other than Native Instruments you might want to look into eventually.


holy crap, zoola

I think arg just tried to reason with you

only instead he ended up insulting you

also, arg, why would you try to talk someone out of something you want as well? that's just bad business.

however, I have tarried too long in this thread without contributing any more than arg, so I'll take my leave now.


Not going to bother responding to Argitoth point-by-point, but I will say this; Kontakt 2 (which essentially costs $100 with Komplete 3) will get you the most bang for your buck out of any sampler today. First of all, it can import virtually any format known to man. Gigastudio cannot, Independence cannot, VSampler cannot, Mach5 cannot, and sadly (as Compy will tell you), Halion cannot. Kontakt 2 is the only thing that opens libraries locked into the Kontakt/Kompakt player, which would be a great majority of them since that's all people release now. In addition, K2 comes with the biggest library of samples right out of the box. Gigastudio 3 costs more than K2, yet it comes with less material, in comparison.

K2 runs as a plugin - VST, AU, RTAS, DXI. Or it can run as standalone with up to 64 channels. GS3 doesn't do that. Finally, K2 has a scripting engine which is unique and proprietary. NOTHING else matches the things you can do with it, and already users have created brilliant free scripts to greatly enhance the realism of various samples.

Not going to bother responding to Argitoth point-by-point, but I will say this; Kontakt 2 (which essentially costs $100 with Komplete 3) will get you the most bang for your buck out of any sampler today. First of all, it can import virtually any format known to man. Gigastudio cannot, Independence cannot, VSampler cannot, Mach5 cannot, and sadly (as Compy will tell you), Halion cannot. Kontakt 2 is the only thing that opens libraries locked into the Kontakt/Kompakt player, which would be a great majority of them since that's all people release now. In addition, K2 comes with the biggest library of samples right out of the box. Gigastudio 3 costs more than K2, yet it comes with less material, in comparison.

K2 runs as a plugin - VST, AU, RTAS, DXI. Or it can run as standalone with up to 64 channels. GS3 doesn't do that. Finally, K2 has a scripting engine which is unique and proprietary. NOTHING else matches the things you can do with it, and already users have created brilliant free scripts to greatly enhance the realism of various samples.

I've read all that...

...and I can't wait to work with it. Komtakt looks amazing in every aspect; I know I will enjoy it. I have EWQLSO Silver and have messed with the limited Kompakt, and even then I was impressed with the simple clean interface and the stability of the program. Thank you, NI!

  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, finally got around to buying some stuff! Here is an updated list in Excel format, and for you who don't have it, here it is in html. It got a little messed up from the conversion (colors don't work right) but it is fine.

Some things to note are the great deal I got for buying the computer with the firepod and Komplete 3 all together, as well as my dad being crazy and ordering 2 24 inch (!) LCD monitors.

We can only hope this stays on topic this time.


More updates / pics:


The foam came in! We haven't finished putting it up yet, so that will come later.


My current library. All that is new is Stormdrum, my new favorite toy.


That is my dad. He is 6'4".

'Nuff said.

And to top it off...


These are the sweetest sounding speakers I have ever heard. And they arent even in a decent position!

Also, the controller keyboard came in, but I didn't get any decent pics.

That leaves the desk and computer to come in, which will be another week or two. Then we will get to buying the rest of the software and mics.

Until then...!

Awesome shit dude! :)

If I can make somewhat decent music on my crappy ass setup, you'll be ripping out assholes once you get this studio together.

Hey, it's about talent, man. It'll be a while. :)


I got my foam off of http://foambymail.com/. I think we paid somewhere around 900 us dollars at about 1.20 cents a square foot for the brown 3 inch pyramid foam. (we paid more to have it brown).

  • 3 weeks later...


The main parts of the studio is completed! The desk, computer, firepod and komplete all came in and my father and I spent the last couple days setting it up. The desk was quite a feat to construct, but it is done. The foam has been all put up, and looks (and sounds) great.

So without further adu...







It's obviously pretty dirty (packaging materials everywhere!) but that's the main construction. Thank you to everyone who has helped me in choosing the right equipment for me; I know this wouldn't be nearly as cool if I had no advice. And as always, further criticism on the arrangement of products and what not is still open.

Toodles, and thanks again.


Zoola, will your parents adopt me?

That looks like a pretty sweeeeet studio. Can't really add on to what people have said here.

I will say however, we should do a Komplete 3 remix collab or something, cause....that's like the only thing we have in commen appearently =o

2 24" LCDs.....sweet jesus....


That is indeed a very very sweet setup. Congrats :).

(also, what model Argosy is that? In their list I only saw stuff that accomodated for 2 monitors and a computer keyboard, but not for that CME).

That is indeed a very very sweet setup. Congrats :).

(also, what model Argosy is that? In their list I only saw stuff that accomodated for 2 monitors and a computer keyboard, but not for that CME).

It's a 90v. It also has the add-on for mahogany side panels and monitor shelves.

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